Wednesday, July 26, 2023

she's so......heavvvvvvvvy

One more long post, should probably be split in two, this one about more republican political malfeasance and outright lawlessness, and then I swear I'll lighten up for a while.

Once again our governor Greg Abbott is showing us that he hates democracy and that republicans are willing to lie, cheat, and steal to remain in absolute power. Out of 254 counties, the Texas legislature has passed a bill enabling the secretary of state to re-do the results of an election in the state's largest county only, Harris, which includes the fourth largest city in the nation, the city of Houston and which votes overwhelmingly democrat. Harris County has sued to prevent the new law from taking effect September 1st.

Abbott's cruelty knows no bounds with his deployment of razor wire along the banks and under the water of the Rio Grande with a line of floating spiked buoys with netting underneath down the middle of the river violating federal law and international treaties instructing the National Guard and the Department of Public Safety deployments to push people back in the river including children and refuse them water, orders so inhumane that it caused at least one trouper-medic to complain to his superior listing the injuries and deaths he observed...a four year old passed out from the heat pushed with her group back into the river, a man with a severe laceration after trying to rescue his child caught on razor wire on a buoy, a young woman caught in the razor wire having a miscarriage, a 15 year old with a broken leg suffered while trying to cross, and much more. His reason? The hordes of brown people crossing illegally which is the bald faced lie republicans won't let go of because it riles up their base. Biden's border patrol and policies are doing their job, illegal crossings are down 70 some odd percent, Mexico is engaged in protecting the border, drugs seizures have increased. When informed by the DOJ that Abbott was facing a lawsuit if he did not remove the razor wire and spiked buoys, his response was 'see you in court', claiming he has 'sovereign authority'. Let that sink in, 'sovereign authority'. He is not king, he is not president, Texas is not a republic; it is one state of many in this nation. He has no sovereign authority and no right to ignore federal law. The DOJ has filed suit but what Biden should do is just send in the Army Corps of Engineers and start dismantling it all.

I've already reported that Abbott has tried to have parents of trans kids investigated for child abuse and now the Florida republican legislature passed a bill, sending it to DeSantis to sign, that legalizes taking trans children away from their parents.

Florida governor DeSantis has recently created a State Guard whose purpose, when announced, was to help with disaster relief efforts but is being trained as an armed combat ready militia under boot camp conditions in camo uniforms under his personal command. It's initial maximum size went from 400 to 1500 and it's being financed by Florida taxpayers with a $107M budget approved by the state legislature. DeSantis wants to acquire helicopters, boats, cell phone hacking technology, and the power of arrest for this force outside of federal jurisdiction. Veterans who initially joined either quit or were physically removed after expressing concern about the training. DeSantis is training his own private little army.

Florida's State Board of Education's new standard for teaching about slavery is that slavery was beneficial to slaves because it taught them valuable skills which could be applied for their personal benefit when the opposite is true, that the “history of cattle farming, river navigation, rice and indigo cultivation, southern architecture, music, and so on in this country depended on the skills and traditions of African people” (from Heather Cox Richardson's newsletter). Pretty soon they'll be teaching that slaves came here voluntarily and begged white landowners to buy them. The new curricula doesn't stop there, it pretty much white washes everything about slavery, emancipation, reconstruction, and the hard won civil rights for blacks and women, all bestowed by benevolent white men according to the new standard. HCR's newsletter goes into great detail about Florida's new curricula and I recommend reading it. 

Alabama is trying to pass a law that criminalizes miscarry and stillbirth, automatically triggering homicide investigations of the women to see if they purposely put themselves in a situation that could result in a miscarriage. That could even be a situation where the woman has an abusive spouse and doesn't leave because of circumstances like having nowhere to go.

Other republican attorneys general are petitioning out of state hospitals and doctors for the health records of trans people which ordinarily would be a HIPPA violation but is allowed if they are requested as evidence in ongoing investigations. Regardless, this is just one more attack on the privacy and rights of the trans community.

Also in Alabama, the Supreme Court confirmed they were violating the Voting Rights Act and were ordered to redraw their congressional districts to include two black majority districts. July 21 they openly violated the Supreme Court order and passed a new map which did not include two black majority districts and which the governor signed.

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted along party lines (as in democrats voted for, republicans voted against) on a bill that would require the Supreme Court to adopt a binding code of ethics in line with every other federal judge after revelations that several of the justices have received unreported money, gifts, vacations, homes, private school tuition from mega donors with suits before the court and which these justices voted in favor of. Why do republicans object to the Supreme Court having a code of ethics?

In a blatant act of lawlessness Marjorie Taylor Greene displayed poster sized photos of Hunter Biden's dick pics on the floor of the House, claiming they were proof he was making pornography. She was neither called out, censured, nor removed from committees. It is literally against the law for someone to show or publish private nude photos of someone without their consent, especially when they have been obtained illegally as these were done. Then she sent them to everyone on her email list.

Angry that their cult leader Trump is finally being indicted for his criminal behavior, republican Jim Jordan of the House Judiciary Committee wrote to the chair of the Committee of Appropriations to defund the FBI which investigates crime. So much for the party of law and order. Apparently they believe that the law is for us and not for them.

All of the above are horrendous acts of cruelty or attacks on our civil rights and our democracy or outright acts of lawlessness but it's nothing compared to what republicans plan if they take the presidency and the Senate and keep the House. Trump loyalists have been very vocal about their plan to consolidate power in the presidency under Trump and not just Trump but any republican president. They have told us out loud they intend to remove the independence of various agencies putting them under the direct control of the president, they intend to defund the IRS so that their rich donors can continue to get away with not paying taxes, they intend to defund the FBI and the DOJ and put loyalists in charge that will investigate and prosecute Trump's opponents in retaliation for their opposition, they intend to do away with the protections afforded the Civil Service that prevents them from being fired for political reasons, they intend to do away with Social Security and Medicare, starting with putting restrictions of those working Americans who are paying in but not receiving benefits yet, voter suppression tactics will continue unabated to insure that once back in power they will stay in power, they intend to make abortion illegal nationally. This is a short list which adds up to ditching the constitution and turning our democracy with its balance of powers, into an authoritarian regime. The New York times, the Washington Post, and MSNBC have written about these well known plans.

Do not get complacent! This upcoming presidential and congressional election is even more important than the last one. Our democracy and our civil rights hang in the balance as well as the separation of church and state and any hope of combating climate change which is essential for continued human survival. 


  1. Well, when you put it like that...
    I sort of just want to die. I'm afraid.

    1. well, if the republicans get back in absolute power, we will all die. they will stop all funding and all programs to address global warming. burn more oil, they say. and the most recent dire warning is the imminent collapse of a major ocean current which could happen in as little as two years. when that happens, humanity is fucked.

  2. You've done an excellent round up of the current awfulness. It may not matter, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current – of which the Gulf Stream is a part – could collapse around the middle of the century, or even as early as 2025, in which case we're all going to die. CNN has an article about it:
    I would really like to know how the republicans can look at themselves in the mirror and not catch on fire.

    1. Yeah, they think the world is in chaos now? they think migration is bad now? I know we've been building towards it for decades but it seems to be collapsing so fast. that proverbial straw. and it could happen in our lifetime. and Pence? he's campaigning on cutting all funding and stopping all efforts to combat climate change. burn more oil!

  3. These people are just pure evil. You're not kidding about this next election, it's the most important one ever. We need to vote these monsters out. I hold some faint hope that the young people (especially women) in this country had had enough and will vote accordingly, if they don't we're f**ked. And finally I am convinced that Abbott is a sick twisted little man who hates himself. I can think of no other reason for the shit he pulls.

    1. he is pissed at the world for his own stupidity going jogging to check out the hurricane damage so everybody has to pay especially vulnerable brown skinned people. and that whole 'sovereign authority' bit is bullshit. I hope republican attempts to make it harder for college kids to vote fail. they don't want them to be able to vote on campus.

  4. Have another tree falls on Governor Abbott

  5. We are living in such crazy times, and it's a bummer in every way. I so wish things were different.

  6. I get Heather Cox Richardson's newsletter in my email everyday and I am always learning from what she has to say.

    1. she really is amazing. I get them too. obviously since I quote her quite often.

  7. This reads like the worst horror movie ever.
    Waving at you from Katy~~~

  8. Abbott has also made it so outside laborers CANNOT take a water 💦🥵 and shade break every 4 hours ... he is inhumane! He needs to be removed by vote or ??? Be creative!!

    1. Also ... This is an excellent post! Thank you for doing the work to round up and publish all of this information!

    2. thanks, I just write stuff down as I come across it. Abbott is another one who wants to be an authoritarian, hence the no water breaks unless he allows it statewide. how dare these local officials try to pass laws or requirements to help their area and people.

  9. Ellen, it's this scary: Ohio has got an abortion rights bill on the November ballot through a public initiative. Signatures from more than half the 88 counties and 425 odd thousand valid signatures (over 700,000 were collected). We are having a very expensive special election in August to change the constitution from majority to super majority for public initiatives. So, if this passes, the November abortion rights will require a super majority. Polling shows about 57 % of voters support abortion rights for women. There is a big campaign on both sides of the issue. We'll see.

  10. Now I have a headache! I have two children living in Florida who have both said that DeSantis is the scariest man alive. Canada looks better and better! I am too old to fight, but my mouth still works just fine. We get our news out of Atlanta and I can't remember a day that has not included at least one shooting death. We have to be there for surgery and I don't look forward to driving there. Think I will just go hide on my mountain!

    1. just one? three or four every day just in Houston. DeSantis is destroying Florida. ran all the farm and construction workers out so crops are rotting in the fields and construction has come to a standstill, fighting Disney which I hear is not as busy and is the largest employer in the state, conventions being canceled, home insurers fleeing climate change which he poo poos, etc.

  11. If I remember correctly Abbott recently was re-elected beating a progressive like Beta O’Rourke. I don’t profess to understand gerrymandering, redistricting and tactics like that, but assuming that wasn’t a factor, does this mean that Abbott’s vision for Texas is what more people want? It baffles me that even one person with any semblance of a social or humanitarian conscience could vote for him, but they do. And so many people don’t bother to vote at all. Viewing all this from outside, and reading the reports of Canadian and British reporters and commentators covering the US, it’s hard not to believe that full on autocracy, dictatorship, absolutism and repression are a very real possibility. It Trump get re-elected the die is cast. The United States as you know it, the country you grew up in, will cease to exist.

    1. I don't think Trump can get reelected. democrats want him on the ticket, republicans want him to go away but they can't say it outloud. though it doesn't matter if it's Trump or any republican. the damage will be the same, autocracy is what they want, need, to stay in power once they get it. as for Texas, rural folk vote republican, urban folk vote democrat. and Texas is not as red as republicans make out. if it wasn't for gerrymandering and voter suppression it would have shifted back to democrat in either of the last two elections. in fact the AG bragged that his suppression of sending out mail in ballots in the last election kept Texas red.

    2. I hear this explanation all the time, and it puzzles me somewhat. Does this mean that rural people have no conscience, are easily duped, enjoy absolutism and are willing to vote for tyrants, demagogues and oppressors in ways that city people are not? Surely this can’t be true.

    3. it's not that they have no conscience, it's that most people in rural Texas at least are religious and churchy so they are biased by that toward abortion and the other gendered and they are, I think, mostly ill informed. The majority of them get their news from Fox and they vote republican. They accept the lies and they don't seek out other points of view and they aren't exposed to other people with alternate beliefs or knowledge like people are in a city are. My dental hygienist is a perfect example. She always has the TV in her room on Fox and the last time I got my teeth cleaned when inflation was still really bad she spent the whole time spouting republican talking points. She obviously believes all the lies.

      Of all the volunteers at SHARE there are maybe four people who vote democrat that I'm aware of including myself but politics is a subject we avoid so as to keep any animosity out since we are all there for the same reason which is to help the needy. I have no idea how they feel about the Trump indictments or our governor's unnecessary cruelty. It's an oxymoron to me how they can do their best to help the needy and then vote republican whose policies are all about retaliation and getting rid of programs to help people and cut out all funding for green energy and initiatives to combat global warming. Especially since the only thing that has saved our butts this summer is the solar arrays that have kept our electrical grid from failing. It's a mystery to me.

  12. Oof - it's just so ANGRY MAKING. I liked HCR's letter today talking about how the White House is using their press briefings to un-whitewash the history of people of color in this country.

    1. well, yes but the people that need to hear it probably never tune in to Biden's press briefings.

  13. And I thought the last election was the election of my lifetime to salvage democracy. Damn.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.