Wednesday, July 4, 2012

place holder...

...while I get my post about the third visit ready

the sunset Wednesday week

a field sunflower

the sunset last Saturday

a baby anole giving me a wary eye

one of the rabbits that live in the Wild Space

the sunset Tuesday night

one of a pair of blue dragonflies that visits the pond

big mama showing off her ornament

minnows in the small pond

zen beans


  1. i like big mama. :)

    and the first sunset photo looks like it has a whale leaping in it. like your sunflower, too.

  2. So much more than a placeholder! I love the dragonflies! Wow. And the bunny.

    Sunflowers, up close, really do look just like the sun. Very cool.

  3. You've been having some lovely sunsets.. and visitors.. human and critter-wise.

  4. Big Mama really knows how to accessorize!


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.