Saturday, August 17, 2024

finished painting, naked tree fingers, and other miscellania

I’ve finished the painting, 9" x 6", signed it, removed it from the board. Looking at the last image I posted I’m thinking maybe I should have stopped there. This painting is from a photo David took and posted on his blog Travels With Birds months ago. I thought I still had the image which I downloaded but apparently I deleted it after I printed it out.

Last week, my sister’s friend and our ex-employer from the antique store, Donna, came and got three pieces of furniture of Pam’s that we wanted to get rid of. She no longer has a store but has a space in an antique mall in Rosenberg. Friday she brought one of them back, a large chest with four drawers that are divided that my sister used as a jewelry box (my sister had a lot of jewelry, costume and otherwise) because on second thought she didn’t think she could sell it. I had asked her to bring it back if that was the case rather than set it out for trash. Since Robin didn’t want it back in the house, I decided to put it in the shop for now until I decide what to do with it.

The plaque on it says ‘The National Cash Register Co.’ and now I recall that it was part of an old cash register. There’s a slot cut out on the top for the mechanism that pushed the drawers out I assume. The actual cash register sat on top.

Robin’s bf Evan was helping to get it out of Donna’s car but first we had to lift the bay door in the shop. It’s been probably 6 months since that door was lifted and it was balking about 2’ up but between the two of us we got it all the way up but then it wouldn’t stay up so I had to prop it up with a 2” x 4”. Obviously, something was broken and we probably broke it forcing it up instead of looking to see why it was balky. Anyway, we got the chest in and went to lower the bay door and now it won’t close all the way leaving about an 18” gap. Upon further inspection I saw that the cable on one side had become disconnected. Rocky came and looked at it this morning. If he can’t fix it he’ll disconnect the cable on the other side so that at least I can get it to close all the way. We’ll still be able to lift it with brute strength but it will have to be propped up every time. I have too much other stuff to deal with to worry about fixing that bay door right now.

And speaking of other stuff, I finally finished cutting away the canopy of the pecan tree closest to the house last week, ending up with four piles that have to be hauled to the burn pile. Today I emptied the truck on the burn pile and then refilled it with two of those piles of tree debris. I have to burn before I can add that load. But now those hanging branches look like a multi-fingered hand digging into the ground. 

I might have mentioned that I saw some plants just under the back porch of Pam’s old house that I thought were hostas and that I was going to dig them up and move them over to my place on the shady side of the house this fall. Well, they bloomed and they aren’t hostas at all but hidden ginger. 

I’m still going to move them because I’ve lost all my white butterfly ginger and most of my pink butterfly ginger from the well blow freezing winters and the horribly hot and dry summers of the past three or four years. I still have lots of the yellow butterfly ginger but they haven’t bloomed the last two years and don’t look like they’re going to bloom this year either.


  1. An intriguing set of drawers. Too bad you lost a big overhead door, though.

    1. there's two more but it's the one I used the most.

  2. I think your Painting turned out Fine. Love that Cabinet with all those Drawers, great Storage for Tiny Hoards of Smalls.

    1. thanks. I'd keep the chest but I have nowhere to put it. it would be a great storage for small craft items.

  3. I love your painting! And i love the jewelry drawers The tree with fingers is very witchy looking- of course i love that , too.

    1. thanks! it's a great cabinet, just have no place to put it. you would fill it with all your little crafty stuff.

  4. Thanks for the shout out, Ellen. Great job with the painting. All the best - David

    1. my pleasure David. you take so many wonderful photos.

  5. Nice job on the painting, Ellen. I started an art journal this month but I am more of a doodler than an artist like you!

    1. thanks. many things start with doodles. keep at it.

  6. I think the painting turned out very well. And what will the next one be? There's a blog I sometimes read and the woman talks about doing paintings and I have come to learn they are made from kits that some company manufactures for you. You send them a photo and they will make a kit with a paint-by-number canvas and all the paints you need. I find this hysterical! But it makes the woman happy so...
    And I can't talk. I can't even do painting by numbers. Well, the last time I tried I was a child but I was not good at it then.
    I love your hidden ginger. Had no idea what they were called.
    Glen did some more work on this yard yesterday, came in and announced, "No more hurricanes!"
    "Okay," I said.
    I wish it was that easy.

    1. thank you Mary. don't know yet what will be next. I had an idea but not sure if I can really do it. a man I know that used to live in the next small town over was friends with my sister. she told me one day that that was his hobby, doing paint by number. I found that sort of amusing but yeah, whatever gives you pleasure. and I'm with more hurricanes!

  7. Ooo I love that set of drawers! I love anything with little organizers in it. Your painting is lovely!

  8. Have you noticed how similar the tree in your painting and the dangling limbs in your yard appear? One's horizontal and one's vertical, but I noticed the similarity immediately. Life imitates art, or vice-versa, and all untentionally.

    1. you know, I did not notice that at all but you're right. I wonder if there was some sort of unconscious thing going on.

  9. I love that drawer thing, and I can see how Pam loved it and adapted it to her use.

    1. it is a very cool chest and I almost wish I had a place to put it.

  10. I wish I were close enough to buy the drawers & pick them up. I'd use it for either needlework/sewing supplies or to organize the hardware stash. Be careful working on the garage doors - those springs can be wicked dangerous if they let go while under tension. Very pretty ginger! The only ginger I've seen in real life is a plant I grew from grocery store root, and our growing season isn't long enough for it to bloom.

    1. that chest would be perfect for that. I've tried growing ginger from the grocery store, so far with zero success.

  11. We used to call that kind of ginger a "Queen Lily" when I was growing up. That is a very cool jewelry chest. I'm surprised the antique dealer didn't want it!

    1. she told me that sales of furniture and things like this have been slim to none since the country shut down for covid. if fact most the booths in the mall now have clothing and jewelry. however, I got an email from someone in the city who saw it on my blog and is interested in buying it.

  12. Well Ellen, that was a very brief period of "taking it easy", looks like you are in it at full speed again.
    Also, ginger flowers! I never get ginger to flower here, just spiky leaves.
    I like that painting. And that chest, perfect. In one of the places we lived in Ireland, we got old wooden office chests from the tax offices and they were perfect for storing china and cutlery and all that kitchen gear of a large household (12 people).

    1. seemed like forever to me. and there's so much that needs to be done. the longer I dally the worse it gets.

  13. The finished painting is beautiful. I rather think you may also have been inspired by the shapes of downed branches in your yard.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.