Thursday, April 6, 2023

no shows and no decency

Front flower bed with Cat, can you see her in there?

I just noticed that half my coral butterfly ginger did not come back. There's a big space where they should be. The cone flower ginger that Mary Moon sent me two years ago has also not come back. The bougainvillea has not sent up any new growth yet but I still have hopes for it but the gardenia is covered in new growth after I pruned it back hard. More than half of my poor struggling camellia that has been plagued with white fly died and the new growth is sparse. The main branch of the white orchid tree in a pot that I did not bring in but put in a protected corner and covered it more or less died but has new growth on the lower small branches and I already mentioned the althea that died. The old fashioned yesterday-today-and-tomorrow has finally sent up some new growth from its roots. Next winter I'll have to remember to cover it. And I've already mentioned that I'm not getting any larkspur or poppies either. On the wild side, I'm finally getting some dandelions in the yard but the lots on either side of me are covered in blooms. I've mentioned no woodland violets either when last year they bloomed profusely but also no chickweed, which is kind of astounding really, and no henbit.

One more picture of the 12 acre field behind me covered in indian paintbrush. As good as the iPhone 13 camera is, it just cannot capture the true depth of field (or it could be the photographer). The flowers look like a narrow strip when in fact they cover a good 8 or 9 acres (hard to judge) solid with color.

We are finally getting some rain! A gentle to medium rain started falling straight down yesterday that cooled things down considerably (of course it did, I put all my long sleeve shirts away the day before) and it continued off and on the rest of the day and has continued today and supposed to tomorrow. Can't do any work outside so I'm working on clearing my big work table that has accumulated way too much stuff. Or being lazy. I'm doing a lot of that too.


As I'm sure everyone is aware, Trump was finally indicted last Thursday and as Jeff Tiedrich so succinctly put it, “the entire wingnut outrage-industrial complex is melting straight the fuck down“. Trump turned himself in on Tuesday and was arrested in NYC and arraigned on 34 felony counts connected to the hush money paid porn star Stormy Daniels to which he pled not guilty at his arraignment. No mugshot was taken and no bail required to be released for white collar crimes (and gosh golly darn, no massive protest from the cult materialized), he returned to Florida later in the day. Before his release, the judge admonished him against any speech that might provoke violence against the people involved but that didn't stop Don Jr. from posting a picture of the DA's daughter and Trump later referred to the judge and his wife as Trump haters and has called for defunding the DOJ and the FBI. Also in state politics the far right election denier and vote suppressor republican candidate Dan Kelly was defeated for the Wisconsin supreme court by democrat Janet Protasiewicz, who promised to stand up for abortion rights and fair voting districts, giving democrats the majority on the court. The loser was, of course, angry and bitter in his concession speech saying I wish that in a circumstance like this I would be able to concede to a worthy opponent, but I do not have a worthy opponent to which I can concede” calling her beneath contempt and a serial liar. Are there any republicans running for office that aren't complete assholes?

There is so much more underhandedness going on by republicans like expelling the three democrat lawmakers in the Tennessee legislature that backed the gun control protests after the most recent mass shooting there, a bill in Texas that will require the 10 commandments be posted in every classroom (which is about as ironic as it gets considering the complete lack of moral character in today's GOP) and replacing school counselors with pastors which is blatantly unconstitutional, passing a law in Kansas that requires genital inspection of kids who want to play sports as part of their trans ban, and their attempts to curtail college student voting after having finally snapped to the fact that GenZ is woke, organized, and voting but I can only deal with so much at a time. The more elections republicans lose, the more extreme they get in their attempt to impose 'christian nationalism' ie their particular brand of fascism on the nation at large and fuck the constitution.

Edit: Tennessee republicans voted to expel the two black legislators but did not expel the white one.


  1. I spent two weeks of enforced confinement alone with TV news. Appalling! And, I've been in Texas for paintbrush and bluebells. Truly lovely.

  2. Thr vote to expel the, guess which, yes, white, Tennessee legislator failed.

  3. My pinecone lilies aren't really coming up yet either but I see a few tiny spears. I think they will eventually.
    Ellen, the political situation right now is scaring me to death and I thought I already was as scared as I could be. Let us contemplate flowers and fields, rain and cats, and vote whenever we can.

  4. Is there any way to pull back from this polarization? The gulf between red states and blue states seems to get wider by the day, and incipient fascism is clearly on the rise. Where does it all end? Not well, I think that is very clear. The country is barely recognizable any more. Where else are kids routinely massacred and elected officials blandly say that nothing can be done about it? How do people like Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Kevin McCarthy et al get elected and re-elected, to day nothing of governors like Abbott and DeSantis? And we haven't even got to Trump.

  5. You just can not make this shit up.

  6. But the good news is that Wisconsin elected that Democratic candidate so that is a big step forward for them. And it was inspiring to see those Nashville school children protesting for gun control.
    It reminds me of the 1960s when the shock and horror of what the mean and desperate politicians were doing to Civil Rights protestors really helped to show the need for the changes that came then. Republicans are driving people away from their party by all of their crazy actions.

  7. Now I know where you are! Those 'tipis' in the background of the Indian paintbrush photo are a sure landmark. I've noticed some bougainvillea putting on a few flowers here, and the camillia down the street that I thought was a goner is coming back. I'm pleased about that, because those people really have fussed over it, and it seemed to be dead despite it all. Not so much!

  8. As you know, I lust in my heart for that wildflower field. Happy happy sigh.

    On the other hand, our country seems FUBAR - and as HCR said in last night's letter, "What would you say if you saw today’s news coming from another country?"

  9. The Tennessee thing is especially galling, given the racial element. (I mean, it was already galling, but that makes it REALLY galling.)

    I keep thinking these wingnuts are going to go too far and there will be voter rebellion, but it's harder with the ways they're engineering precincts and voter eligibility. The election in Wisconsin is a good sign. (The Repubs say the Dems stole it, of course.)

  10. There will be a revolution. There will be good and bad. But, the slate will be wiped clean for a new start. I am just weary of it all. So sick with a cold, I think I might have coughed up part of a lung and my head will not stop hurting. I will be enraged later.

  11. The craziness of the right-wing Republican party is shocking and outrageous. I am blown away by their utter contempt for the Constitution, laws, and the truth. My biggest fear is that they will literally stop at nothing to get the world of their white right-wing dreams realized.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.