Tomorrow (Tuesday) is my birthday.
I'll be 69, the last year of my 7th decade. The husband
asked me a few weeks ago how I felt about that and my reply was, I
don't know. It took me years to come to terms with starting this
decade and getting there was what the year of the selfie was all
about, 2014 when I took a selfie every Friday and posted it. Tomorrow
we're going to the movie to see Avenger's End Game which is 3 hours
and 1 minute long! (Marc read an article that identified 10 places
during the movie where you could get up and go to the bathroom and not miss anything) but
last night my daughter and son came out and took the husband and I
out to dinner. No spouses, no grandkids, just our little core family.
Been a long time since just the four of us spent time together and it
was nice. Did I take a picture? No.
The long term monitor arrived late
Friday delivered by UPS. Before they sent it I got a call asking if
there was any reason I wouldn't be able to start the monitor right
away and I told them no but then that was before it arrived late
Friday and I had plans for the weekend. And it was not the wireless
two patch electrode system with battery pack and phone that would
send out the data. I didn't open the package until about 11 PM when I
started feeling guilty about not opening the package when it arrived
which had a label on it that said 'open immediately'. It's
sort of a miniature version of the bulky 24 hour monitor with 5
electrode patches and wires dangling from my chest to the battery
pack/doodad that sends the data out. I was pissed, this is not
what I agreed to, and stomped around all weekend...I'm not doing
this, having wires dangling from my chest for 3 freaking weeks, and I
have to change out the electrode patches every three days. I'm
calling the doctor's office first thing Monday and complaining. By
this morning I had resigned myself and wired myself up and activated
the monitor. It is, after all, a much smaller and way less intrusive
set-up. But I still don't like having wires dangling from my chest
for three freaking weeks. I guess we'll see how it goes tonight
because I couldn't sleep at all with the 24 hour monitor.