Friday, June 14, 2024

disturbing dream and anxious anticipation

Wednesday night as I was laying in bed I was thinking about my sister, about her ability to see ghosts, mostly strangers that gathered around. She would never engage them and could block off that part of her consciousness or psyche or whatever part of her that allowed her to see when it became too disturbing. Her husband appeared to her three times after he died that I know of, there was a ghost cat that she could feel jumping onto her bed at one of the houses she had lived in, a poltergeist that threw things off her wall once, and she told me one time she saw our father walking down the beach where our family beach house was after he had died suddenly from a stroke, the same way that she had died. I was thinking about all this and wondering why her and not me and why had she not come to visit me, you know, just to say goodbye at least. Anyway these were my thought when I went to sleep. This is the dream I was having when I woke up Thursday morning crying:

My sister and I were at a restaurant for breakfast to discuss something. The first table was too noisy so we moved to another table in the back where a man was already sitting. We were talking and the man made a comment about our conversation sort of supporting what we were talking about. It was still noisy so we moved to another table in front. The server came to take our order. My sister ordered french toast. Looking over the menu I couldn’t decide so I just said to bring me french toast too but before our food came we decided to leave and go to her apartment (this was a place where she had never lived in life). Later in her apartment we were sitting on the floor and talking and she was being very unkind towards me. I got up and walked over to the table. I said to her, you don’t like me very much do you and she said no, which really hurt. She told me to call our aunt (someone I do not know in life, all three of our aunts have been dead for sometime) who was at my house and see if she wanted to come there and give some input to the funeral we were planning so I went in the next room and called her and when I was trying to give her directions on how to find the building my sister’s apartment was in my sister grabbed the phone away from me and gave our aunt the directions as if I was incapable of being clear. Then a woman and her two kids, a young boy and a younger girl, a neighbor in the apartment next door, came in and the boy was just a wild child running around and yelling. I told him to stop bothering me and he punched me in the stomach with a stick like a broom or mop pole. Leave me alone I shouted and left the apartment to wait for my aunt outside. The little girl followed me out the door and into the vestibule and gave me a hug, never saying anything and then went back in the apartment. I continued outside and when my aunt arrived she had brought my dog Minnie who was being a happy dog greeting the other people out there like she does. We headed back in to my sister’s apartment walking through two vestibules, one after the other, and when we went in my sister’s apartment she was having a big party like maybe a Christmas party. There was candy and other refreshments on the table. Everybody was having a good time except for me. I was very sad. My sister asked me if I wanted her to get Minnie but not in a way that conveyed caring, more like indifference, and I told her no, she would just bother everyone and be underfoot and I started crying. 

That’s when I woke up and I was crying and so sad. I couldn’t believe my sister had been so mean to me and it took some effort to stop crying after I woke up. Had to tell myself that was not my sister in the dream although to be honest, she could be pretty condescending when people didn’t behave the way she thought they should and she had lashed out at me than once when she thought I was butting into something she thought was her prerogative. To her credit, she would usually apologize to me later. Maybe she’s mad that I kept her on the breathing machine for 7 hours after it was apparent she was mostly dead already while I waited for all the family that could to get there and say their goodbyes.


I went to SHARE on Thursday but I think I overdid it a little. Not at SHARE because although the first hour was pretty much non-stop after that it slowed down and I had plenty of time between food orders to sit. It was really after when I was running my errands…taking the cardboard to the recycling location, giving a book to the little library across the street from the Post Office, returning a book to the big library, carrying a watermelon up the stairs to Pam’s/Robin’s house, taking leftover milk and another watermelon to my neighbor down the street all in the heat of mid-day so I was in afib pretty much from about 1 PM to about 4 when it had calmed down. Wasn’t sure if I was going to go to yoga last night but by the time I had to leave I felt fine and so I did and have been fine since.

The nurse never did call me back on Monday but I wasn’t concerned because whatever had been going on those first four days after the procedure had settled down but she did finally call while I was at SHARE. My doctor wants me to wear a monitor for a week just to check and see what is going on with my heart. I told her it had all settled down and I was feeling pretty good but, you know, if that’s what he wants, OK. I asked if he still wants to do the Watchman procedure (closing off that little pouch where blood pools during afib), she said yes, and if he still wanted to do it the same day as the cerebral angiogram which has not been scheduled yet. My appointment with the neurosurgeon is Monday and I’m to call my electrophysiologist’s office and let them know when the angiogram is scheduled. Fortunately both doctors have offices on the Memorial Hermann SW hospital campus. If both procedures can be done on the same day it would be one less trip in and I'd have both those behind me at one time. The angiogram goes through an artery but the Watchman goes through a vein which I guess is why both procedures can be scheduled the same day. Then all the heart stuff will be behind me (for now anyway, the afib could come back or not be completely repressed). The angiogram will determine if the neurosurgeon just wants to keep an eye on the aneurysm, which I gather is having MRIs on a regular basis, or if it needs immediate attention. I’m not sure how he would repair a fusiform aneurysm and I’m resisting the urge to google it again. I’ll find out soon enough on Monday.

I will be so glad when I finally have some resolution and have something to talk about than my heart and my brain. Like the unbelievable whackadoodle clown show cult that the GOP has become. Boats, and batteries, and sharks; bitcoin mining? The outright adoration shown by the republican House and Senate when he visited yesterday? What the actual fuck!



  1. A bothersome dream may have given you some message. I am glad you're going to be monitored for the afib, and all those other tests/procedures are going to help too! Things are looking up. The status of the GOP is pretty startling every day! But that gets them a lot of free time on the news too. I do get tired of all the silliness and then comments about it, when it's all a big show!

    1. I've been thinking about it, the dream. not sure really what it might have been trying to tell me. Robin and I had been talking about her the previous night when I told her I still felt abandoned. so maybe that was the underlying issue.

  2. That disturbing dream sounds like it is part of the grieving process. So sorry.

    1. I imagine so. we always talked about growing old together so part of it for me I guess is feeling abandoned.

  3. It will be so nice when all of those tests are done and behind you and you don't have to worry about it.
    You and your sister were close and of course, you will keep dreaming about her and thinking about her. That's natural grief. I bet you two had many happy, crazy times together. You lived across the street from each other so you must have gotten along most of the time!

    1. we did. those were rare moments when we stepped on each other's toes.

      yes, I'll be glad when all these procedures are done. I get answers to most of my questions about the aneurysm finally on Monday. the angiogram will be diagnostic so there will still be some uncertainty until that's done.

  4. I hate dreams that leave me sad when I wake up. It puts a pall on the entire day. The thought of both the angiogram and the Watchman give me the willies. Good luck with those things, it will be good to have it over.

    1. the Watchman will be the third procedure on my heart and hopefully the last one. and yeah, sticking a camera up into my brain is pretty freaky. trying not to think about what it might show.

  5. I wonder if your current health concerns are getting into your dreams a bit. Stress does sometimes translate into upsetting dreams. And it's really not so long since Pam died.

    1. maybe, though I've tried to put the aneurysm out of my mind but Monday I'll see the neurosurgeon so it's all come back to the fore.

  6. Even if I remember a dream when I wake up, I forget it quickly. Like in the time it takes me to walk to the bathroom. Too many brain injuries. Oh well.

    1. I don't usually remember my dreams either. generally my first waking thought and poof, it's gone. it's weird though, more often than not I'm dreaming when I wake up.

  7. I dream vividly lately, and something that has troubled me in a very foolish way is that I have dreamed of a wedding several times. If I were superstitious, that would be a sign that someone was going to die. I keep reminding myself that I am not superstitious at all, but is something that gives me a shiver.

    1. I wonder why a wedding would portend a death. I believe in prophetic dreams, had several in my 20s concerning my life and the direction it was going and the need to correct it. I used to have very vivid and involved dreams when I was younger.

  8. You can now try and analyse what your unconscious is maybe trying to tell you - or you can say it's a dream and get then get on with your life. What would your sister do?

    1. she would have taken it as a portent of some kind. she told me years before we moved her across the street, before that was even an idea, that she knew she would move one last time before her final move. we thought then her final move was into a care facility but I guess it was her death, moving off this physical plane.

  9. Oh, Ellen. I know how much dreams can affect us long after we wake from them and try to logically talk ourselves out of the emotions they evoked. Those feelings (and tears) can last for a very long time, even when we know they make no real sense. What does make sense is that your sister's death was so unexpected and sudden that there was no real way for you to prepare in any way and left you with so many untied ends and emotions. And then- these heart and brain problems! It's all a lot. And I know that your way to work through things is literally to WORK through them which is maybe not so healthy when you're talking about recovering from heart surgery. I think your dreams are allowing you to feel everything. I do not envy you going through all of this. Please, please be gentle with yourself in every way.
    Sending love from the road and many kisses.

    1. yes, the suddenness of her death and my feeling of abandonment. Robin and I had been talking about her the previous night, about moving a chair and a bookcase over here that I want and getting rid of two pieces of furniture no one wants, to start transitioning the house, which Robin is in no hurry to do as she likes living among Pam's things. I miss her a lot she said. so I imagine that had something to do with the dream.

      oh, I am limiting my physical labor outside, only an hour in the morning and in by 8:30 and maybe a half hour or more in the evening but moving around and getting small things accomplished has helped. I've been pretty successful putting the aneurysm out of my mind while I waited for my appointment but now that's tomorrow and all that anxiety is coming back to the fore.

  10. As you said, that's not really your sister in your dream -- it's your brain, creating a story with her as a character. Still, I can see why it would be upsetting. Dreams can seem very real, especially when we first wake up. I usually find when I look back on them later in the day they seem much less significant. As someone said above, part of the grieving process.

    I hope all this medical stuff gets sorted out expeditiously. I know it's a lot to deal with.

  11. I dream often and some of them cling to me for some time. I remember most of them, but from time time I will wake so unsettled and disturbed, never knowing why. I tend to think I can't remember because the pain would be unbearable. My sister would tell me when she had a visit from our mother, always accusing and angry. I have dreamed about my Daddy and awakened feeling surrounded with love. I am sorry that I haven't dreamed about my sister, she was so unhappy with her life and with me when she died. Here's hoping all the procedures coming at you will be over soon!

    1. the last time I dreamed about my mother, she was being her usual self centered and arrogantly regal self and I screamed at her 'you're dead'. I haven't dreamed about my sister before this. not what I would have wanted. I would have preferred her telling me everything was OK.

  12. That does sound like a disturbing dream! It wrung you out - no wonder it took a while to settle down. I hope you find some peace & resolution soon. And I'm looking forward to your political analysis :)

    1. I think maybe it was connected to a conversation with Robin the night before about moving some of Pam's furniture over here and getting rid of some, time to start the transition of the house.

  13. I have an appointment Monday with the neurosurgeon for the big scary issue.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.