Saturday, October 21, 2023

a day at the beach in Matagorda

My brother returns to the PNW today but yesterday we drove down to Matagorda, about an hour away, to spend some time on the beach. It was really a lovely day. Absolutely clear intense blue sky, low tide, no one about but a few fisherpeople.

This is how blue the sky was.

We walked down to where the Colorado River enters the Gulf of Mexico and back retrieving our shoes left in a pile on the beach.

The fishing pier.

There was a shrimp boat trawling out in the Gulf. Those dark specks behind it at about water level in the photo are its contingent of seagulls. And what you can't see in the water following after the boat was a pod of dolphins poking their heads up and breaching now and then after whatever the net was stirring up.

The Colorado River empties into the Gulf of Mexico.

It was low tide so all the little holes and mounds of sand from the coquinas and other bivalves were exposed.

There was a big congregation of sea birds by the jetty

and as I got nearer, they flew away only to circle around and land again after I moved on.

After we retrieved our shoes we returned to the car and went and had a late lunch at the restaurant at the marina and then headed home.


  1. What a beautiful day! I would be reluctant to go back home I think. Did you dip your toes to tempt the fishes? It’s such an interesting shoreline.

  2. Beautiful beach day! I think October is simply one of the best months at the beaches around here. So lovely. I can't wait to go visit the beach at St. George Island next week.

  3. What a gorgeous day! I'm glad your brother came to visit so you'd do all these interesting things :)

  4. The beach in October! That's a lovely day.

  5. A lovely day at the beach, plus birds and dolphins and fishermen and boats. Is the ocean a treat for your brother or does he have easy access where he lives?

  6. Looks like you had a picture perfect day and the the beach shots pique my naturalist’s instincts? Thanks for that.

  7. Ahhhh love the scenery. Thanks for sharing. I miss living by the sea.

  8. Was a nice trip. So glad you could go. I have been there, many, many years ago. Love that blue ocean.

  9. What a crystalline blue day you spent with your brother at the shore. The stuff of great memories.


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