Saturday, July 8, 2023

day trip

I've mentioned that my niece and great-niece are visiting my sister. Yesterday the four of us went to Galveston to spend the day. I knew the three of them had the trip planned but at 7 PM Friday night my sister called and asked if I wanted to come with and yes, yes I would. OK, she says, be ready to leave by 8 AM. 8 AM, ugh. I'm usually barely out of bed by then. But I packed my bag and got up at 6 so I would have time for coffee and breakfast and visits to the bathroom.

a mural on the side of a building

It's a two hour drive to Galveston Island from here. It was completely overcast and rained on us off and on with Charlotte, my great-niece, checking her weather app about every 15 minutes. She's been living in Denver and having grown up in Arizona and New Mexico she was sick of the cold, snow, rain, and overcast in the mountains and wanted to lay out in the sun for a couple of hours. It stopped raining right about the time we got there and we walked up and down The Strand, Galveston's tourist trap historic district, 

with all the shops and bars and restaurants. One shop, half their merchandise was Christmas ornaments or Christmas related. These caught my eye because of course everyone wants avocado toast, bacon, and ranch dressing hanging on their tree.

After our stroll on the Strand we had lunch at Fisherman's Wharf

my niece/namesake and me

and by the time we finished, it had cleared up outside and the sun was shining so we headed to the state park on the west end. We went there rather than any of the stretch of beach from downtown because it has bathrooms, changing rooms, and outdoor showers available.

Galveston Island is a barrier island with 3 more sand bars marching out from the shore that the waves break over and stirring up the silt so that the water here at this part of the Gulf is almost always brown. Rarely though it will be still enough where it looks clear and blue, maybe a handful of times all those years we had a beach house. But today, past the last sandbar you could see a strip of intense aqua before the horizon. I took this picture on zoom so you could see the strip of aqua better but you might be able to see it in any of the photos of the water.

We set up the big umbrella and the chairs and Charlotte spread out her towel and we breathed in that wonderful salt air and the soothing sound of the surf washed over us as we heaved big sighs.

Then Charlotte, who is my grandgirl Robin's age and who was a gymnast in school had her mom take a video of her doing an amazing perfect cartwheel and then a back flip for her to post on SnapChat or TikTok, not sure. I told her I couldn't do that but I could do a headstand so they made me get out there and do a headstand on the beach. Charlotte took a video.

Charlotte and Denise went in the water a few times while Pam and I basically just waded up to our calves and walked down the beach. Here's some of the things I saw.

Porpita porpita blue button jelly (not really a jelly but a different marine animal, the center is about the size of a penny.

Heavy duty rope floated in from a ship or tanker (aqua seems to be the color of the day).

Sargassum seaweed floats in this time of year.

Gazing back towards the way I had come.

We stayed for a couple of hours and then headed home. 


  1. I am so impressed with your headstand, Ellen! I could never do one in my whole life!
    Your niece looks a lot like you! What a fun day! Looks like perfect weather for a day at the beach.

  2. WOW that was fun!! Thank you for the breather! Great form Ms. headstander!

  3. Those beach finds were not early so impressive as the headstand!

  4. The head stand was very impressive. I have never, in all of my life, been able to do that.

  5. What a beautiful adventure you had there with your niece and great niece. It is so cool that you could do that headstand on the beach. It's been so many years since I've done a headstand. I don't think my neck could handle that anymore. Well done, Ellen. Such a lovely journey you had there.

  6. I am impressed more with the head stand than anything else at the shore!

  7. What a great break. The headstand very impressive!

  8. Well done with the headstand. I would love to have a day by the sea, thanks for sharing yours!

  9. Oh how much I miss beaches like Galveston (or St. Petersburg, or San Blas, or Clearwater FL) - the Gulf of Mexico has such gentle waves (until a hurricane of course). Great headstand, which shows you do it quite regularly! Yay you!

  10. That was a perfect headstand! Ellen you are something else!
    Looks like a good day with family and I'm glad you had it.
    I would have skipped the Christmas shop. Ugh. There used to be one of those in Tallahassee. It is long gone.

  11. What a lovely day! I'm impressed with the headstand. I used to be able to do one against a wall, but I never even attempted a free standing one - I have no concept of my body in space & time. Ha!

  12. I love Galveston. We go down from Hou several times a year. We hit NOLA shrimp place on East end, chocolate store on Strand and long walks on beach. Very restorative except traffic going home.

  13. Sounds like a nice day out! I'm not surprised you can do an impressive headstand, given your yoga training. :)

    Weirdly, I kind of like the avocado toast Christmas ornament, but I agree with you -- WHY?

  14. OMG ... I could never accomplish a headstand like that even when I was young and in high school! LOL So nice to see what you look like!
    Glad you all could have a good couple hours on the beach 🏖️!

  15. I'm especially intrigued by the blue buttons and the sargassum. I've not been down there for some time, and didn't realize they were coming in. I usually go to the bay side of the state park, and I've avoided that recently because of the heat. I never go to the Strand any more, but I have to ask: have you ever been to the Sunflower Bakery and Cafe, on about 14th and Post Office? That's a place friends and I often go for weekend brunch, because they open at 7, and we can get there ahead of the crowds. The food is marvelous, and creative: one of my favorites is their smoked chicken hash, although their lump crab dishes are great, too. I highly recommend it for your next trip!

  16. Beautiful travel to see the family. To stay good is the best. Have a nice summer.


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