Monday, July 31, 2023

yew tree, ants, birds, and a little art

If anyone thinks it's a good idea to build a deck under a mature yew tree that shades 90% of it, let me tell you it's a bad idea. It's not just that it sheds beaucoup skinny little leaves but it also drops thousands of blue berries with the pink gooey shit on them that then stick to the deck, the ones that don't get gummed up in the spaces between the deck boards that is along with the leaves. 

Add in the baby acorns that the overhanging oak has been dropping and it's a royal mess. The leaf blower isn't very effective on the berries because they are stuck to the deck. I love the deck. I love the yew tree, just don't like them together. I'm wondering if I can hang one of those shade wings somehow to catch the berries at least.

Sunday I got out there first thing and thoroughly watered the little backyard and then I pulled the garden cart across the street and emptied it on the burn pile. I've been needing to do that for weeks but it's always in the middle of the day when I think about it. I got as far as the edge of the shade the other day, about 20' from the street on my side, took one step into the sun and nope, no, not doing that now.

I'm trying to be a little more productive so Saturday I managed to get the lower half of the house vacuumed and today, half the upper house so far. Baby steps people. Plus I fixed blueberry pecan pancakes for breakfast this morning.

I did get the rest of the upper house vacuumed on Sunday and cleaned both toilets, yay me, but I am being plagued with fire ants...again. Not inside though, well almost not inside. First the last week some of the fire ants have resurfaced but not so you can see them in the grass that's a little high (we're not mowing because it's really not growing and provides shade for the roots, any grass or weeds in the sun is already brown and crunchy) where I stand when watering the flower beds and I keep inadvertently stepping right there not noticing until they are biting me!

Second, when I opened the garage yesterday morning to let the dog out and go (three guesses) water they had invaded the garage...under the mats, under the boxes of recyclables, a trail leading all the way across the garage. Hauled out all the boxes, flipped over the outside row of mats and went after them with the orange oil spray (it's sold as an air freshener but I use it as an ant killer). No sign of them today.

Third, there were fire ants in my bed last night! Not many but what the fuck were they doing in my bed, how the fuck did they get in my freaking bed! Saw one when I was smoothing out the sheets (because laying on a wrinkle is like laying on a log) and killed it. Turned out the light and laid down and before I fell asleep I felt something crawling on my neck. Killed it and searched for more. Laid back down and one bit me on the back. Really!? Repeat and one bit me on the shoulder. Turned on the light, killed one crawling on the wall, pulled the bed away from the wall and killed three or four more traveling along the baseboard, examined the sheets and pillows, examined the whole room but didn't see anymore, laid there for another half hour with the light, looked around again and finally turned the light off and went to sleep without further mishap.

Sitting here in the mornings watching the birds at the bird feeder. Lots of pitched battles in the air. There's a flock of juvenile cardinals that hang out, 7, 8, of them. Hard to count. They're starting to get their adult coloring, the males looking downright mangy while they make the transition. The chickadees and titmice come and go with their kamikaze hits but there's another kind of little brown bird that won't tolerate others of its kind. Not sparrows I don't think, smaller heads, more slender bodies, maybe a vireo or pine siskin but I've never definitely identified either of those here.

I heard from the gallery after I sent the pictures and she's asking for this one

which is the companion piece for the one I sent in 2021. It's been hanging on my wall so once I pack it up I'll hang the three older magnolia pieces there.

As if the past 6 weeks or however long it's been hasn't bad enough, the next two weeks are going to be even hotter and still no rain.



  1. Convenient that she wants one that's already made. That saves a lot of effort and angst.

    1. convenient that I had one because no way was I going to try and make something in this heat.

  2. I've given up the garden. Nothing is doing anything there, everything dried up. Well, except for the volunteer sweet potatoes. In fact, I think I've given up everything outside. Glen came in today from being out for a little while and announced it was "stupid hot". He is right.
    Glad you'll have a piece in the show! I sure do love those magnolia pieces.

    1. I have two okra plants that are small and scraggly and have produced all of three okras. I'm pulling them up. I'm down to just trying to keep the blooming things watered and the azaleas. I'd hate to lose them.

  3. I am so sorry about the fire ants. I can't think of anything worse to find in the bed. Early on in RV life we were at an RV park that told you to take ant precautions at check in. Apparently we didn't do enough and had columns of the damn things parading through the RV. We bought a lot of ant traps, it was awful.

    1. it was less than 10 ants and I haven't seen any in there since. still in the garage though so I had to do some eradication there again.

  4. I will be home tomorrow and can't wait to see what has bloomed in my absence. I know I will have lots of green beans abd tomatoes. Just hope the bear hasn't visited ad decided to have a snack! The rain followed us as we drove northwest and seems to be following us back. We experienced the 96 degree weather in Minnesota! Strange weather for the past few years. Al Gore may have been right!

    1. Al Gore and all the other alarmists. this is the hottest it's ever been here and for the longest. it's been upper 90s and triple digits for two months, two and a half maybe. can't remember when it started. all gardens here are past done.

  5. I feel bad for you, vis-a-vie our weather. Yes, a week of severe heat, but thunder storms and rain every day. When the heat broke, last Friday, the weather was spring cool, and rain. Not enough to be out of drought, but plenty for gardens and just plain enjoying it.

    1. it rained twice last week near enough that I could smell it but not on us. it's getting impossible to keep things watered. and of course we're having even hotter temps. it is August after all.

  6. During my long life and travels around the globe I have had many interesting experiences, some even tinged with risk and mildly dangerous. I have never, however, had fire ants in my bed, and it is an adventure I can live without. Come to think of it, there is nothing much fiery in my bed these days! Ah well…….

    1. I'm not sure what's worse, an ant that I can find and kill or a mosquito that plagues me all night.

  7. We are almost on the same cleaning schedule, Ellen! I cleaned the upstairs yesterday and will vacuum downstairs today! I would not be able to sleep in the bed if fire ants were there. I'd have to find somewhere else to sleep. Hope you get them all so your home will be safe from fire ants!

    1. it was just a few and I did manage to kill them all. still don't know how they got there.

  8. Nothing wrong with doing household tasks piecemeal! I can't imagine how you got fire ants in your bed unless they rode in on you after yardwork. Maybe you need an ant trap or one of those little bottle-cap type things with ant poison or something like that.

    1. I don't think those ant traps work on fire ants. perhaps they came in on the dog because she like to sleep on my pillow during the day but I don't understand how that many, less than 10, would ride in one her and not bite.

  9. Oof having fire ants in your bed has to rank up there as pretty terrible. I too am a baby step housekeeper, but I also don't do stuff outside. The concept of doing work when I get home from work is a foreign one to me. Ha!

    1. I'll decide to do something, like clean one piece of furniture a day but that peters out almost immediately.

  10. Always entranced by this usage of the verb "to fix". As if there was something wrong with the pancakes to start with.

    1. well then, you'll really be delighted the next time I write I'm fixin' to do something. and yes, there was something wrong with the pancakes as in they weren't pancakes yet so I had to fix the ingredients.

  11. Love your botanical art. I could stare at it all day. That yew issue is not going away and what a pain! I am guessing the ants came in on your clothes or shoes.

    1. thanks. one of the pieces I plan to finish when I get back in the studio is an anole on a branch with lichens.

  12. The ants are horrible, someone tell me that they are an important species please. I am sure they must be but not on my patio.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.