Monday, October 9, 2023

a glorious weekend

I was very busy this weekend and got a lot accomplished. What's different from my weeks and months of ennui you might ask? The weather! The glorious days of dry air and low temps and mid 50s at night and the quilt is back on the bed. It's in the mid-60s right now at almost 10 AM. It's been so nice to be able to spend all day outside and have the doors and windows open to air out the house. Over Saturday and Sunday I went to Tractor's Supply and got dog food, bird seed, gas for the trimmer, and finally, rubber boots that I have been needing for years. I cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeders, I mowed the little backyard, I picked up handful after handful of pecans which is like being on an Easter egg hunt in this big yard when they first start falling, I picked up more fallen tree debris and hauled it over to the burn pile, I pruned the water sprouts off the crepe myrtles, I cut dead wood out of a big althea and the indigoferra, I put some plants I've had all summer in the pots on the deck as intended, I repotted a house plant, I torched the burn pile. 


I used the leaf blower to clear the deck, garage, and barn of leaves; I planted the carrot, lettuce, and mustard green seeds. And today I used the trimmer to clean up around everything after Marc mowed. I didn't quite finish but the rest will have to wait 'til tomorrow. Now it's time for lunch then after, finish this post, walk the dog, and this evening I'm leading the yoga class because Abby has a thing with her teenage daughter right when class starts.

And now some pictures of what's responded to the rain last week and the cool temperatures over the weekend. 

Friday morning the green beans looked like this.

24 hours later they looked like this. You could almost see them grow.

The white phillipine lily is blooming

as are the two small chinese fringe flower trees in the front.

The husks on the green pecans are starting to split. I've plucked a few that were low enough for me to reach.

The four-o-clocks are vibrant.

And the sky was full of wisp this evening.


  1. What beautiful photos all! And my goodness, I'm out of breath just reading all you did! Sort of like those little bean sprouts...whoosh and there she went!

  2. It sounds as if all your energy came back, along with high spirits. Go you!

  3. Lovely pictures and really uplifting post. Thanks!

  4. It’s great to hear that cool temperatures have returned and that you have been able to get so much done. You were busy!

  5. Lovely lovely lovely! Glad you got some things done that you had been wanting to do. And I need a picture of you in the boots.

  6. It's like a new world, isn't it? Same here. I'm not getting as much done as you are but it feels incredible to get anything done outside again. I am so grateful for this change in weather.

  7. I'm so glad the weather is cooled off and I love seeing your flowers and beautiful skies, Ellen. I head to Manvel, TX in 10 days so I am happy to hear the good weather news. Can't wait to see my son and his family!

  8. Nice to see all your flowers enjoying the cooler weather!

  9. Hurray for rain and cooler temps. You do get so much done there when the weather is inviting like that. Ah autumn has arrived. Enjoy every moment of it.

  10. Great photos! I can almost feel the air where you are. Glad you've finally got fall.

  11. I am so happy your weather has returned! We have pecan trees around the apartment here and I asked if anyone was gathering them. I got strange return stares. Are northern pecans different? I don't recall them being different.

  12. Looks like moving to my ipad may work. Let's see...


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.