Tuesday, April 11, 2023

aging, grackles, and fire ants


The pecan trees are blooming. I've told all three of my trees to stop fooling around and I expect some pecans this year.

We had a small burial Saturday evening. Grandgirl Autumn's hedgehog Penelope, Autumn's companion for the last three or four years, reached the end of her life span and died last week. Autumn asked if she could bury her here and so we did, next to where my Emma kitty is buried.

I had my hair pulled back in a ponytail because it has gotten so long it's always in my face and I hate having hair in my face obscuring my vision and getting in the way and just being a general nuisance when Autumn remarked on how white it was at my temple. When did that happen, she asked. It's been happening for a while, just not very noticeable with my hair down. At nearly 73, my hair is still predominantly brown but the gray has been steadily creeping in, especially this last year. I may be in for a shock myself when I get my summer cut.

This morning I've got the back door open listening to the birds chirp and twitter and the woodpecker out there who has found a nice sounding board as he tries to attract a mate. The wind chimes are singing in the slight breeze. I can see the bird bath from where I sit and right now there's a male cardinal getting a drink. Cat is crouched under the yellow ginger thinking she's going to get a squirrel if one comes for the peanuts I threw out.

And what is up with the grackles this year? Usually they swoop in in a big flock, forage for a couple of days, and then swoop off to annoy another neighborhood two or three times a year. Not so this year. There are two or three scouts that are plaguing me and my sister over our bird feeders. I'm having to chase them off constantly as they are big and loud and greedy and bully the other birds and eat all the seed and if I don't chase them off, next thing you know they've sent out the word and there's a dozen or more. I am not feeding grackles.

Sunday I spent the day killing fire ants. I forget how many times I filled the 5 gallon bucket, at least four, maybe five, probably five. I treated 22 fire ant mounds, an unusually high number, from a few small start ups to mostly humongous incubators and still missed at least three. After breakfast I mixed up two more 5 gallon buckets going back over the mounds at the edges of my flower beds and retreating the survivors trying to salvage eggs and regroup. Didn't get the mounds I missed because I used all the orange oil before I got to them. The stuff is expensive, about $30 for a quart, but it usually goes a little further than this year. I've probably got about 50 fire ant bites on my feet for my trouble.

As generally happens, I wrote the above yesterday and then ran out of time to post before it was time to walk the dog and go to yoga. I led the class last night and probably will Wednesday because Abby texted me a picture of the shingles she broke out with in and around her black eye that her son accidentally gave her with his elbow last week.

Some pics around the yard...

Isn't this the prettiest little viola?

The byzantium gladiolas are starting to bloom

as are the clasping leaved coneflowers.

A volunteer squash in the compost pile which I think is probably an acorn squash.


  1. Lovely flowers again. Not too surprising you're finally losing a bit of hair color. A lot of people start in their forties.

  2. fire ants and ticks and mosquitoes have no reason to live, I reckon- fire ants are probably too spicy for birds to eat.

  3. My hair started turning gray and then it stopped. Since my original color is not that pretty, I was hoping for the gray. My mom didn't gray that much either, so I guess I won't. The hedgehog memorial is very nice.

  4. I love it when plants volunteer from compost. Nature's will is strong! (Well, hybridized nature, but still...)

    Sorry about Penelope. I didn't even realize keeping a pet hedgehog was possible.

  5. Wow! You are 73 and your hair just started turning grey! That surprises me so much. My hair started to grey when I was in my early 50s. I am totally grey now at 70.
    Love seeing your beautiful blooming flowers there. I keep talking to our anemone buds in the front yard and asking them to bloom. Soon, they say, soon.

    1. Oh, my hair didn't just start turning gray. I started getting gray hairs in my 50s but sparse, few and far between. In my 60s if you looked close you could see gray hairs. It's only in the last couple of years that in some spots, my temples mostly, that the gray outnumbered the brown.

  6. Glen hates those pecan tassels as they stain the cars.
    That was a lot of fire ant killing!

  7. You've reminded me that my mother's hair started turning with a white streak over her forehead. In time, mine did exactly the same thing. Genetics! We both ended up white rather than gray, though. It sounds like you did a good job on those fireants. I came home from the woods on Sunday with chiggers. I'm not sure I wouldn't rather have fire ant bites than chiggers, although if I'd had as many fire ant bites as I did chigger bites, I would have been in sad, sad shape.

    1. I'll take fire ant bites over chiggers any day. fire ant bites only sting/itch for a few minutes. chiggers itch for days. when I got married the first time I spent a good part of the day at the Arboretum and I sat on a rotting log for awhile. I had chiggers so bad the next several days right between my legs. I had no idea what the hell I had contracted and went to a dermatologist. Chiggers, really bad chiggers. I still get an occasional bite out here working in the yard.

  8. Dealing with fire ants must be quite a challenge. Might even give you more grey hair!

    1. I have no idea why they are so bad this year. Maybe the drought last year. or maybe I skipped a year dealing with them. little bastards.

  9. I was just thinking that I might be 70 before my hair is more gray than brown. I spent all that effort growing out the color & it's just some salt & a lot of pepper. I might have to go back to coloring just so it will look interesting. Ha!

  10. I'm the same age as you but I am mostly gray - I have a bit of brown left underneath.
    I couldn't stand all of bugs you have to deal with. I'll have to warn my son who is moving to the Houston area this summer...

  11. Fire ant bites are the worst! I noticed a few mounds up the drive in my gardens. HeWho wants to burn them, but I vetoed that idea! All th ulch and pinestraw could easily burn my whole garden!!

  12. 37paddington:
    I’d love to see a photo with your white hair coming in. I bet it looks really cool.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.