Sunday, June 2, 2024

MAGAts and treading water

If ever there was an illustration of the core integrity and quality of character of MAGAts, it was on display after Trump’s guilty verdict was read. The MAGAts waiting outside the courthouse exploded with anger, screaming profanities and threats.

Trump was on Fox and Friends. Here’s some of the things he said:

He says he never said ‘lock her up’.

He supports climate change because it means a little more beachfront property.

He will appoint an Attorney General who will go after Americans who don’t support him.

He will fire America’s military generals and replace them with MAGA loyalists.

He said Americans who don’t support him are the enemy and more dangerous than Putin.

He said Americans who don’t support him are evil and he wants to seek revenge on them by sending the DOJ after them.

He said China and Russia aren’t the problem, people in America who don’t support him are the problem.

He said there will be a depression like in 1929 if he loses.

He said he will immediately end the Department of Education if he wins.


So, me? Yesterday was my last day to take the blood thinner before my afib ablation on Tuesday. Also the last cocktail I will have before the procedure. Drinking plenty of water to be well hydrated. Not going out in the heat and humidity and getting overheated and overtired before the procedure even though the wild muscadine grape is taking over the other section of fence on the other side of the driveway in front of the shop yard. My potatoes are probably rotting in the big tubs for the same reason. The dog is not getting any walks for the same reason. Doing my yoga in the mornings. 

Went to SHARE last Thursday and we were 5 volunteers short in the food section and had to draw two people from the front who interview clients and they were already short one volunteer. So, was it a slow day because we were so shorthanded? Fuck, no. One of the busiest days. Don’t know the final tally but I’m pretty sure we filled close to 40 food requests. My morning at SHARE doesn’t usually tire me out but last Thursday did. I even took a rare short nap in the afternoon.

I did something I very rarely do yesterday. I had started a new book and was about 50 or so pages in and I took it back to the library. I didn’t like the writing style and I really didn’t like the main character. I decided I wasn’t gong to torture myself on the off chance it would get better and checked out two other books.

Since I’m a little preoccupied and not really engaging with the world right now, here’s some random photos.


  1. Those vegetables qualify as art.
    Funny, after reading that list of excretions by the big T himself, my immediate thought was that yes, I think I will have that afternoon glass of wine after all. And in the next sentence you mention alcohol.

  2. I enjoyed the random photos. And did not enjoy Trump's tantrum.

  3. Very impressive random photos.
    He also said he was "very" innocent which made us almost laugh but then he isn't a toddler.

  4. All day I've been thinking about how Tuesday you will go in for your ablation on Tuesday. I thought about how I would be feeling if I were you and I am not sure. I think that when I hand myself over to surgeons I feel as I do when I get on an airplane. I just trust that whoever is in charge knows what they are doing. But what I've also been thinking about is how you're going to feel when all of the procedures that you are facing are done and done successfully because I think they will be. You will be so relieved, life as you know it restored.

  5. I'm not sure if I like the butterfly or the carrots more. Those are some danged colorful carrots. Now I'm wondering if they all taste the same, regardless of color. I'll bet they do, at least mostly. At least it looks like we're going to have settled weather this week, so there shouldn't be any white-knuckling while getting here or there. More anxiety's not needed, I'm sure.

  6. A video came up on my feed of a two toothed MAGA unable to express his outrage over the inequities of the Trump trial, the judge, the prosecutor. He may have gone on to the jurors and other pending cases. I exited.

  7. I have stopped reading books I don't like, particularly books whose plots are based on terrible acts perpetrated upon women. It's weird thinking about ablation. Have you watched the procedure on youtube? I did, it scared the crap out of me, but there really was no alternative. Are you staying over night? I did both times. As my Dad used to say, it gonna be ok.

  8. Trump is going to sing the same song, forever, and his sycophants and mindless followers will feast on it like starving people at a banquet. Better to focus on butterflies and getting well.

  9. Glad you are taking care of yourself and it sounds like you are ready for your procedure. We will be as glad as you will be when it is done and you can check that one off. Wishing you a quick recovery, Ellen.

  10. I am utterly blown away by the things that jerks says out loud and that his followers are that loyal and that stupid. It is crazy in every way. I love seeing your random photos... all so beautiful. Sending you good wishes for your ablation procedure tomorrow. (NewRobin13)

  11. As you are having a procedure that is repeated often on others, as well as friends of mine, my wishes are for you to have an easy recovery and to be able to live with comfort and a regular heart beat! I am going to borrow the list of things the Orange One said to his minions, if that's ok.

  12. Trump is a crook. This needs to be put on blast and repeated nonstop. Also, bon charm Tuesday.

  13. 37paddington:
    Why on earth would anyone vote for that evil demented narcissistic felon. I’m am truly perplexed. But also not. I know all too well what his supporters see in him. I am glad you’re pacing yourself before the heart procedure. Let the grapes grow and the potatoes sit; it will all be there when you’re ready. Your random photos are beautiful.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.