Tuesday, August 20, 2024

barn doors and heat loving flowers

Rocky spent two and a half hours over in that hot shop yesterday morning trying to fix the bay door. Operative word here ‘trying’. He finally, after tightening things over and over, unhooking and re-hooking the cables to no avail, determined that the main springs at the top were bad and needed to be replaced. Or he could dismantle the bay door and put a man door in the space or we could replace it with sliding barn doors which sounded good to me. And then he happened to look over and see that we already have sliding barn doors in the shop that close off what had been a storage room that I have never once closed off. 

So barn doors it is. He’s going to replace the bay door with those barn doors.

While he was doing that I had gotten up early, and by that I mean 7 AM, and went out before coffee or breakfast and mowed the little backyard with the small electric push mower and then used the trimmer to do the front yard with a cooling off break in between til I ran out of trimmer string, then a trip to the library and the Evil Empire. The big backyard is in even worse shape and I was going to get out there this morning with the trimmer but we’re supposed to hit triple digits today and tomorrow and two days in a row without coffee and breakfast wasn’t going to happen so it will be Friday and the weekend before I can get out there again when it cools off some (ha ha) to the mid to low 90s.

At this point, I’m really missing the shade we used to get from those two pecan trees. Some of my flowerbeds back there are getting almost twice as much sun as they’re used to and the things growing there are not happy at the sudden change in the middle of high summer. I’m going to have to rethink some of the stuff planted there. The orange cosmos doesn’t seem to mind though. It’s been blooming sparsely and is getting taller than I am, getting ready, I hope, to bloom in the fall when the butterflies migrate through. And the mexican bird of paradise will probably like the extra hours of sun too. This is the one behind Pam’s house that gets full sun and always blooms better than mine.

I’ll have to plant a yellow bells back there because they like the sun too.


  1. Barn doors sound good to me. Me, I just want a gate to the dogs yard so I don't have to bring the mower up the steps, through the deck and back down more steps to mow for less than 10 minutes! Being gone so much lately has left my gardens looking unkempt. Maybe I will do better next year!

  2. I really like the idea of barn doors. Not so much to go wrong. The yellow flowers are spectacular!

  3. Great use of those barn doors. I am sure they will do the job perfectly, and you weren’t using them anyway.

  4. Barn doors, hoorah! Easy fix, I hope.

  5. The barn doors are cool. And they won't cost an arm and a leg. One of our garage door springs broke, it was a pain in the but because we couldn't get a car out.

  6. Yes, these look like great doors.
    We've had many new developments in the garden due to changes in our climate and temperatures with more plante we previously would call "exotic" doing very well, even harvesting our own olives now. But shade is important, so what are your options?

  7. Since we had the Bradford Pears taken out in the back yard, it's been a completely different growing situation. I'm still trying to figure it out.
    Hurray for having the doors you need right there! Now if you could just wave your magic wand to install them...

  8. I just can't be bothered too much with my yard. I'm letting nature take its course for now and waiting for Fall to get the weeds and finish the mulching. I hate to water and just can't work in the heat like you can. From far away, the plantings look good enough. ;)

  9. The orange cosmos seems very happy indeed.

  10. Oh excellent door solution! We could really use a Rocky around here...

    1. P.S. Just found out that my dad is going to have an ablation in November. Sure hope it helps him feel better!

  11. Isn't it funny how something that's just been sitting around unused suddenly can become the solution to a problem? Those barn doors are just the ticket, for sure. The yellow bells sure do like the sun, and they can take a good bit of abuse. There has been a huge stand of them in front of a business on NASA Rd that got repeatedly damaged in storms like Ike, and then finally got cut back nearly to the ground when it seemed to have given up the ghost. Now, it's nearly six feet tall again, and bloomed like crazy this year.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.