life is back to normal here...almost. I enjoyed my four days of
solitude. I got most of the tomato plants planted and a purple
orchid tree planted (but not the peach tree yet), I made headway in
the 850 page book I'm reading, I cooked a little bit, I finally got
the magnolia leaves all put together (no picture yet). Mostly though
I didn't do diddly squat.
quiet ended Friday evening when I drove to the city to pick up
grandgirl Jade who wanted to come spend the weekend. Saturday
morning, I was standing out in the Little Backyard and saw the two
big dogs trotting along the edge of the Wild Space toward the road
and cast my gaze to my own Big Backyard and there was the puppy, at
the back edge of my property out in the open, big dogs a good
distance away. I opened the gate and ran towards the puppy who saw
me and started trotting towards the Wild Space and it and I reached
the edge at about the same time. It cowered under some scrub and
started yipping and when I reached for it it started crying. Took me
a few tries before I could grab it by the scruff of it's neck (didn't
want to get bit), at which point it started shrieking and I took off
running back to the Little Backyard and the safety of the fence. I
didn't look to see if the adults were coming after me, just hoped I
got there first. You would have thought I was torturing that puppy
from the sounds it was making. Pulled Jade right out of bed to see
what was going on.
soon as I put it down it ran behind the turtle pond which is snug up
against the fence in the corner. Jade started trying to coax it out
when I went in to get it some food and water.
wasn't long before it's hunger overcame it's fear.
(Stray Pet Outreach Team) was having an adoption event that morning
at the Junior College so we shut the puppy up in the little bathroom
went to see what they wanted me to do with it, where to take it. We
did see four of the other puppies. One has already been adopted out
and another had just left with someone who is fostering it until it
gets adopted. They asked me if I would please keep it over the
weekend as the vet was about to close for the day but if I ran by
there right away they would give me some flea and tick
repellent/killer which we did.
came home and I gave that dirty smelly dog a bath and Jade took him
outside to dry in the sun before I put the flea stuff on him.
didn't take that little dog long to decide that being around humans
inside with food and water and affection was far better than the life
he had been living. Later in the afternoon, he was exploring around
the house and climbed in the box for paper recycling and took a nap.
Minnie spent most of the day Saturday either barking at the puppy or being annoyed when he would take her toys and chew sticks.
night I closed him up in the little bathroom when I went to bed and
of course he started crying and then Minnie started barking because
his crying upset her so I ended up opening the door and sleeping in
the back bedroom where I could talk to him until he settled down.
a smart little dog and except for a couple of instances right at
first, he does his business on newspaper during the night and
outdoors during the day as long as he has access to it so I am
keeping the screen door propped open. Good thing the weather is
he and Minnie are getting along. She wants to play and he does in
his clumsy puppy way while she bounces all around him.
cat, however, is not amused.
taking him to the vet today and dropping him off. The people at SPOT
have asked me if I would consider fostering him until he gets adopted
out, about 4 – 6 weeks currently she said as puppies adopt out
faster. I have considered it and as long as I had a house full of
teenage girls to deal with him I thought I would but cooler heads
have prevailed and to tell the truth, I don't think I'm up to house
training and socializing another puppy. We're going to be starting
that big job soon that I keep talking about as we have received our
purchase order and are just waiting on the deposit check and when we
do, I really won't have the time or attention for a puppy.