Sunday, June 23, 2024


It’s baby anole time. I’ve seen a few, one this morning, but they are so skittish when newly hatched that it’s impossible to get a picture of the tiny things. I’ve been seeing quite a few fritillaries in the yard on the zinnias and when I emptied the kitchen scraps onto the compost pile Friday I set the container on the table outside before I rinsed it out while I picked up
more fallen dead limbs and branches. When I went to retrieve it to rinse it out there were three fritillaries on it so I left it for later.

I mentioned my tomatoes were blooming again which is unusual at this point. Even if they do bloom they won’t set fruit when the daytime temperatures get above 85˚ or nighttime temperatures are above 75˚ which brings tomato production to a screeching halt during our summers. Nevertheless, one plant has 7 new little tomatoes on it.

I was pretty productive yesterday. Vacuumed every room in the house except for the living/dining combination which I’ll get to today, and used my little leaf blower to clear the barn of leaves, short of moving everything away from the walls, and the concrete apron where we park the cars (most of our driveway is gravel), and the deck. The batteries seem to be holding up so I don’t know what the glitch was the last time I tried to use it.

For all the Trump campaign has been boasting about getting a bazillion dollars donated after Trump’s conviction, they seem to be a little desperate. I had 8 emails from the Trump campaign this morning in my suspect file, from which I get a report every day so I can winnow out any that are legit, either begging for money or hawking Trump’s merchandise. I thought I had blocked that domain already though apparently not or else it’s a new one. Anyway, it’s blocked now. To be honest, the democrats can be just as bad at soliciting donations which is why I no longer sign petitions or answer the surveys they send via the text app or email because if you do then guess what happens next.

Prisms all over the walls and ceiling of the room where my crystals hang in the window this morning as the sun pierced through a hole in the foliage. 


  1. Seven tomatoes is a better than none. But still, I try to find a reason for growing them year after year as they are cheap and available - organically grown etx. - at the same time ours get ready and usually after we have had to water them like the fools we are. I blame the lovely smell of the stems and the way a freshly picked, sunlit tomatoe tastes.

    1. to tell the truth I don't expect these little tomatoes to grow or flourish, just too damn hot. the only time we eat tomatoes is when I grow them and when they are gone I make tomato sauce with the ones we didn't eat. the ones in the grocery stores here are pretty much tasteless so I'll only buy them if I want a BLT or to bake them.

  2. My neighbor has cherry tomatoes producing like gangbusters right now. She'd never grown them before, but started some on her patio, despite cautions that they wouldn't do well here in summer. Now she's learned what it is to battle squirrels, who also like tomatoes.

    1. Our experience growing tomatoes in Ohio is that squirrels like to take a BITE out of tomatoes & then they don't really want it. Darn it.

  3. Trump raising a gazillion because of the conviction? Doubtful, I'll wait to see the FEC filing.....

  4. One of the residents has a cherry tomato plant producing in the atrium. I've never seen such a prolific plant!

  5. Probably all manner of tasty bits on the pot for the fritillaries. How lovely to have them as visitors.

  6. My cherry tomatoes have been crazy with fruit this year. I planted two "Mexican Midget" cherries that I started from seed and those things are crazy. Tiny and sweet. I'll be interested to see if the other, regular tomatoes that I started from seed do anything. I'm seeing fruit but it may just be too hot here. We are all just going around saying, "My god it's hot," as if we were shocked every time we stepped outside. I guess we are.

  7. It's been so warm here that I find all sorts of excuses to avoid working outside. Glad you are feeling better and have more energy, Ellen. My son and his kids from Texas will arrive tomorrow and stay for 6 days so it will be a busy, happy time.

  8. You're getting fundraising e-mails from Trump?! How did THAT happen?! I get them from the Dems and yes, they're driving me crazy, but that makes sense since I'm registered as a Dem. (I've never donated to them, though.)

  9. I use to donate to campaigns - they identify the races where some money would actually help, and where the candidates can make a difference in issues I care about. For example, you can filter by gun control, or women's rights, or LGBTQ, etc.

  10. Beautiful sprinkles of color and light in your house.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.