Tuesday, April 9, 2019

you could wander around here for days and still not see it all

As mentioned, my sister and I stopped at Old World Antieks on state highway 71 outside La Grange  on our day trip. This was my second time to poke around there and they have expanded the 'store' part greatly. There's also several huge warehouses you can wander through filled with row after row of racks and bins filled with stuff that you wonder, first, what the hell it is, and second, what the hell anyone would do with it, and third, why the hell they bought this stuff in such huge quantities in the first place. Besides the store part and the warehouses there is also a huge covered open sided barn full of doors, both plain and ornate, and an outside area full of wrought iron and other odd objects. They are also big on religious iconography.

So, in pictures (click to embiggen)...

stone pear shapes with hooks...I have no idea

crucified Jesus by the dozen

or a boxed set

flattened fan blades

painted aluminum trash cans $75 - $95


  1. Oh my lord. That's a lot of...art and stuff? Old stuff? Seemingly random stuff?
    I sort of really want to go there now.

    1. well, if you ever make your way down here, we'll go.

  2. That statue of the man with his hand on his head is how I would feel after wandering through all of that!

  3. Amazing. I never knew it was there.

  4. I think they just can't stop acquiring, there is a shop near me, and I hardly see anyone buying because it is over priced.

  5. Hmmm... you can buy a metal trash can at WalMart for $30 and a can of spray paint for $4. Go figure.

  6. I always look at the old doors and wonder WTH? How would you use that? I do like the boxed set, there is a nice symmetry there.

    1. boxed Jesus...one of my sister's pics. I actually missed that one.

  7. That first picture, that door was exquisite. I would have to gather close to $50K to go shopping there. I noticed quite a few pieces of furniture that were in your pictures that I would dearly love to have. The rest of the things, meh.

    1. you'd need at least that. their shit is expensive.

  8. Is it all that clean? Or does it just look clean? Suspiciously clean but still intriguing.

    1. the doors you mean? no. most would take many hours of hard labor to get them usable and if it could rust it had rust on it.

  9. Wowza! One could spend hours in that place. But, seriously, $75 for a painted trash can? Is it a "thing"? If so, I am about to root around in my collection of Rustoleum spray paint and tackle mine. Baby needs a new pair of shoes...

  10. stuff! those people got stuff!

  11. Does Joanna Gaines know about this place? Where are you in relation to Waco? As for the weights with hooks, I'll make a post about using weighted hooks and you'll see. Did you find any rotating spools with those weighted hooks?

    1. it's about a 2 1/2 hour drive from Waco. as for the rotating spools...possibly, if I knew what those looked like.

  12. OMG. You would have to drag me out of there with nothing less than the bribe of alcohol and meat! I'm going to see Spanish doors and turquoise garbage cans in my dreams now.

  13. Jesus. There is a lot of stuff in the world. And a painted trash can is $75?! Are you kidding me?!

  14. I would love to wander through there! Even if I managed to buy nothing, surely I would find some inspiration!


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