refrained from ranting on my blog about the ridiculous antics in the
House of Representatives the last several weeks though I have been
very vocal about my opinion on FB.
glad the stalemate has come to an end but unfortunately not without
damage to the country in general, and I totally expect the Tea Party
members to repeat their performance in 4 months.
also glad the President and the Democrats stood firm in refusing to
negotiate with them. If they had, it would have been a terrible
precedent and would have been the end of democracy in this country.
the way democracy works is that you have elections to appoint the
people to make the laws and run the country and if one person or
party loses the election, they do what they can to garner support and
prepare for the next election.
they don't do is act like a petulant child and try to force their
agenda on the people who rejected that agenda at the ballot box. The
Republican Party, led by the nose by the Tea Party Republicans did
exactly that. They weren't winning so they tossed the game so that
no one could play.
tried over 40 times to undo the ACA and having failed every time,
they did what all dictators do that have a little power, they tried
to force their agenda on everyone else. And not satisfied with just
demanding the end to the ACA before they would pass a funding bill,
they issued a list of over 20 other demands as well, including but
not limited to:
Keystone XL
funding for Planned Parenthood
employers to eliminate insurance coverage for birth control
all the Bush tax cuts
funding for food stamps
mountaintop strip mining
the EPA of authority to regulate greenhouse gases
regulation on coal ash
a tax on medical devices
Social Service Block Grants
the child tax credit
think it's pretty clear who pulls their puppet strings.
the President refused to give in to their demands, they accused him
of refusing to negotiate and compromise when, in fact, the Republican
Party had ignored over two dozen calls by the President to come to
the table and talk in the weeks leading up to the shutdown.
fact is, the Tea Party led Republican Party has no intention of
compromising, something they consider to be selling out, something
only 'losers' do. They do not want compromise. What they want is
complete capitulation from the other side and that is the only thing
they will accept. They have had five years to compromise and instead
all they have done is obstruct.
Obama is not perfect. He has done things that I am not in favor of
but never has he purposely thrown democracy under the bus and if
anything, he has been too willing to concede to the opposition. In
return, they have voted against and obstructed every attempt to help
the American people. You need only look at the congressional record
for the past five years to see what their priority has
been...restricting women's rights, abolishing the ACA, and
obstructing every single thing the President has tried to do, even to
the point of voting against things they were previously for and
helped write.
don't even get me started on the unprecedented level of disrespect
they have shown to not only a sitting President, but the Office
itself. Hateful and vile are two of the more positive adjectives I
can come up with.
would be nice if the Tea Party was duly chastened by the result of
their unAmerican and anti-democratic stunt but don't kid yourself.
They are proud of what they did (they looked pretty pleased with
themselves during the press conference right after they voted to shut
down the government) and you can expect more of the same from them in
4 months. They are doing what their handlers and supporters elected
them to do...destroy the American government. It's not like they
have been secretive about their goal. Ted Cruz alone received ¾ of
a million dollars to his campaign fund in the last three weeks for
their act of sedition.
the fact that polls show that 30% of Americans support them is scary
indeed. There is no one more dangerous than the person or people who
think themselves anointed by their idea of god to bring about god's
will in this country.
no mistake about it, these people are theocratic dominionists. They
seek to replace the secular government, and subsequently the U.S.
Constitution, and create a political and judicial system based on
their perverted view of Christianity, all bankrolled by the likes of
the Koch brothers.
like the Terminator, they will. not. stop.
of us who believe in equality, in compassion, in compromise, in the
separation of church and state, in the rights and the will of the
American people over the will of the ultra-rich and mega-corporations
who buy our politicians and who continue to try and subvert the
democratic process for their own personal gain; we must engage in the
political process, not turn our backs on it.
if we do, we're lost.