birthday is tomorrow, April 30, and I'm going to be 63 years old.
60s have freaked me out a little bit. But this year, I think
maybe I am OK with it. I mean, really, what choice do I have? I
can be OK with it or I can be miserable.
as I think of it, you can fight against the current or go with the
flow but you are going downstream regardless.
it is with living. Every kind of life ends the same way.
as one of those organic beings that has undeniably passed the halfway
mark, my ultimate demise and the condition of my being in my last
years occurs to me more often than it did when I was still young and
more energetic and raising my children and building my business and
who the hell had time to think about old age.
working hard on acceptance in advance since my chosen path did not
result in monetary riches. And none of us really knows the
future that awaits, what thing or when it will strike that might put
us 'at the mercy'.
we reap what we sow then I'm probably fucked anyway considering my
mother, with whom I did not have a good relationship, was stuck with
me. So I do what I can to stay healthy and cognizant.
look in the mirror and I see my aunt, sometimes hints of my
grandmother. That's sobering. I look at my elder sister and
see our grandmother and sometimes our mother. In my family, my
sister is the matriarch. Everyone from our parents generation has
already passed.
I think I like being older. I like that being older is so much less
intense. I can just walk away, I don't have to engage. I speak my
mind without fear. I don't have to tolerate bullshit.
mean, we all have to put up with a certain amount bullshit in our
lives, right? Stuff we need to endure through familial or work
relationships. When you're young you are still trying to find your
way, climb that ladder, competing and acquiring. You have
responsibilities to the older and younger generations.
I've fulfilled most of those obligations for good or ill. They are
behind me. And I think I've achieved as much as I ever will and I'm
OK with that.
I want for the rest of my, hopefully long, life is to just be