Monday, June 3, 2024

see you on the flip side

I guess I’m as prepared as I’m going to get. A little anxious but mostly just want to get it done and over with. A nurse at the Heart Rhythm Center called this morning to get all the medical history and other personal stuff out of the way, making sure I knew what, when, and where, did I have any questions, she would be at this number til 5:30 if I needed to talk to her again, and all that stuff. I went and got the medical antibacterial soap for my shower in the morning, I’ve arranged with Robin to come and feed Minnie and the wildlings (though they aren’t so wild anymore, even Twin lets me pet him briefly now and then) and I’ll fill Cat’s bowl before I leave, filled the bird feeder and watered all the plants in pots. I’ve packed an overnight bag in case they decide to keep me which I think might be a possibility even though it’s an out-patient procedure, I’ve got my clothes picked out for tomorrow (comfortable clothes they said). Nothing to eat or drink after midnight.

I have to be there at 7:30 so we’ll leave at 6:30. They’ll do a transesophageal echocardiography first which means they will thread an ultrasound device down my throat and look at my heart to make sure there are no blood clots before the procedure. They get a clearer picture from the inside. I’ll be in twilight sleep for that. And then the ablation which is supposed to take about two hours if all goes well and in recovery for four hours. The twins FaceTimed me last night. They’ll be on a plane to Mexico for their birthday trip with three friends during my procedure.

So, yeah, I guess I’m good to go.


  1. I'll be thinking of you. I know it's nerve-wracking, but I'm sure all will go well. Remember: this is your first time for the procedures, but they've done enough to be well practiced. They'll take good care of you!

  2. I have got all of the candles burning for you, All of my silver charms dangling - I will be thinking about you and vibing you the best of vibes!! The next day after and the next day after that you must do nothing! Promise? LOVE

  3. My very best thoughts are with you.


  4. You’ll be in good hands at a good place. I’ve had a trans esophageal echo (no twilight sleep, fully awake, not a lot of fun, but not bad) and my husband has had two ablations and came home from the recovery room with no problems; hoping the same for you. Let us know when you can. Margaret

  5. Will be thinking of you tomorrow, hoping your experience will be a model of efficiency. And, of course, will be checking here regularly to see if there is news from you. Hugs and best wishes.

  6. Ellen, my best wishes to you for a safe and easy passage through this procedure. Please know I'm thinking about you.

  7. Best wishes for an undramatic procedure and home today.

  8. Hope all goes smoothly and you'll be resting in your own bed tonight, Ellen. I'll be checking in to see how you are doing. xxoo

  9. I think our entire community is right here with you, Ellen. I too hope you get to come home tonight. We will be waiting to hear the news.

  10. Good Luck, Ellen!! Bless your heart!!

  11. Elle, sending good thoughts for you during your procedure. My loved ones have had ablations with great success. Rest easy and best wishes for a speedy recovery. .

  12. Hope it went well, and that you're home. Take it easy and rest.

  13. Sending good vibes your way for smooth recovery!

  14. All the very best, Ellen. We’ll all be thinking of you.

  15. I couldn't get on here to wish you well yesterday - so here I am hoping that you're in the midst of a very successful procedure!

  16. Adding to all the friends who compassionately are sending their wishes for an easy procedure, and uneventful recovery. And of course wishing you to take it major easy afterward!

  17. Just checking in to see how you are doing there and hoping all is going well for you. (NewRobin13)


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.