Friday, October 6, 2023

finally some decent rain, cooler temps, and grateful plants

The long drought and the brutal temps of summer are over. We got 3” of rain cumulative Tuesday, Wednesday, and yesterday. Most coming in the early hours of Thursday and til about 1 PM. We're still down quite a bit on our annual rainfall though. This morning when I went outside, it was 71˚. Still pretty humid but that should change. The plants are loving this rain. The red salvia busted out in bloom basically overnight.

The green beans are starting to pop out of the ground (not quite in focus)

and even seven of the peas are starting to poke out.

I need to get the rest of my seeds in but it's just too wet right now.

The roses are putting on new foliage, the yellow lantana is blooming, the yellow bells over at the shop is enormous and blooming profusely,

and the rangoon creeper.

The yellow rain lilies are already going to seed

and the mature pecans have started to fall. I picked up five handfuls yesterday and finding more today.


I got called into the principal's office Wednesday. Just kidding, but I did get a phone call from J, the one in charge at SHARE. The encounter last week did get back to her, in fact a couple of people reported 'the fight' (I don't know who) and cursing (not from me though and I don't recall if the other woman used profanity but she does a lot). J likes to go straight to the source and wanted to hear my version of what happened and she was also going to call the other woman but hadn't yet. I was very honest with her, basically told her what I wrote in the 'confession' post (but not my opinion of Trump and his supporters, and yes, J confirmed politics and religion are forbidden subjects there), that I should have kept my mouth shut because I know we are allowed to get a snack or water, that I walked away once and refused to engage the second time and that I had no problem apologizing to the other woman. J didn't chastise me, instead telling me that she appreciated how hard I work and that I am a valuable member and as far as apologizing, to just do what my heart tells me to do.

So, I did offer a very simple and straightforward apology to her and judging by the look on her face it was the last thing she expected from me. I accept your apology she said. It cost me nothing and smoothed out any lingering ill feelings.


  1. Well, you handled it quite well. I know I was against the apology, but in doing so you called her bluff and are the bigger person. sending you a pat on the back!! Trump followers really yank my chain! Everything looks happy in your gardens. The colors are starting to change here and it is just so lovely. I am so glad we chose to live here.

  2. That yellow bell plant is amazing. Very pretty, very large! Glad you finally got some rain.

  3. What a relief to get rain, finally. The plants must be really ready.

  4. You got rain and closure on the unfortunate incident so it seems to me that was a good week.

  5. You done good, Ellen! And it sounds like J. is a fine supervisor. Or whatever she is. That's so weird that someone reported the incident. Well, anyway, over and done. I am so glad that you got some rain and that it's a little cooler there. Isn't it wonderful?

  6. It's nice to see all of the beautiful colors in your garden, Ellen. I'm glad the weather is helping.

  7. Great to read you finally got some rain. So, let's see how this woman handles herself in future.

  8. It's so good to read that you got rain there. Yay! Your garden flowers are looking so beautiful and happy.

  9. You're a better person than I am - I would have at least told Jan that she was sharing a Trump video and it annoyed you because you guys aren't supposed to talk about politics. Although of course if you were a Trump fan it wouldn't annoy you & then you'd be basically talking about politics your own self so never mind.

    1. I did tell her. I didn't mention Trump by name, just that she was going around to all the volunteers with her phone wanting them to vote for 'her man' and then started trashing the president. and now I get to add blabbing national security secret info about our nuclear submarines to a guy who then told countless others to my list of why Trump is totally unacceptable as a president ever again.

  10. I'm glad you told J what happened and that she supports you, and I'm glad you were able to put this event behind you! Hopefully those Trump videos won't make a reappearance. :/


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.