Tuesday, July 23, 2024

and this is why you don’t fuck with Joe Biden

Our Joe was masterful. The press and the big donors and the republican plan to deep six Joe and cripple his campaign was working. No tax increases for the rich, the press getting all the clicks they wanted, the republicans already had Joe in a casket and then our Joe pulled the biggest fucking rabbit the world has ever seen out of a hat. No one in their wildest dreams thought that someone who had power would voluntarily step aside and if he did, boy oh boy, they were ready for the chaos that would consume the democrat party as they fought bitterly over who to replace him with that would ensure Trump’s election. They were all here for it. But they didn’t know our Joe. When it became obvious that the press was not going to let up, when the big money stopped flowing, when the traitors in his own party succumbed to the threats of their own campaign money drying up and refused to support him, Joe did what he has always done. He put country first. And he did it in a way that shot down every one of those fuckers and flipped the narrative on it’s head.

Joe developed a meticulous plan, got all his ducks in a row, maneuvered everyone for the result he wanted, kept it all under wraps, and had the timing down to a T. He blindsided the republicans, waiting until after their convention and their VP pick, deprived the press of the opportunity to drag him over the coals on the Sunday morning shows and crow about the future spectacle of a chaotic convention they were gleefully waiting for, and solidly handed the reins to Kamala Harris. Within 24 hours an enormous amount of money poured in and continues to pour in and the groundswell of support from not only the voters but organizations endorsing her has been unprecedented. As of now she already has the pledge of more than enough delegates to assure her nomination. Dark Brandon strikes again.

And the republicans? They are now stuck with the oldest candidate to ever run for president who exhibits obvious cognitive decline, whose massively unqualified VP is guaranteed to offend almost every single woman in the country and who has zero appeal or public presence, their entire planned campaign in the toilet, everything they have spent money on so far is now trash. Kamala Harris is going to eat them up. And now Joe can focus on getting as much done in the next six months as he can without being distracted by campaigning.

I was Riding’ with Biden all the way and my first emotional response was one of dismay that he capitulated to the haters but that was before I realized what a stroke of genius this was. He took a stumbling and divisive Democrat party that was losing support and eating its own and pulled it all together in an energetic and dynamic way. And after all, when we voted for Joe, we also voted for Kamala. Go git ‘em gurl!

So, I did indeed get out my colored pencils, sketchbook, watercolors and paper. I have even laid out the brief outlines for a  watercolor landscape, a picture I printed out months ago before I put everything away. 

I was hoping to get the first wash on before my niece got here and we started winnowing out some of Pam’s stuff but between moving as much storm debris to the street as I could manage, cutting stuff up with my mini chainsaw, with multiple short forays the last several days before the predicted rain for the week materialized and finally doing a major grocery shop today to replace so much that had to be thrown out, I’m probably not going to manage it. Especially since my niece and her husband are due to arrive shortly. And then Saturday all the family will come here for our final goodbye to Pam, heading down to the beach, her most favorite place in the world, as we return her mortal remains to the earth.


  1. Yes, family time. Art will be stewing away in your brain/heart and when all is finished, you'll be ready to return to it. I'm glad you'll have this time with family to bring together some of the things your sister's death has meant to all of you.
    I didn't jump onto Kamala's team until I realized this was a feminist act, against the patriarchy. So I'm all for her now!

  2. Wonderful post, Ellen. You're obviously on your way back up again! Go you. And mention Pam's blog readers, even if silently, when you return her to the earth in a place she loves.

  3. I miss Pam, she wrote a good blog, and was a nice person. Yes, do remember us to her.

  4. A masterful synopsis of the Biden method! Add me to the list to be remembered to Pam.

  5. I LOVE the way you laid out what Biden managed to pull off! I knew he deliberately waited until the perfect moment to withdraw....and it was PERFECTION. Dark Brandon indeed!! I love it so much!

  6. Yes, I think the trump campaign organisers have their hands full now diverting from their ageism bullshit.
    Looking forward to your watercolour progress.
    It will be a good family ceremony, your sister will be with you.

  7. I was thinking about you this morning when I woke up. How you've been through so much in the past year. You've had to experience some of the hardest types of grief there are. How strong you are. You really are a force of nature, Ellen. And I just wanted to tell you that.

  8. That first paragraph is fire! And we are fired up in the Bug household. And I'll be with you in spirit on that beach. Pam was a special person in blogland too.

  9. Yeah, Joe handled this masterfully and I love how all the artillery the Republicans have been firing for the past several months is now suddenly useless, because it was about Joe and his age and not about policy. They have to start from scratch!

  10. I read your first paragraph out loud to Roger. We both love how you describe this moment we are in. Yes! This is quite a moment in our country, and now I can't wait to cast my vote. (NewRobin13)

  11. Nobody sums things up quite as eloquently and succinctly as you do, Ellen. Wow. I read this aloud last night, too. Will be thinking of you these next few days. Glad you have family with you. We all admire the relationship you and Pam had. She made me laugh more than once. I wished I could have gone to some of those estate sales with you two.

  12. Dark Brandon strikes again, indeed! Excellent summary,

  13. I so totally agree with you about Joe.

  14. I wish you were writing for the newspaper, Ellen! The way they keep saying "is it too late?"! I think it was great timing. People are so excited about the race again and all of the young people and undecided voters are paying attention. I'm so hopeful.

  15. It was indeed Masterful and I think, yes, carefully orchestrated with the right Timing to catch the opponents off guard entirely. Now they're stuck with their terrible VP pick.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.