I mentioned, the Big Backyard is mostly in shade most of the year due
to the three mature pecan trees and the maple and the magnolia and
the new shop barn on the west side. The old vegetable garden lower
left corner on the east side, the barn upper right corner on the west
side. That fourth tree in the center far distance is a native pecan
and our property line is about 5 feet beyond it.
along the side of the house and garage to the magnolia and maple.
barn with it's little shade garden where the buddha hangs out. I'm
still working on it and, in fact, robbed the edgers to put someplace
else last weekend. In front of the door on the right is where the
little red lilies were blooming but they've gone by now.
buddha sits patiently waiting for me to finish his garden.
the barn along the west side is the long day lily bed and while I do
have day lilies other places, most of them are in here. This garden
was here when we bought the place but I have added to it. From the
left...the baby blue eyes going to seed, morning glory bush,
confederate rose, society garlic, swamp lily, day lilies, bulbine,
firecracker bush, elephant garlic, nile lilies, rose, day lilies,
amaryllis, spiderwort, daylilies, ground orchid, and dewberries on
the end. There's also some salvia and verbena in there. The evening
primrose in front is past it's prime.
the shade on the back south side is this little garden. It started out 4'
x 4' for strawberries and has been added onto. This is where the
poppies were so gorgeous last year. Right now it has crinum lilies
and bush beans and once I clean out the evening primrose on the left
end, I'll plant okra in there. Eventually, I'll put the red hibiscus
it you can see the old old burn pile which is now the wild flower
patch. This lies just outside our property line. The bluebonnets
and evening primrose are fading and the salvia, the queen anne's lace and
clasping leaved coneflowers are now coming into bloom. Past that the
green mound is the new old burn pile (we haul most everything over to
the burn pile at the shop now) which is sort of a brush pile and
surrounded by field sunflowers and beyond that the 12 Acre Field.
southeast corner has this storage shed and little garden. You can
see the beginning of the Wild Space and the rain tree and an oak
behind it on the right. There's also a big cedar on the left. We
don't use this anymore now that we have the barn and I expect one day
we will see it has fallen into the ground as the Wild Space is doing
it's best to encompass it.
the native peach tree which was here, I put in bulbine, day lilies,
philippine lily (the big shrub), miniature gladiolas, spider lilies,
and amaryllis.
inward to the pecan on the southeast side is my planned garden for
the azaleas. One is already in the ground and the others in pots.
looked like that but now looks like this after last Sunday (those are
the edgers I took from the buddha's garden).
the side and front