wanted to write something but it's all just so depressing. Not only
what is happening but the changes in the American psyche that has
allowed this to happen. For all the protests and they are awesome,
there are a lot of people who like what Trump is doing. They don't
understand, of course, the ramifications and the consequences of what
he is doing, they just see him doing what needs to be done to keep
out anyone that is not white and Christian. Never mind that it is
our bombs that have destroyed their homes and livelihoods and their
lives, if they are Muslim, not welcome, a measure guaranteed to
increase the enmity towards the United States and in fact ISIS is
celebrating, expecting more people to join them.
of all the scary stuff that Trump is doing, and I increasingly
believe that he is in thrall to Steve Bannon, this white Christian
America First stuff is going to cause so much suffering. Because
this is not just about who we allow in but how we treat our own
citizens and permanent residents. This weekend, mothers were kept
from their children, children were kept from their families, people
whose homes are here were refused entry, people who sold everything
they had in anticipation of arriving were
refused entry, people who helped us in Iraq at great danger to
themselves were denied entry. All these people had no where to return to. And yet, the muslim majority countries
that the 9/11 terrorists came from are not included on the list while
not one refugee from any of the countries on that list has committed
terrorism in this country. The unexpected and immediate ban was bad
enough, worse is Trump's careless and thoughtless sudden execution of it and
of course the very next day a mosque was burned in Texas and a Canadian white
christian Trump supporter killed 8 muslims in Canada and again here in
Texas, muslim religious leaders were sent letters by one of our state
legislators basically asking them where their loyalties lie and
wanting them to sign pledges.
if the Muslim ban isn't bad enough (and it is a muslim ban since christians and jews were excluded), he was all set, at Pence's
urging, to issue an executive order on Tuesday rescinding Obama's executive order protecting LGBT federal employees and workers hired by contractors
using federal money from discrimination, allowing discrimination
based on religious beliefs. It was tabled at the last minute for
fear of creating more bad press but I don't for a minute believe it
won't come up again. And while we were distracted by that he issued
an EO on regulations in the EPA and FDA requiring that for every new
regulation, two old ones must be got rid of. You know, those
regulations that keep us safe from pollution and unsafe food and
drug processing. And worse, fired the generals on the National
Security Council and replaced them with Bannon and Priebus.
Fortunately, they will have to be approved by the Senate (something
else that pissed Trump off) because the NSC has to approve any
American targeted for assassination for being a real and immediate
threat. I, for one, don't want Bannon involved in that decision.
now Trump has fired the Attorney General because she did not uphold his
unconstitutional ban, insulting her and her integrity in the process,
because that's what he does, which means that since Jeff Sessions has
not yet been approved, we don't have an Attorney General.
this all just in the last several days.
China is mobilizing and moving nuclear missiles to their border with
Russia, the better to reach us my dear. China is not amused. China
does not have a sense of humor.
No one is talking about the wall between us and Mexico anymore. It's
just one fucking bombshell after another, which is a tactic btw to
shell shock us and keep our attention on something else while they
secretly go about their real agenda. I read an essay today that
essentially said they are doing extreme things, unlawful things, to
see how much push back they get, to see just what they can get away
with and where they can get away with it.
been following two twitter accounts, @RoguePOTUSStaff and
@RogueSNRadvisor, who are posting from inside the White House
reporting on things there. Bannon has almost complete control and
Trump's son-in-law Kushner has a lot of influence. Anyone else,
not so much. It's not a pretty picture and actually downright
frightening how ignorant Trump is, that a fact is not a fact until he
says it is, that so much about our system of government needs to be
explained to him, what he can and cannot do, that he is rude and
screams his anger and frustration, that he has a constant supply of
fast food being delivered, that he hides in the residence watching
movies instead of doing his job.
proud of all the resistance but it's only been two weeks. People
will have to go back to their jobs, to their lives, and it's wearying
to be protesting all the time. Can we keep it up for the length of
time it takes? Well, we must regardless because if we quit we will
see this country transformed and not in a good way.