has happened to this country? What has happened to the people in
this country? When did the right to own guns trump the right to
did the people of this country start to believe that it was their
right to solve every problem with a gun? When did people start
thinking it was an acceptable thing to do to threaten, intimidate,
and stalk those who are protesting for stricter gun laws?
engage, at times on FB, in conversations about the level of gun
violence here and, of course, with the paid trolls who continue to
extoll the virtues of guns and gun owners, most recently about the
two men who brought their assault rifles into a family restaurant
making sure everyone saw them and striking fear in the hearts of
everyone else there.
troll's position was that it was their right to do so in that open
carry state. Perhaps so, but that doesn't count for a reason. When
I asked for one reason, other than it is legal for them to do so,
that they felt it necessary to carry assault rifles into a family
restaurant in a civilized community I was met with silence. When
other posters commented about the fear that these men caused, the
troll wanted to know why people felt fearful if the men weren't
acting in a threatening manner.
How is anyone supposed to know that these men aren't going to open
fire? Personally, I wouldn't wait around to find out.
will also tell you that crime has decreased with the increase of gun
sales but crime rises and falls for many reasons. What they don't
talk about is the rise in gun violence and gun deaths with the rise
of gun sales.
today, on FB, someone posted the link to the news statement of the
father of one of the victims of this latest shooting. Predictably,
someone commented that guns don't kill people, people kill people
witness the guy who drove his car into a crowd at SXSW in Austin and
the Boston marathon bombings.
people do kill people and they do it most often with guns. Do you
know why bombings are so rare? Because it is illegal to possess or
make bombs. But who needs bombs when you have an arsenal at your
access to guns in this country is a serious problem and if you don't
recognize that then you are part of the problem. It is easier to buy
a gun in some states than it is to vote.
Here's a link to some statistics about gun violence in this country.
they reply, why punish responsible gun owners. It's not punishment
to restrict the kinds and quantities of guns and ammunition, it's not
punishment to require extensive background checks, waiting periods, and extended training because all gun owners are responsible until that moment they aren't,
until that moment they let their anger get the better of them, until
that moment they forget to lock up the gun and a child finds it and
commits suicide or accidentally kills a sibling or friend, until that
moment it is stolen.
And here, the 10 favorite pro-gun myths shown to be exactly that.
fact is that the gun culture as promoted by the NRA and it's craziest
proponents have turned this country into one of the most dangerous
places on earth. They have equated unfettered gun ownership to
religious observance and they refuse to acknowledge the correlation
between increased gun sales and ownership and increased gun violence.
have we had enough yet? Will this country ever have enough? Will
the politicians ever actually represent the will of the people and
tell the NRA 'no'?
who am I kidding, of course not. The most warlike country on earth,
this country that has been at war, one war or another, for almost
every year of it's existence, will never curb the kinds or amounts of
weaponry available to any Tom, Dick, and Harry regardless.
won't matter how many innocent people are killed.
I am not against gun ownership but I do think guns should be much
harder to acquire than they currently are and I am for restricting
the types of guns ordinary people can buy. People who want to buy
guns should have to submit to extensive background checks, a waiting
period, extensive training, and a license that must be renewed every
year. Guns are not toys. Any responsible person should not object
to these restrictions.