Wednesday, April 10, 2024

the eclipse, a helping hand, and Sibling's Day

That horrible ditch my neighbor so kindly cleared for me 3 1/2 weeks ago has new weedy grass growth already a foot high but it’s sparse enough I can get in there and use the trimmer and I’ve been telling my self that as it gets higher and higher. Should have done it last weekend or the weekend before when it was only half that high.

The eclipse has come and gone. We were in the 95% range but it was overcast all day so I didn’t even look to see what time it was happening here which was about 1:30. I was sitting at my desk looking out at the overcast day and if I noticed it getting dimmer I guess I attributed it to the overcast getting denser. Later, walking the dog I chatted with two neighbors who came out and said they could see it, the light noticeably dimmed, crickets started up. It wasn’t a clear sky like other parts of Texas had but it cleared enough to see it. So I’m kicking myself in the butt for just assuming it wouldn’t be visible. I shall strive to live another 20 years to see the next one.

Yesterday my neighbor and her son in law came to the house in the morning, interrupting my morning routine, to help get my printer to talk to the new mac mini or vice versa as I haven’t been able to print anything since November. I don’t really print all that much, a recipe now and then, mailing labels, an occasional picture but it’s nice to be able to instead of sending whatever in a PDF for my neighbor to print out for me. After breakfast I did a little weeding in one of the flower beds, same as Monday, but when I came in I started sweating profusely, then it was time to do the week’s grocery shop and as the day wore on I felt less and less well. I didn’t feel sick, I just didn’t feel good suffering with some intestinal distress and a funky stomach and after lunch took a rare, for me, nap. Later, standing in the kitchen organizing my binder of recipes I broke out in a heavy sweat. What the fuck! Being Tuesday it was my night to fix dinner but all I managed was a big salad. 

I don’t know what the deal was but when I woke up today I felt fine. Didn’t sleep all that well because about midnight the rain they had been predicting for the last two days finally came, preceded by distant lightning and then as it got closer, thunder and finally high wind and rain. They were also predicting the possibility of tornadoes and I think one must have passed through here because when I was out running errands today I passed one big tree laying on the ground and another that was all broken and splintered and the ground here was littered with downed branches from small ones with green leaves attached to large ones 2” in diameter. The little dog was, of course, panting and shivering and in perpetual motion, hence the lack of sleep.

Last year my sister planted a peach tree, a magnolia tree, and gathered the seed heads from some queen anne’s lace growing in the ditch at the end of our street. We had both tried a couple of times to get it to grow in our gardens with zero success but this spring she has a magnificent stand of queen anne’s lace, 

just one of the things she will not see come to fruition just as her peach tree has baby peaches on it and I think her little magnolia tree will give at least a few blooms. 

I miss that woman. I heard on NPR coming back from yoga that today is Sibling’s Day. And so here is the last picture that will ever be taken of the three of us, taken last fall.



  1. Wonderful picture of the three of you. Such a shock, the loss of Pam. I was so glad at that time to remember that you'd had that time together so recently. Glad to see a photo of your brother. I remember when he was visiting and put in that wonderful faucet--- I think a dragon? So special to be close to siblings. How wonderful that Pam's plants remain for you.

    Re the eclipse. Little neighborhood girl(age 11 ) visited me this afternoon. I asked if she'd watched the eclipse. We had 100% totality. Yes, the school yard was blocked off and everybody watched. But her granny and aunt did NOT want to see it. They said that if you read your Bible you would know......The black hole in the middle is a gateway straight to Hell! I explained to her that it was NOT a hole! That was the moon, blocking the sunlight. She said that her science teacher said that the moon went away.......Sad, the state of education in Texas. Might explain a lot of things that go on in Texas.

  2. I'm so glad you have that photo. I miss Pam a lot, just from her blog. Such a livewire.

  3. Wonderful photo of your three an yes, Pam is missed terribly. You will miss her forevermore- it never gets easier.
    What RunNRose said about education in Texas- that is why we have thugs like trump is epidemic. Schools have been so controlled teachers can no longer teach. My brother taught biological sciences in high school in Nebraska but got the boot when he included Darwin.

  4. That Queen Anne's lace is spectacular and so it should be. Plamnts, trees, shrubs from/for a loved dead loved one are very important in my life. I have a rose from my mother in law in the garden, which we brought with us after her unexpected death and kept in various pots until we got the house and the garden, it flowers regularly and profusely. Then there's a vine my father in law brought from a visit to the US back to Ireland in the early 1980s. He managed to get some grapes from it in his Irish greenhouse and here, it has grown and flourished on a sunny wall ever since. Both plants bring us great memories, always reasons to talk and laugh and cry.

    1. This makes sense to me. Rose bushes were given to me in memory of my mother and I bought some myself in her honour and now whenever one blooms in my yard, I think of her -- and I love that.

  5. I am delighted to see Queen Anne’s Lace planted deliberately. Here it is considered a weed but anything with so grand a name should be cherished and nurtured. Keep feeling better.

  6. Beautiful picture.
    I'm really glad that whatever demon got in your body found its way out.

  7. It's great you've got that photo. I'm sure it's bittersweet seeing your sister's Queen Anne's Lace blooming so profusely. Poor little dog!

  8. I got to see the eclipse and enjoyed viewing it with my neighbors who had an extra pair of glasses for me to use. The Queen's Anne Lace is so lovely and full!
    Glad you are feeling better and hope you stay that way!

  9. Hope those hot sweats were just your hormones. I still have flashes at 82! Wonder where on earth a hormone has been hiding all this time! Loved seeing the plants of your sister's as well as the family photo.

  10. When you talk about your sister, I find myself thinking how wonderful it must have been to have had a lifelong fellow traveler with whom you felt so loved as you are, so comfortable and seen. You will be together again. She is not lost to you, even now. Sending love.

  11. The Queen Ann's lace is wonderful. The butterflys and bees will be so happy.

  12. Beautiful photo of you and your siblings. I am moved by your memories of your sister.

  13. I still can't believe Pam is gone. She shows up in my FB memories all the time (usually commenting on some weird food I posted).

  14. That's a wonderful photo of you with your sister and brother. Every time I see a photo like that, I'm a little envious. Now that I'm older, I wish I'd have siblings. Of course, as a kid, I either didn't think about it much or just hung around with my cousins. Sometimes, cousins can do as well as siblings, but it wasn't quite the same.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.