Monday, April 8, 2024

delving into the underbelly

image via the internet. overcast here and not dark at all just out of the totality path.

How is it that in this day and time people still harbor superstitious nonsense about the mechanics of the solar system, about something that happens with regularity and can be predicted to the minute, a 30 minute event, the eclipse of the sun, whose totality lasts all of about four minutes?

The wackos are out predicting doomsday and retribution. Governor Sanders of Arkansas declared a state of emergency yesterday that will last until Wednesday to mobilize producers and deliverers of essential goods because the sky will dim briefly today. Another group tells us to be ready for the Rapture. Marjorie Taylor Green warns us that her big daddy in the sky is sending strong messages via earthquakes and eclipses telling America to repent! Her boyfriend goes even further claiming this may be the last normal weekend because who knows what this ‘very rare’ eclipse will bring (newsflash, solar eclipses are not rare and happen with predictable regularity) and that next is the plague of locusts that will attack mankind (he’s referring to the 13 and 17 year cycle broods of cicadas that will hatch this year and, no, they will not be attacking humans and no, cicadas aren't locusts). Alex Jones has gone off the deep end claiming that all kinds of rituals are going to be performed by Masonic, Esoteric, Satanic, Brotherhood of the Snake, and other Occult groups to usher in the New World Order! (Thanks to Jeff Tiedrich for this compilation).

And then on the way to the vet with Minnie for a wellness check NPR was interviewing a woman about christian nationalism and evangelicals and their plan for forcing a repressive theocracy on the US. Fun stuff.

And the Vatican has released a doctrine statement defining gender affirming care, gender theory, and surrogacy as violations of human dignity when it is in fact these religious doctrines that violate human dignity, that proclaim a way of being they don’t like or try to understand to be sinful and deserving of repression and violence. I suppose all those child rapers and molesters in the Catholic clergy weren’t violating the human dignity of their victims.

And then there’s this…House Intelligence Committee chair says Russian propaganda has spread through the GOP. Ya think?

And here’s a big surprise…not. Trump is lying (hard to believe I know), now that it has occurred to him it might be a big issue in November saying he believes the abortion issue should be left to the states after he foolishly admitted supporting a national ban if reelected and bragging about ending RvW. 



  1. Better repent now, Sister Ellen, there is not much time. Maybe one day soon you'll be on the way to do your shift at the food bank and the ground will open up to swallow you and you will go down to the eternal fires of hell - or - at absolutely no charge other than the suspension of your rationality - you can be whisked off to heaven. And there you'll spend time with Marjorie Taylor Green and what could be better than that?

  2. Agreeing with David. Just so you know, my daughter and I saw a big billboard in a southern state. It said that it's safer to believe than to not believe. I was amazed to know that believing was something I could just choose to do. That choice might make the difference between Heaven and Hell for me. Uh, oh. Maybe you and I are both in trouble!

    I watched the eclipse in my alley driveway. Completely clear view. Spooked my dogs. All my solar lights coming on, and somebody with LOUD fireworks during the dark.

  3. That billboard is an update of Pascal's wager. Nuttin new under the eclipsed sun. I've been so tempted to leave some clothes lying on the road as if someone's been enraptured. But I think our conscientious police Department would start a search for the body!

    1. BRILLIANT! I can get behind this!! thanks Boud- lindause

    2. OMG, Boud ... I love this idea!

  4. Maybe it helps to get back to scripture, like that almost forgotten prophecy of old:
    Chicken Licken looked up at the blue sky, “Oh, no!” he said, “the sky must be falling.”
    He ran around the tree, yelling, “The sky is falling! The sky is falling! I must tell the King,”

  5. I spent two or three hours out in the delicious spring and saw exactly what you have pictured up there. It was awesome.

  6. We had a tiny eclipse, too far west. It's interesting that even with the small occlusion how much the temperature dropped.

  7. I think we got 71% occlusion here. It didn't go exactly dark, it just went exactly weird.
    Like our country.

  8. I enjoyed the eclipse with the neighbors who live behind me. Luckily, they had extra glasses to share and it was such a pleasant visit. I wonder how regular Republicans are feeling about the crazies that they have let take over their group.

  9. Unvirtuous Abbey posted this the other day which made me laugh: Since everyone is freaking out about the earth quake today and the solar eclipse on Monday, we will be having rapture practice on Saturday afternoon. Bring sneakers!

  10. I wonder if Marjorie Taylor Greene really believes all this bonkers stuff or if she's just playing to her base. It's amazing how superstitious some people still are. Sanders declared a state of emergency?! Good grief!

  11. My Goddess, it just all boggles the mind! The lunacy!

  12. Hard to tell which one is crazier, Three Toes or that hot mess of a boyfriend of hers, Brian Glenn..........

  13. When many people apparently get their 'news' through TikTok, X, Facebook or other dubious platforms, it's hardly surprising that the inmates are running the asylum. It's when they start ruling the world that things become truly terrifying.

  14. No one called the mass insanity so I'm calling it.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.