Saturday, July 6, 2024

medical stuff so if you're as bored by this as I am you can just skip it and, of course, a hurricane

Well, just fuck all! Fuck, fuck, fuck, and dammit all to hell. Finally the diagnostic cerebral angiogram to tell me what, if anything, is in my brain and what the doctor plans to do about it, is just a few days away and a fucking hurricane is supposed to hit Houston the very same day. Will the procedure still be on, especially considering I went through the pre-op yesterday? I don’t know, it’s the fucking weekend and I wouldn’t know who to even ask. The doctor’s office? The hospital? If it’s still on, we would have to leave here at 4:30 in the morning to get there by the arrival time of 5:30, in the dark, in the rain and high wind of an approaching hurricane. Really karma? Have I been
that bad? Just…fuck.

I spent this morning searching for hotels within two miles of the hospital. Three options and I’m all for going in the day before even if there wasn’t a hurricane.

So I actually had the pre-op for both procedures yesterday. For the angiogram it consisted of bloodwork and instructions, a breath measuring contraption that I have to suck on 10 times in one hour three times a day every day until the procedure, 

special soap and sponges to wash with the night before and the morning of, brush my teeth two times a day and use mouthwash, change my sheets after my evening shower and close the door so the dog and cat don’t come sleep with me. Really extreme measures. For the Watchman procedure I had to undergo another transesophageal electrocardiogram (from now on TEE) to look for blood clots and measure the appendage in my heart they intend to block off so another bout of anesthesia and another sore throat. It’s much better today but I could barely eat last night. Plus, they went ahead and checked me in for the 15th so I have to wear this

for the next 10 days. Don’t take it off, the nurse said, because it will delay your procedure.

And I hate mouthwash. It burns my mouth and I don’t like whatever chemicals they use to make it whatever color, in this case blue, being absorbed by my mucus membranes and it turns my tongue blue.

So, yeah, fun and games. 


I wrote all that this morning but didn’t get it published. The current track of the hurricane/tropical storm has it being a little more west of us about halfway between Austin and Houston but closer to Austin by Monday evening, well past us by Tuesday morning so shouldn’t be a problem. The local paper is predicting about 5” of rain which we could use. So now I have to decide if I want to bring the big plants in pots into the garage. A big wind has blown up just now with maybe some rain.



  1. A hotel near the hospital sounds like a good plan. All will be well.

    1. the forecast changes hour by hour. but it should be past us by Tuesday.

  2. I like the hotel next to the hospital idea. Not such a far drive, maybe get a little more sleep. 5:30 is a hideous appointment time. Here's hoping it all works out and you're done with procedures.

    1. we'll probably stay put and I would get less sleep anyway because he snores. have my own bedroom at home. and it would only save us an hour anyway.

  3. I live in Galveston, so know exactly where you’re coming from, literally as well as metaphorically. I would definitely go with the Houston hotel option if only to remove a huge layer of stress. And as Alison says, 5:30 is an ungodly hour, so give yourselves the chance of a bit more sleep. Ten years ago my husband had to be at St. Luke’s for surgery at 5:30 and we stayed in Houston the night before. Let us hope Beryl stays closer to Corpus (sorry, Corpus) and, of course, that all goes smoothly and well for you. Margaret

    1. of course it's coming right for us now but should be well past by Tuesday. and to tell the truth I'd get less sleep in a hotel as we sleep in separate bedrooms because of his snoring.

    2. The rate it’s going, tomorrow should be clear. Still very gusty here, our power out since 3:00 AM, haven’t seen a single vehicle go down our street all morning, so people are being sensible.

      I well understand the sleep problem; we have separate rooms because his CPAP drives me crazy.
      Mall the best for tomorrow. Margaret

  4. Here's another vote for the Houston hotel. Nothing like a good night's sleep before. Well, when I turned on the computer tonight I found all the blue towels gone, but there will be more down the road.

    1. we'll probably stay put. I'd get less sleep anyway sharing a bed with how loud he snores.

      wow, those went fast.

  5. I would definitely do the hotel. We did that for Mike's back surgery & it was a great idea. But lordamercy - what the heck with all this weather drama!

    1. we'll see. I'd get less sleep at a hotel because he snores. and the storm should be past us by then.

  6. Awww Fuck, Medical shit coupled with a Hurricane!!! Just WTF!?

    1. may downgrade to a tropical storm but should be past us by Tuesday.

  7. You'd think the stars would align once in a while, WTF weather. I recommend the hotel alternative although one way or another you will not sleep much. Ellen, I send you my best thoughts, all will be well!

    1. it's coming straight for us now but should be well past us by Tuesday. may not even be hurricane strength when it comes through. sometimes it's referred to as a tropical storm and sometimes as category 1. we'll probably stay put. I get no sleep when we share a bed because he snores.

  8. I saw this morning that Beryl was heading your way and I thought, "Oh, shit. Poor Ellen. Now what?" But it sounds like it's going to be okay. Yes. Get a room.
    This all sounds so overwhelming but I suppose you just do the next thing and then the next thing and one of these days, not so far away, you will have done all the things and it will all be over.
    We are loving you. We all have you in our own hearts.

    1. right? now it's coming right for us. I got everything secured outside this morning, plants brought in, windchimes and other decorative stuff taken in, chairs folded and stashed, etc. probably won't get a room. and would get less sleep probably because he snores.

  9. Just when you think it couldn't get more complicated, you get a hurricane in the mix! I hope it misses you (and also Manvel, TX where my son and his family live!)
    Just think, in 10 more days your procedures will be done and you will be relaxing with good news!
    Wishing you well, Ellen.

  10. Oh man. Hoping Beryl continues to stay away from you. Fingers crossed for success.

  11. What a lot of pre-op stuff you're going through. But the procedure will probably take place, if you're able to get there. Of course if the Dr. is also able to get there! Beryl is not a friendly storm, now is she! Sending some virtual storm calming and maybe even suggesting turning back west - energies through the ether of the internet. Who knows, maybe it will help. All kind of friends in Houston area, so they are also thinking the same way.

  12. Good to see your update. I hope you still have power. We're getting walloped right now, with blinding rain and winds about 45-50 mph sustained. There are a lot of cypress limbs down, and the power's flickering, but I slept through the landfall and have coffee, so life is good. I haven't looked at all the details, but it's clear the storm is on the move, and they're saying it will be out of here by this afternoon/evening, so you ought to be good to go. If a hurricane had to show up, this one was relatively well-behaved, at least as far as affecting you is concerned.

  13. Hope you are safe, Ellen. My son in Manvel has lost power and lots of fence. Hopefully, the winds may calm down by 11 am... Good luck tomorrow...

  14. Stay safe! I know you won't get good sleep either way. This is so stressful for you. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

  15. Dear Ellen. Wondering how the hurricane went for you. Hope it missed you? You didn't need any more trouble!


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.