Wednesday, August 28, 2024


I’m a lazy artist. If I can trace something instead of drawing it, I will. Often I will take a picture of something, print it out, and then transfer the outlines to whatever paper the finished drawing or painting is going to be on. I transfer the lines by using a pencil to scribble on the back of the paper, placing it scribble side down on the other paper and then tracing the outlines on the front.

I have picked the picture for my next painting 

but my old printer won’t talk to my new mac mini. I haven’t bought a new one yet so if I want something printed out I have to send it to someone with a functioning printer that’s not out of ink. Unfortunately the two people I would ask, of which my grandgirl Robin is one, their printers are out of colored ink. So I have bought ink for Robin’s printer which arrives tomorrow. In the meantime, while I dithered about buying ink or buying a printer, I wanted to get started. 

I actually drew the leaves, proving to myself that I can still draw.

I’m going to do a colored pencil drawing first and then the painting. I’ve transferred the outlines to a page in my sketchbook

and put in a base layer of yellow in one of the leaves

but now I have to wait until the ink comes and the picture printed out for color reference while I finish the drawing.

My reds, yellows, oranges, and browns. 

Tomorrow I go in for the last medical procedure, then another week of laying around in recovery and I will be so glad to have all this behind me.


  1. I love prismacolor pencils! You could even be bold and just make your own scheme of colors, and not worry about the original leaves...a totally new creation. Hope the procedure and recovery are easy peasey for you.

  2. You certainly CAN draw! Printers are such a pain. I use ours for scanning now but I print everything at school.

  3. I suddenly want my set of colored pencils again. When my folks were building our new house, there were scraps of siding around, and I'd use those as my 'canvas.' I wasn't especially artistic and I wasn't at all skilled, but I sure had a lot of fun with those pencils. Those leaves are especially pretty; they'll make fine models for your work.

  4. I think you can freehand with the best of them, Ellen.
    A week from tomorrow. You'll be done. And won't that be the best?

  5. Replies
    1. I checked the spam folder but it wasn't in there.

    2. Stuff shows up at random, maybe weeks hence. Thanks for checking.

  6. All the best for a smooth procedure and back on your feet without any trouble.

  7. Great start. I'll be looking forward to the progress. Yea for an end in sight to procedures.

  8. Looks to me like your creative skills have not been left behind. The leaves look terrific.

  9. Good luck today! And your leaves look excellent - can't wait to watch THIS process unfold!

  10. Best of luck tomorrow, Ellen. Hurray for your last procedure and hope your recovery is quick!
    Lovely sketching, you know what you are doing!

  11. Hope you are resting now and everything is over. I just got home with The Patient, post CT. He was surprised it didn't hurt! I wonder what he tought was going to happen, he could have said something and I could have reassured him (if my mood was right) that all would end well and pain free. Men.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.