Saturday, August 24, 2024

outdoor work and outdoor kitties

I spent a little over an hour and a half outside yesterday. First I emptied the truck onto the burn pile and then swept out all the small twigs and leaves so that Marc can go get it inspected and I can take all the accumulated metal down to the metal recyclers. Then I got out my little baby chainsaw and started on the other pecan tree with the hanging limb cutting away the now very dead canopy. There’s not much of the limb still attached, just a thin strip of bark. 

The only thing holding it up are the weight bearing branches dug into the ground. While it was overcast and only (!) 90˚ when I came in at 12:30, it was humid and my ball cap was soaked, my hair was soaked, my shirt was soaked, my underwear was soaked and there might have been some areas on my shorts that were still dry. Did I mention I was sweating profusely? 

I splashed cold water on my face and then stripped down naked and stood under the ceiling fan on high with arms and legs akimbo like da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man until I was dry enough to put on a lightweight dress that is so loose it only touches me on the shoulders, got a glass of ice water and sat under the aforementioned fan until I cooled off enough to take a shower.

I repeated it all again today sans emptying the truck but I only lasted a little over an hour. I’ve made a big dent the last two days in clearing out the small branches on the pecan tree by the back of the barn making three big piles since instead of four limbs I’m only dealing with two. And got bit on the neck by a tree ant for my trouble.

Here’s a before picture though it’s a different angle.

It’s been awhile since I posted pictures of the outdoor boys that live under Pam’s house. These are the kittens that were born last July under my sister’s shed, making them a little over a year old now. Pam started feeding Momcat and trapped her and got her fixed which left the three kittens that she was feeding with the intent of getting help from the local rescue group to have them fixed and adopted out when she died last November. I didn’t want the kittens wandering off before I could get them fixed so I continued feeding the little feral beasts. I eventually got them to trust me enough to be able to pet them and even pick up two of them and got all three fixed though the third had to be trapped and he is still wary. So here they are…sweet Handsome Boy, a brown tabby with gorgeous green eyes,

affectionate Lovey with his yellow eyes, who purrs readily,

and standoffish Twin who will sometimes let me pet him but not for very long.

I didn’t get a picture of Momcat but she’s still around though she doesn’t show up every night while the boys are always here. She’s very friendly and loves to be pet but can be kind of a bitch, hissing at the boys if they get too close. We think she was dumped when she got pregnant because we hadn’t seen her around until we saw her moving the kittens one day.


  1. Only mad dogs and Englishmen....

    Your cats are so beautiful I would love every one of them. Tabbies are the smartest and best IMHO

    1. they really are sweet cats but Handsome Boy is definitely my favorite.

  2. You're so caring towards those cats. I think they're a fixture.

    1. oh yeah. they've got it good here, won't be wandering off.

  3. I think most of the DNC speeches will be on youtube. Kamala has a youtube channel. The internet remembers all. That poor pecan tree really took a beating. Is there enough left to produce pecans at all?

    1. we had such a big harvest past year there really aren't many on the trees. still have one undamaged tree but the one will take years to recover and the other only lost two big limbs.

  4. I need to decompress from election overload; just concentrate on speeches and rallies for the next several weeks. And contribute!

    1. I didn't watch any of it, just relied on social media and Heather Cox richardson's newsletters.

  5. I shudder to think of the impact those cats are having on local songbird populations - and other small wildlife for that matter.

    1. I haven't seen any evidence of birds being killed but hopefully they discourage mice and rats. the cats pretty much stay under the house unless my granddaughter comes out or I go over to socialize with them, I keep them well fed, made sure they can't make more unwanted babies, have tamed them and give them affection so they have no reason to run off, I don't put out any seed to attract birds to the house. I do what I can. I'm not going to turn them into a shelter to be euthanized.

  6. Our lives are so similar in some ways. I hate those damn tree ants too, by the way.
    I have a very powerful fan on my back porch that I sit in front of to cool off. It really does help a lot.
    You're getting it done! I already have pecans falling. They sound like bombs going off when they hit the AC unit or the shed roof.

    1. we had such a big harvest last year after nothing for three years but this year I'm not seeing any. some of the downed branches had a very few but that's all.

  7. Such gorgeous cats!
    We are discussing cats from time to time and could get to the point of "let's see if there's need for a rescue cat, an older one", etc. but then again, no, after 35 years of tending and caring for cats and dogs, it's the next generation's job.

    1. they are sweet boys and getting them fixed so early has helped I think. the cat we have now was supplied by the cat distribution center. she just showed up one day and never left, finally just followed me in the house one day.

  8. Here I sit in relatively cool NC (it's 83 degrees right now) needing to vacuum out my car but thinking it's too hot. I am a delicate flower, apparently. Ha!

    1. after that intense heat low 90s seems quite tolerable.

  9. Those are beautiful cats! Bravo for getting them fixed.

    1. that was my immediate concern, that and socializing them so they wouldn't run off. feeding them too. we don't need more feral cats. and now they never leave the yard.

  10. Those kitties are beautiful. Since losing Dixie Rose, I've thought from time to time about another cat, but she was an inexpensive creature, with no needs other than spaying, occasional vaccinations, and food and such. If I got one that had real medical needs, I couldn't afford it. So -- better to let things be. I do have a couple of friends with cats who allow me to pet them, so at least I can get a fix from time to time.

    They're making another pass through our neighborhoods, trimming out the dead branches still clinging to the trees and disposing of them. I will say they're doing a great job with the cleanup. Of course it never goes as fast as people would like, but it's not been all that long since that storm.

  11. If I lived closer I would definitely want to take one of the kittens off your hands! Besides the visit from the bear, the feral cats that are still reproducing came into my fenced backed yard and onto the deck. They managed to bite and claw the top of the trash can I keep the dogfood in! They made quite a mess on the deck and my canine were not happy about it. I will have to speak with the neighbor whose granddaughter is feeding and taking some care of the kittens she likes. I will offer to pay for them to be spayed or neutered to help limit the number of feral cats in our area.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.