Friday, March 29, 2013

I'll just do this one little thing first

I've been telling myself all day today, and anyone else who would listen, that I was not going to work out in the yard today. I was going to do those two proposals I need to do. Somewhere around 4 PM, I capitulated. OK, I was not going to get those proposals done. I wasn't even going to start on them.

After my 8 AM yoga class this morning and while I was having my coffee, which I didn't have before I went to the yoga class because I don't get up that freakin' early, the grandboy, who is here for the weekend, wanted to know what was for breakfast.

After fixing breakfast and cleaning up I thought I would take a wander around the yard before I got started on my work and then I thought I would get the new okra plants in first. Then I decided not to plant them in the garden but to put them in small pots since I had to bare root them to divide them so I did that.

Then I thought I would just quickly take some macro pictures for a future post and then I would get to work. Before I finished that the grandboy was asking what was for lunch so I came in and got lunch together.

After lunch, he wasn't convinced that there was enough food in the house to suit him so we went to the grocery store but before that I detoured to the feed store to see if they had any bell pepper plants and to get more dirt.

When we got back, I thought I would just plant the peppers real quick and then get to work. But then I thought I should get those nasturtiums that I had started several weeks ago in around the squash plants so I did that.

Then I needed to water in the newly put in plants so as long as I was watering, I might as well do everything.

While I was watering, I went ahead and pulled out all the rest of the carrots from the winter garden.

And before I knew it, it was time to go in and start dinner.


  1. Funny how the day slips away, isn't it?! I'd say you accomplished a lot, even if it wasn't quite what you set out to accomplish. Pat yourself on the back anyway. :)

  2. Yep...I can so relate...time just slips away and you wonder what the heck did I do??? Ha

  3. If you have a beautiful day, don't waste it.

  4. what a fabulous day and fabulous carrots! I want to be your grand boy just for a day, please...

  5. love how this day just wandered from one task to the next. :)

  6. Oh I have a love/hate relationship with days like that. Getting things done that need to be, call to you, have to do and are on the agenda all have such a different song. This time of year I hear so many things being played at the same time. Glad that touching the earth was a big part of your day....more grounding for the other work.....betcha. Oma Linda

  7. I'll bet it was snack time by the time you got this posted. ;)

  8. Full day ... did you ever get to tho so proposals?

  9. Nice shots,I ate fried okra and frog legs for lunch.

  10. You've made me smile. I'm all about interrupting life with a bit of fun living (or a lot)

  11. I went down to clear the allotment today ... it's still perishing over here so no thoughts about planting

  12. At least your day was filled with active stuff. I fritter away a day only to find that I've been working puzzles on the computer for hours :)


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.