Friday, July 19, 2024

some cleanup and a gnarly cut

It’s been raining nearly every day since the hurricane so I was told and it has rained just about every day since I’ve been home, not a lot, sometimes just sprinkles some, except yesterday. Jade came in Wednesday to help with the yard and get her dad to change the oil in her car but it was a bit rainy so nothing got done in the yard. Yesterday though was dry and she got up on the roof and cleared it of branches, twigs, leaves and other storm debris. Then she cleared the west side of the front filling the bed of the truck and making a huge pile of the stuff that wouldn’t fit including the stuff from the roof. 

She pulled all the plants in pots out of the barn and the big plumerias out of the garage. After work my grandson Mikey, who has moved back to Wharton, came over with a chainsaw and cut up the fallen trunk of the photinia in front and hauled it over to the burn pile and then cut down the trunk that was leaning drunkenly against the fringe flower tree and cut it up and made a pile of it in the front. We need to torch the burn pile before we add anymore to it and I thought I would do that today but it rained last night and is still overcast and wet. I may still try after breakfast. There was a pile of stuff in the little backyard when I got home from the hospital so I guess Marc did that. 

The front is still littered with small stuff making it hard to walk there and the big backyard hasn’t been touched but Mikey thinks he can take care of most if not all of the large limbs down and still hanging from the two pecan trees with a ladder and a pole saw. It’s also treacherous walking back there with all the downed branches. The back half of the big backyard is fairly clear but still has scattered branches. 

We’ve lost a lot of our summer canopy in the big backyard and it became very apparent last night with the full moon shining unobstructed right in the etched glass windows in my bedroom. Previously it was hidden by the pecan trees.

I missed SHARE last week because I was recovering from the angiogram and missed it yesterday, recovering from the surgery but I saw my neighbor and fellow volunteer as he was coming back from his walk and was glad to learn that we didn’t lose any food. Power was restored to that area first, which is why we were able to eat at the Italian restaurant Monday night, and everything had stayed solidly frozen. Yesterday was busy though with half being large families. The roof of the building took some damage though so they’re getting that repaired.

I walked around the yard and a few things are blooming, the Mexican bird of paradise

the indigofera,

the heritage rose. The orange cosmos are not blooming but I swear they have doubled in height since the hurricane.

I took the bandage off my leg and took a shower yesterday late afternoon. The incision is pretty ugly, a vertical cut right where my leg joins my body where my leg bends to sit so half the incision is on my body and half is on my leg. Sitting or standing is fine, no pain. Transitioning from one to the other hurts but less every day.  Everybody keeps telling me everything can wait and to rest and recover but I’m sick of resting. It feels like that’s all I’ve done for the last six weeks, rest and lay around. But I’m being a good girl, no cleaning up the yard, no yoga until I get the go ahead from the doctor, no housework. Ok, the no housework is not such a burden.



  1. Taking it easy is probably like being in jail for you. Take advantage- sew something fabulous- draw and paint- what an opportunity!

    1. I think I'll get out my watercolors or colored pencils.

  2. What a great helpe team you have. Congratulations!

    It's a big job this taking it easy, not to be underestimated and mean it. There was a time when I had to avoid certain areas of the house and the garden because I just could not stop myself doing stuff - and pay the price. You know better, surely. No experiments, look after yourself.

    1. I probably pushed it after the angiogram but I don't think that's what caused the pseudo aneurysm. I read it's the most common side effect of an angiogram and the older you are the more likely I guess because arteries start losing their elasticity. so I'm being very cautious now. kind of easy to stay out of the yard because there are big black mosquitoes out there and they hurt.

  3. I understand, Ellen. It is so hard for you to take it easy, to rest. Yes, you get bored but just think of what could happen if you push yourself too hard. You do NOT want to end up back in the hospital. I am so glad that your family is helping you. That is the way it should be but rarely is.

    1. I just feel so out of shape. no physical labor, no yoga. that's what keeps me strong and agile.

  4. So glad some friends have helped out with the cleanup after the storm. There's no hurry though. Definitely keep focused on your health, and find easy things that aren't physically taxing to do. Put on your creative thinking heavy lifting of course. Staying relatively stable...but that leaves hands and arms available to do - what? Can't wait to hear what you get into!

    1. I guess I'll pull out my colored pencils or watercolors. haven't really done anything since my sister died, just no motivation. I should be able to start engaging in moderate activity in a few days, picking up the smaller stuff.

  5. For once just relax and read.

    1. relaxing too much isn't relaxing, just make me lose my tone and strength. but I'll be able to get back to it soon.

  6. Good you have the next generation crews to get all that trash corralled. Shame you lost your hickories.

  7. I am the opposite. I take it too easy and don't understand why I don't weigh 700 lbs

    1. I enjoy physical labor, being able to do things with my body, take care of stuff without having to rely on others. tired of sitting around.

  8. I still can't believe the artery opened up. That could have been bad. In Tucson, the Mexican Birds of Paradise were having a bumper year. They were big and beautiful. Some years they just look like weeds.

    1. it didn't exactly open up. there are three walls to an artery and a pseudo aneurysm happens when there is a breach in one or two of the inner walls with just the outer wall holding in the blood bubble. it seeped out I guess because of the blood thinner and once that was out of my system it stopped leaking. I don't really understand it or where the stitch went it to close it off.

  9. I'm glad Mikey and others are getting some of the cleanup done. When the yard is in good shape you'll feel better about resting, I'm sure!

    1. it will be a long time before it's completely cleaned up. he's still working on cleaning up his parents property but I'll be able to get out there soon and pick up the smaller stuff on the ground.

  10. Looks like that storm did quite a bit of damage. Thank goodness the house didn’t suffer. As for rest and relaxation, it seems to me that when I first started to follow your blog you were a veritable engine of creativity with all manner of interesting projects on the go. Maybe it’s an opportunity to create again?

    1. I was shocked at how much damage it did. when my sister died so suddenly and unexpectedly it took the wind out of my sails and now all this medical stuff. I'm going to try and jump start my motivation and get my colored pencils out.

  11. Didn't I laugh about your comment about no housework not being such a terrible burden. Ain't it the truth? You might as well resign yourself to a little more rain. It looks like all of the coming week is going to be wet. I hate losing a whole week of work, but if I could change the weather I would, and get rich in the process. Most of the debris around here has been picked up; my complex looks, for the most part, like nothing happened. I have noticed a distinct absence of blue tarps this time around. Despite the loss of electricity for so many, there just wasn't the wind damage to buildings, outside of a few tornados. Good thing. Now we can hope that's it for storms for the season.

  12. you are not the type who rests, I can tell. Someone needs to sit on you a bit! Glad you are healing, though.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.