Saturday, April 6, 2024

puttering, flowers, and alone time

Kind of a slow day at SHARE last Thursday. Most first Thursdays of the month usually are and we figure that’s because people got their government assistance. Even so we managed to pass on most the perishable food stuff and milk and a lot of the bakery goods which is all ‘sell by’ or marked down donations from Walmart and the area dollar stores that comes in in the morning. Those that did come in for food got a lot of extra stuff. What doesn’t get given out or we have no room in the freezers, volunteers can take for themselves or to give to others. I generally take left over stuff that won’t keep til next week to a family on the street.

Thursdays are always a busy day for me but this past one was especially so. Besides my usual routine I got another roll of the super strong black gorilla tape to re-do the black formed plastic shield under the engine compartment of the car. Marc had run into one of the concrete barriers at the ends of parking spaces and tore it up so that part was hanging down and dragging on the road surface which I did not know until I drove to El Campo that evening for yoga. I could hear a scraping sound so I pulled over once I was in El Campo and looked underneath and it was all bent and torn and shredded from being dragged for 13 miles. Later back at home I did my best to tape it all back together and to the surrounding frame. 

Since Marc was leaving on Friday for Dallas, a 5+ hour long drive and with the wear and tear and rain and dirt on my repair over the last year or so I wanted to redo it. So I did that. Then I wiped all the bird poop off the car and washed all the windows inside and out. 

This weekend is the Bar Mitzvah of our great nephew, Marc’s sister’s daughter’s son. All the family here was planning on going, as were the twins in Austin, so I opted to stay to feed my cat and dog, Robin’s cat and the boys, and the three wildlings. That was my excuse though I have other more personal reasons. So Friday morning Marc took off for Dallas giving me one full day, Saturday, and the lion’s share of Friday and Sunday to have the house to myself, some alone time (one of my personal reasons).

I puttered around in the yard yesterday, potted up some things, cut up some large branches, one that fell and others I cut off the native pecan in the back that were hanging so low they were almost touching the ground, did some watering over at the other house, fed all the cats, fixed myself a big salad for dinner. More of the same for today. 

Some of the day lilies are putting up bloom scapes but all the different varieties of amaryllis are blooming. 

And one new iris blooming over at Pam’s and some of these are coming home with me.


  1. Hope you have (had) a good dose of alone time. Wonderful amaryllis, absolutely stunning.

  2. Alone time is precious when you're married. Since I've been widowed I can't get enough of it! Your flowers are lovely, as always.

  3. Your flowers are grabbing spring with both hands!

  4. I especially like the solid red amaryllis and the iris. Your tale of dragging that plastic shield down the road reminded me of an experience years ago. I was in the hill country, and a guy was dragging a length of chain behind his truck, and it was sparking. A couple of other guys got around him and herded him to a stop and helped him secure it. Plenty of wildfires have started that way. At least plastic doesn't spark.

  5. Dennis is in Florida until Tuesday- Loving this alone time, house to myself, no interruptions , no expectations, no it! I so understand- priorities! Your flowers are eye popping gorgeous.

  6. Once in a while a weekend alone is a wonderful treat. Miriam is planning a weekend away with friends she still knows from high school, so I have one coming up. I’m looking forward to it.,

  7. I treasure my alone time too (I get about 4 hours on Saturdays). Love those amaryllises (amarillisi?). So pretty!

  8. Well, you know me- I do love my alone-time. Glad you got some/are getting some too.
    I have ONE amaryllis blooming but at least it's got three blooms. I wish it was a solid red one like yours but I guess that's being pretty silly. They're all beautiful.

  9. Good that you knew how to fix the dragging car shield. So many folks have those break apart on the highways...hazardous. And enjoying alone time is definitely a treat! (so says a lone woman who goes places to have conversation and laughs with others). Your flowers are so beautiful! We had another (last?) frost last night. May have more for the next month.

  10. Silly me, I've always thought of amaryllis in the context of bulbs you force at Christmas. Never occurred to me that they grow outside. Those are magnificent plants.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.