Sunday, April 23, 2023

rain, gardening, and other miscellanea

We got a little over an inch of rain Thursday night which we needed so I didn't have to water. Of course the little dog was all freaky during the storm preventing me from sleeping and I finally just turned on the light and read until the storm passed and she settled down. Too wet to work outside Friday which was just as well because I was tired from no sleep and weeks of physical activity.

I spent yesterday morning catching up on blogs. I can either read, write, or hurry outside to take advantage of this still beautiful weather. After breakfast we went to the Saturday Farmer's Market which is mostly anything but produce this early in the growing season. Squash and banana peppers were the only thing I saw. Lots of baked goods, our local potter was set up and some other crafts I didn't pay much attention to. I went for honey from a local beekeeper and microgreens from one of the women in the Mennonite community here. And then I hurried out to the yard.

I got the last of the weeding done under the big pink rose bush in the west flower bed. I had to prune some of the bottom branches off so I could get under there and dig up the ground cover and dewberry vines that had taken up residence. Then after a late lunch I separated and replanted a big clump of surprise lilies that I dug up when I weeded the little garden by the fence. It surprised me (ha ha, see what I did there?) because I only get one or two flowers if that every fall and it turned out to be 22 bulbs tightly packed together. I moved them to three different spots where I hope they will bloom better. Then I cut off the lowest leaves on all four tomato plants with the intention of putting mulch underneath today but it's currently dark and lightly rainy out. Not supposed to last all day so maybe this afternoon I can do that.

And speaking of tomatoes...

My second scattering of zinnia seeds that I threw out where I usually have poppies this time of year are starting to sprout but I'm only seeing a very few of what I think are marigolds from those seeds and nothing yet from the nasturtiums.

Other miscellanea...

The pink angel trumpet is blooming. Yesterday it had 13 open flowers, this morning 15 in various stages of just open and declining.

From the Ridiculous Food Department: strawberry, cherry, and raspberry flavored cranberries. I don't get it. Just eat strawberries, cherries, and raspberries if that's the flavor you want.

I finally accumulated enough screws of the right length (what? go buy them?) and mounted the rest of my glass doorknob collection on the railing of the deck (the row on the left).

Found this little bird nest in the middle of the hanging basket of petunias that Autumn wanted replanted in the ground in front of the little hedgehog grave. It was so well hidden I didn't see it until after I had already pulled out half the petunias and didn't see the three little eggs spilled on the ground until I had planted all the petunias. So I put the eggs back in the nest, filled the hanging basket with leaves and nestled the nest in there and hung it back on the shepherd's crook it had been hanging on. I doubt the mother bird will return though as it's no longer well hidden. Best guess is cardinal eggs. Too big for wren eggs.

The love-in-a-mist are finally blooming

and the day lilies are starting up.

Well, the rain which was only supposed to last for an hour is showing no signs of retreating, still dark and windy and sprinkley drizzley hours later. Time for me to retreat to the couch and book.



  1. It's been windy, cold, and now drizzly here, too, so it's an inside day for me. I have been enjoying a young possum that's been rooting around in the fallen birdseed, and my busy parent mockingbirds and cardinals that clearly are feeding a brood somewhere. Other than that? It's a quiet day. I was going to clean up the patio, but I think cleaning up my computer files is a better idea. I am thinking that it's a good day for some sort of soup or chili, but I fear that might require a trip to the store, and I have no desire to go outside even for that.

  2. Oh, Ellen! I will be so glad to get back in the yard and garden again. I may put my overalls on in a few minutes and go pull some weeds. My outside time has been spent stomping circles around the yard, trying to pass yet another piece of grit. I have a routine! And when it's over, I am so exhausted. This has to end soon, right? Or at least...eventually?
    Meanwhile, thank you for sharing your flowers. They are beautiful.

  3. I love seeing all the flowers blooming so beautifully there. That pink angel trumpet is so lovely. The birds are just beginning to build nests here. We see so many of them flying with their twigs and things in preparation.
    Those flavored raspberries are a crazy surprise. I've never heard of such a thing.

  4. My favorite photo today is the love-in-a-mist! I have never heard of those. So pretty!

  5. Couch and a book- best idea of the day! Cold and raining up here- I cleaned out five drawers !!

  6. I do like to see your flowers. So far ahead of our season in the northeast.

  7. I went back and found a picture of one of Aunt Laura's iris blooming. I also read of Mama Turtle's break to the wide, wide world. Godpeed, Mama. wherever you are.
    Did you have any seeds from the few iris flowers you had? We waited years for them to bloom, and then they did, in profusion and with seeds.

    1. oh I wish but I've never gotten blooms off Aunt Laura's iris. must have been the one bloom I got off the iris I dug up at an estate sale last year. I prefer to think Big Mama is living her best wild life.

  8. That third paragraph of yours is roughly what I'd expect life to be like if if I were jailed for not being able to spell mnemonic. Or not giving a dotted crotchet the correct extension in time. What, in that case, would you characterise as drudgery?

    1. I gather you're not a fan of gardening or yard work. what would I consider drudgery? having to go in and work inside in an office all day every day.

  9. Your garden looks to be doing well. As for the nest with the three eggs, Northern Cardinal looks right to me.

  10. I hope mama cardinal comes back. She might!

    That IS some ridiculous food.

  11. The first tomatoes are always such a great event. Never mind that they need tons of water, are for sale and grown locally - tasty and organic - in abundance, there's always that smell and feel when it comes straight from your garden.

  12. I have noticed that my housework is falling behind as I work outside when the weather is nice. I hope the birds come back to the nest to hatch the babies. I was wondering about Big Mama, hoping she returned. Why do they need to "flavor" everything? Lays potato chips went crazy with flavors, but I haven't noticed them as much on the grocery shelves. I like the original plain ones.

  13. Yes, the other-fruit-flavored cranberries are ridiculous, but I'll bet they're delicious. Ha! It's probably for people who've heard that cranberries are good for you but don't like the flavor.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.