Wednesday, July 19, 2023

the empowerment of women, mass shootings, and the male identity crisis

I've been working on this post for more than a month, and I warn you, it's long, but I always got stuck towards the end. I didn't want to correlate the rising empowerment of women with the rise of male isolation, hardening of the toxic alpha male personality, and the rising resort to violence. And yet it's hard not to come to that conclusion and I suppose the rise of women's independence does have a part in the current crisis of masculinity, the loss of and struggle to define. However, two new essays have pointed out that this issue, the crisis of male identity, is nothing new and dates back to the late 18th century in this country.


When Jade was here weeks ago I was telling her about a study on the dating and relationship status of young adults which revealed that 63% of young men in their 20s are single, not dating or in a relationship, as compared to 34% of women in the same age group. There's an article in The Hill about the Pew Research Center study on why/how this has occurred and what it may mean for society (young men are 4 times more likely to commit suicide than young women and young men are responsible for the rise in mass shootings). As young women have become educated and empowered and able to achieve a lifestyle through their own efforts that previously they could only rely on a man to provide, they're no longer so eager to 'get a man' and get married, unwilling to give up their independence. They don't see the upside to the patriarchal structure of most marriages where women work and bring in nearly equal or higher pay and then bear the brunt of the household and child raising or they don't want to 'marry down' to a man with less education and income than they themselves have. All of which is fine for women but it has left men behind when their role has always been the provider and protector, head of the household lording it over the women, being the one with all the power financially, socially, and personally. Instead of evolving to a new partnership along with women that is not based on the patriarchal model, they have become more reclusive and isolated, incapable of a relationship based on equality. As an independent young woman with an excellent income, the young man Jade had been spending time with complained that she didn't need him. No, I don't need you, she told him, why isn't it enough that I want to spend time with you?

So if twice as many young men are not dating who are the women dating? Before I could answer that question when proposed to her, Jade replied, “each other” and that's exactly what the study found, that and older men. Women are going out with women either romantically or because they'd rather go out with a friend than go on a bad date. They are tiring of emotionally distant men and men are seemingly ill equipped, because of our culture and their upbringing, to become more open and empathetic. The article goes on to talk about the decline in men forming friendships with other men. Thirty years ago, 55% of men reported having close male friendships, two years ago that number had dropped to 27%.

Back when women were dependent on men for any kind of life or lifestyle, even the least desirable guys could get a woman. That's no longer true and now these young men who are incapable of attracting a woman, 'incels' (involuntarily celibate), misogynistic men who blame women for their inability to find romantic partners instead of trying to understand why women aren't interested in them and changing their behavior, are even more isolated due to the fact that they have also failed to develop friendships with other men, finding reinforcement via the internet that increases their hostility towards women and the men who can attract women.

Unfortunately our current culture of violence, in general promoted by the far right and the gun culture they cultivate, the toxic hypermasculinity they promote combined with their constant claims that America is being destroyed by the 'libs' (black, brown, other gendered, trans, drag, jews, women, anyone other than white christian cisgendered far right extremist males) has given tacit approval to these isolated and friendless loners to act out their fantasies of revenge. They are the real victims deprived of the life they were intended to have, the life that god himself ordered. If they aren't in control, if they don't have all the authority, if they can't lord it over everyone else, if they can't even get laid, then what future do they have?

The empowerment of women, and not just women but people of color and the other gendered who just want their rights and to be left alone to live in peace, has threatened a segment of men in this country. The older men (and the women who support them because they also see equality as a threat to a life where they are taken care of as opposed to having to be responsible for themselves) see the rise of equality as a threat to their position of power, the position they have had their whole lives while the younger men are left with an uncertain future. Instead of learning to redefine what it means to be a man, they blame women. They lean in to the toxic alpha male where being thoughtful, reasoning, empathetic, compassionate, caring, nurturing is anathema.

This obsession with the definition of masculinity, the crisis of male identity, is not new. In the last week I have read two essays on the subject, Christine Emba's Men Are Lost. Here's A Map Out Of The Wilderness published by the Washington Post and Virginia Heffernan's The Crisis Over American Manhood Is Really Code For Something Else published by Politico. Both long essays are worth the read. While today's problems are real and documented...the labor market has shifted and not in men's favor, women surging ahead in education and income and no longer needing a provider...Emba and Heffernan both write that this obsession with the definition of masculinity, what it means to be a man in America dates back to the 18th century with Heffernan providing a timeline of masculine identity crisis. Both essays, while they cover different aspects, come to the conclusion that, yes, there is a current crisis among American men and boys and only one group is addressing it...the far right and both authors write about current influencers trying to define manhood, trying to lay a path forward, notably Josh Hawley who spoke at the Stronger Men's Conference. Unfortunately those paths are just reinstating religion based patriarchy.

Well, we've been there before and women aren't going back. Perhaps men do need a new definition of what it means to be a man, what a good man looks like, what he thinks and how he acts in this modern world. There is nothing wrong with including provider and protector, both good qualities as are acceptance of women's autonomy and power, building relationships with women based on mutual respect, equality, and pride in each other's accomplishments instead of ones based on the idea that men are intrinsically superior.

Or maybe they just need to get over themselves.

Disclaimer: I do know that many men are not floundering, I daresay even most. In fact all the men I personally know are firmly rooted and aren't at all concerned with their masculinity. Unfortunately there are many who are floundering and they are seeking validation and identity from the wrong people, joining hate based militias or going far down the rabbit hole of social media hate groups until they finally act out in a way that is detrimental to themselves and society at large.



  1. This is a well-written and thoughout post. I do know some of those men and have all of my life. Fortunately, my husband is not one of them. There seems to be a strong desire to put us all back to the '50s. I don't think it will work.

  2. Excellent post, Ellen.

  3. Wow. I’m passing this on. Well said!

  4. Great consolidation of the problem with wienies. Difficult for me to muster sympathy for the effed up I won't but I do understand how they became who they have become over centuries with female enablers. Codependency but now leaning on one another has toppled as the female pillar has shifted to the left, and by left I mean right- you know what I mean. She has taken up her doormat and tossed it in the ditch. Erik's generation is totally different and about time too. Approaching life/relationships with an even balanced point of view- like they all turned Swedish overnight!

    1. we expected our kids to be different, raising our sons and daughters differently. some of it took. mostly with the daughters. now our daughters are raising sons and daughters in a different world and our granddaughters, having never been repressed the way we were, are having none of it. no, I have no sympathy for the dying patriarchy and those men who still cling to it who think they are owed a particular place or life simply by virtue of having a penis.

  5. Hah! I like them all turning Swedish overnight. Sweden for all! It is interesting how there are men who want women to depend on them. If each person in a relationship made money, then there would be more opportunities for travel and fun. But nooooooo, man's gotta be master of all he sees. It's just pathetic, of course so are the women who want to be owned by their man. Ack.

    1. and not just income but brain power. imagine what the world would be like it men hadn't repressed women, denied them opportunity and education, for thousands of years. coming of age in the 60s and 70s, the first thing I did when I started going out with whatever boy was tell him I didn't do double standards. whatever was good for him was good for me and vice versa. my family had a beach house and when I would have a mixed group of friends I laid down the law, the guys were required to help cook and clean, that us women were not there to wait on them, that we were there to relax and have fun too and if they refused to pitch in, if their wife or girlfriend said they didn't mind, I told them that if the men did not pitch in then they would not be invited back.

  6. Most modern women have recognized this great and growing divide between themselves and the pool of eligible mates. And so they don't marry, or team up with another woman. But, women did not create this problem for men and are not obliged to clean up "the mess", and in fact, cannot.

    1. you are so right. it's not just a fight against male dominance but the male dominated religions that proclaim it.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. There is a lot to take in here, Ellen, and even then to digest it! I am pretty much in agreement with everything you say. I hope that I am not going to sound sanctimonious here, but I delight in the fact that my wife is an intelligent, self-motivated individual, with many interests, an independent group of friends, and always anxious to learn new things. It makes for a very interesting relationship and makes the glue more binding. It is infinitely better to share than to dominate, and to continue to grow together makes for a very satisfying life.

    1. it does not surprise me that you delight in your wife's accomplishments. and I wanted to make sure that men like you knew I wasn't painting you all with that brush.

  9. Good essay! I think this is definitely one of the roots of the mass shooting problem. And all those far right men's clubs (Oath Keepers, etc.).

    1. thanks. nothing wrong with men's clubs as long as they aren't all about hate and misogyny and false expressions of 'manhood'.

  10. Well-explained, Ellen! Well-thought out essay! Thank you.

  11. Interesting essay, Ellen! It's obvious you've been thinking about all this for a while.

    I think there are many strands to these problems. First and foremost, as you mentioned, is our social definition of what it means to be a man. While this has been changing, I think many families (probably fathers in particular) deliver a very old-fashioned sense of masculinity to their sons, which sets up a struggle for them to function in a modern, more equality-based world.

    Also -- as you mentioned -- our economy has totally abandoned the types of jobs that many men (particularly less educated men) used to do. I'm not sure why many mens' response to this change is to perform even LESS well in school, but that seems to be what's happening. A lot of guys seem to be retreating into a sort of imaginary, video-game-and-porn lifestyle that they live almost entirely online -- and those are the dangerous types, I think. The ones for whom reality and their online experiences become conflated and blurred until their video games become "real" and they shoot up a school or a workplace.

    I don't understand why more men aren't comfortable with sharing responsibilities with women and simply co-existing rather than dominating or being "needed." As Jade said, why isn't it enough to spend time together and enjoy each others' company? Perhaps it's an inherent fear of abandonment.

    I read the WaPo essay already; I'll take a look at Heffernan's too.

    1. the article in the Hill is also a good read and actually started me thinking about all this. I don't understand why men are so resistant to helping with household chores when both spouses work. it's almost like the last bit of privilege they are loath to give up. do they not clean their own houses when they live alone? according to my grandgirl Jade, the answer is no but then she has a very low tolerance for messy or dirty homes.

  12. OMG ... This is so very well written and the truth ... I👏 you!

  13. This was a great read. I for one am not crying a tear for the poor men. And I don't think we need to blame their mothers either. This is all their own mess from the great grandfather down to the boy, possibly reinforced by history, glorification of guns and war and fighting and competition via media etc., fear and suppressed emotions and whatever, I am sure there are tons of scientific studies on it.
    There was one survey published here last month where 33 per cent of men aged 18 to 35 said it was "acceptable" for them to slap their female partner in an argument and also said they would "sometimes get physical" with women to show them respect.
    When I think back to my twenties and how we crawled out of the corners to reclaim the night and exclude men from spaces they had no business crowding, how hard it was, how long it took, how difficult it continues to be, how much effort and time we invested with our daughters - and sons - to teach them to be different, caring, human, I can only say, get your act together yourself.
    I went to one of my first women meetings in many many years last week when a group of us confronted the managers of our local transport corporation who had proposed to consider giving female passengers free safety t-shirts to wear - or rather cover their "problematic" (his words) outfits - while on public transport so that fewer men would be enticed to molest female passengers. I've had it with victim blaming.

    1. Sabine- really? T shirts to cover their "problematic" outfits? I really can't believe this. I mean, I can believe it happened but I can't believe that anyone in this day and time would offer that as a solution. Why not a burka?

    2. me either, no sympathy for the men especially when I was raised to let the boys win in any game or contest, that having a boyfriend/husband was the singular goal, and women were discouraged from higher education as it would take away a man's opportunity and women would just quit anyway when they got pregnant of which pregnancy was a foregone conclusion. unbelievable that that many men still think it is acceptable to strike their wife/girlfriend. and how does getting violent show respect? I read about the t-shirt thing but I thought it was in the US, New York maybe. so men are hard wired for sex, so what. I do not believe that they are incapable of restraining themselves.

  14. The older I get, the more I realize how complex this issue is. Actually, it's a whole bunch of issues which makes it all that much more difficult. Our society has indeed gone through a huge cultural change in some ways and you are right- men have no idea how to respond to it. It seems to me that our society, as these changes occur, is trying to double-down on the patriarchy in many ways- overturning Roe V Wade for one. And that frightens me. I don't know, Ellen. I don't know where we're headed but major change is so long past due.

    1. I think if the far right republicans get back in control of all three branches of the government we're going to be in for a world of hurt in more ways than one. but I don't see women going back. not those of us who fought our way out and not our daughters and especially our granddaughters. RvW was a major blow but the fight is still on. boys and men can join us or they can be left behind alone and living in their parent's basement. I don't think it's possible to go back to the 50s. I think, hope, what we're seeing is the last gasp of the religious patriarchy. but it will be up to our daughter and granddaughters to carry us forward.

  15. Yes, I have been following on the news this sad case with the gender issues and how many men are falling out of societal norms as women move forward and change. It is good that we recognize it and adapt and help. and I totally agree with your response to Ms. Moon above.

  16. This is such a worthwhi;le topic. especially given the infantile reactions on the right towards the Barbie movie, that I will write an essay on my own blog. I am quite comfortable in my masculinity. If you asked me to list three masculine virtues, I would answer: patience, generosity, and forebearance. Many would say patience and forebearance are the same, but I would argue patience applies to situations and forebearance towards people. The old ideas of protection and provision fold nicely into these virtues, as both patience and forebearance are not unlimited, and the reaction towards threats to myself and my loved ones are carefully considered prior to decisive action. Generosity in time, knowledge, and material support also fall nicely under providence, with no strings attached. There are unfortunately too many men, the majority on the right, who just never grew up, and cannot display mature masculinity.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.