I'd like to point out a few things to those who have not voted yet especially if you are leaning republican, please consider what these republicans are saying. When they tell you who they are, believe them.
Wisconsin’s GOP gubernatorial nominee Tim Michaels said the quiet part aloud: "Republicans will never lose another election in Wisconsin after I’m elected governor.” (Many of the republicans running for secretary of state are election deniers and plan to make sure their candidate wins regardless of the popular vote, in other words, your vote won't count.)
Republican Mike Lee: It will be my objective to phase out Social Security. To pull it up by the roots and get rid of it. (And while some current republican legislators are saying they aren't going to get rid of SS just reform it, what they mean by 'reform' is basically 'get rid of'.)
Republican Mehmet OZ running for the Senate in Pennsylvania thinks women's reproductive health care decisions should be “between the woman, her doctor, and local political leaders”. (Once again, republicans have mostly stopped talking about abortion bans the last few weeks but make no mistake, they intend to pass a national ban if they get control of Congress)
I don't have a specific quote but I read many times that republican legislators will end the student loan debt relief program if they get control of congress. I'm pretty sure it's not just democrats struggling with usurious student loan debt.
Again, no specific quote but republicans have repeatedly said that if they get control of the House they will end the J6 Commission, release the 'political prisoners' that participated in J6, basically making it OK to try and take over the government by force; they will impeach Biden and undertake investigations into their political opponents as well as the FBI, the DOJ, and the IRS in retaliation for bringing law breakers to justice; if they get control of the House and the Senate they will end aid to Ukraine and hand it to Russia on a silver platter; and they will try to undo everything Biden has done.
Here are some of the more outrageous lies republicans are telling about democrats:
According to Republican JD Vance, Democrat Tim Ryan is planning on "flooding America with illegal aliens and then using American tax dollars to fund gender reassignment surgeries for those aliens". (Republican efforts to target 'gender reassignment' medications have negatively impacted people who need these drugs for other reasons like stopping early onset puberty in young children.)
Also J. D. Vance: Democrats are in league with the drug cartels. If you wanted to kill a bunch of MAGA voters in the middle of the heartland, how better than to target them and their kids with this deadly fentanyl? And, man, it does look intentional. (Besides being patently absurd, efforts to target the drug cartels inside Mexico actually collapsed under Trump.)
Republican congressional candidate Yesli Vega claims democrats are passing legislation that would jail parents for not conforming to 'woke culture ideologies'. Whatever the fuck that means, no specific legislation mentioned of course, there never is just wild accusations. (Republicans in Texas at least want parents investigated and jailed for child abuse if they support their children's gender identification as anything other than cisgender.)
Other things republicans want you to believe:
No one wants to work anymore, just live off government money. (Unemployment is at it lowest level historically and job creation is at it's highest historically.)
No manufacturing in America. (Biden has created 700,000 new manufacturing jobs by inducing companies to build new factories in America instead of overseas.)
Biden policies are strangling the oil and energy industries. (Whatever new restrictions proposed were never actually imposed, Biden signed more oil leases on public lands in his first year than Trump did, and oil companies doubled their profits over this same time last year instead of lowering prices and are in fact responsible for the high cost of gas and energy.)
Biden policies are responsible for inflation. (Republicans have voted no on every bill put forth to address inflation which is worldwide, caused by countries shutting down their economies for covid, recovering economies faced with high demand and low supply caused by covid because no work force to produce goods no one was buying anyway, Russia's invasion of Ukraine affecting the global economy. Inflation is starting to ease in some segments of the economy.)
Biden has opened the southern border and illegals and drugs are flooding in. (Biden worked a deal with Mexico to help stop illegal immigration from their side, over 2 million arrests of people crossing illegally have been made this year alone, the most of any previous year, and large amounts of drugs have been seized. Contrary to republican talking points, most of the illegal drugs come through our airports or ports of entry, not across the border.)
Democrats are tax and spend. (Only those making over $400K and up, 1.8% of the population, will see a modest increase in their taxes, corporations will have to pay a minimum of 15%. The national debt always increases under republicans while democrats always reduce the deficit which we are already seeing under Biden.)
The republican answer to every problem is to give the wealthiest Americans, the 2%, and corporations big tax breaks, making them even wealthier, putting the burden of raising revenue on the shoulders of the working poor and what's left of the middle class.
And if you are voting in Texas please remember that Greg Abbott is responsible for:
consolidating his power circumventing the legislature and overriding local officials via executive measures forcing his agenda on the population.
our no regulation power grid which prevents power sharing during high demand times which has still not been upgraded or winterized, it's the same as it was when it failed and 246 people died.
the current high electricity and gas prices as he authorized the highest possible rates after the winter storm two years ago.
permitless open and concealed carry of guns which the police departments were against and which makes their job harder and has resulted in increased gun violence.
increasing the supply chain problems with his political stunt of thoroughly searching every truck and car that crossed the border causing millions of dollars in spoiled and ruined produce.
Under Abbott's hand Texas has/is:
the most school shootings and his fix is to send schoolkids home with DNA kits so their mutilated bodies can be identified.
one of the highest maternal death rates in the country.
one of the highest property taxes in the country.
one of the most uneducated states coming in at 43rd with 50th being the least educated.
39th in percentage of population living in poverty with 50th being the most people living in poverty.
the most uninsured state in the country with 19% of people under 65 without health insurance because he refuses to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.
one of the most restrictive abortion bans in the country preventing women from getting the health care they need until they are on death's door making their survival that much more difficult.