Saturday, April 8, 2023

rain, religion, and Nope

Next Tuesday is the last cardio drumming class and Kayla will be heading back to her university to complete her study program. It's been a lot of fun and I'll miss the weekly class. I suppose the other women in the class will also, maybe especially two women who generally sit behind their ball and bucket drumming instead of standing and doing the footwork...the marching, the knee lifts, well as the arm movements and apparently I've been providing them with some side entertainment having fun watching me from behind. They aren't being mean or snarky just getting a kick out of watching me as I sort of dance a little in place, having fun getting into the music while I follow along with the drumming patterns. I guess I'm that kid in line at the ballet recital doing my own thing while the other little girls do the plies.

We finally got some good rain with the latest cold front dropping us down in the 50s again, about 4” total over three days. No rain predicted today though it's still overcast but it is starting to warm up. I finally ordered some orange oil on line which I need for my fire ant eradication program, dish soap and orange oil kills the shit out of them, better than the poison pellets I tried, and it arrived Thursday. Just in time since the rain has driven all the ants to the surface and huge mounds have appeared at the edges of my flower beds and in the yard. Too wet out there today to do anything about it but tomorrow they're all in for a big surprise. Now if I could just get rid of the grackles that have found my bird feeder just as easily.

Yesterday was Good Friday which is just another day to me having shrugged off christianity in my early 20s, and really have eschewed all religion since. As far as I'm concerned that whole Jesus died for my sins so I'm saved no matter what I do so I might as well be my worst self because, hey, I'm saved is nothing more than a 'get out of jail free' card. What the actual fuck? Be bad and suffer no consequences, except for that whole hell and tossed in the lake of fire thing which my evangelical cousin has reminded me will happen if I don't see the light. As for the suffering he was required to endure, if any of it is real which I doubt considering the religion was invented in Rome in the 4th century, incorporating ancient myths (virgin birth and the dead and risen god is one of the most ancient god myths) and picking and choosing from wandering prophets eliminating all women's voices, was it worse than being hanged til you're almost dead, disemboweled, then being drawn and quartered or some poor soul captured by a sadistic bastard and tortured for days on end or having your body parts blown off by an IED? Humans are great at cruelty so if we are made in the image of god then that god is cruel (and don't get me started on having faith in god's plan). But hey, if it all gives you some kind of peace, then by all means go ahead on. I imagine my own personal understanding of the nature of life and the universe sounds just as wacky; just please, don't try to force others to adhere to your beliefs by legislating them.

We watched two more episodes of season 3 of The Mandalorian yesterday and I'm sorry to say, this season is not nearly as good as the two previous. Episode 6, the most recent one out, with Jack Black and Lizzo and Christopher Lloyd, was just plain ridiculous. We did watch an obscure (to me) 'neo-western sci-fi horror' film, Nope a while back. Kind of a kooky little film about a brother and sister trying to make a go of their father's horse ranch out in the wilds of California, a cloud that is not a cloud, and their suspicion and attempt to get the 'money shot' of the aliens they are convinced are there.

Being basically housebound for the last three days I have no current pictures except one I just took of my potatoes growing.


  1. There are as many holes in the whole Jesus story as there are in all of the Swiss cheeses in the world. It just makes no sense no matter how you look at it. I'd like to know the "recipe" for that ant killer. I would never just go randomly attacking ant mounds but there sure are some in my garden I'd love to get rid of.

    1. I use regular blue Dawn dish soap and Medina orange oil. I fill a 5 gallon bucket with water, add enough dish soap to make the water feel a little slimy and pour in orange oil until the water is slightly greenish (don't you love my exact quantities?). I have a smaller one gallon bucket that I fill from the big one, use a stick to poke holes in the mound so the ants start pouring out and then I pour the treated water on the ants and the mounds. depending on the size of the mound it takes 1 - 3 gallons until no more activity from the ants. I like to make sure it soaks deep into the mound. you don't want to use it on potted plants because the soap is supposed to be bad for roots.

  2. I'm glad you got some of that rain. I was afraid it was going to pass us by; it kept hanging offshore or passing to the north. But, we finally got some, and now the sun is out, and my new neighbor -- a young guy I'd guess to be in his twenties -- brought me some cupcakes for Easter. Life is good!

  3. Religion was created by humans, not the other way around. A pox on all of them.

  4. Back when I had a garden, we used dish soap and vinegar to kill weeds. Glad you had rain and I hope you have a steady amount through the season. I do remember the horrible drought you just came through.

  5. I thought I was the only person who had issues with the Mandalorian. Poor writing is ruining what could be an extraordinary show. Last week's episode was better. This week's show was embarrassing. Isn't Bryce Dallas Howard (?) Opie's young 'un? If yes, it explains a lot.

    I am going to try your recipe for fire ants. Boiling water kills them organically but kills the grass too.

  6. I am increasingly inching my way onto your side of the religion divide. Although I will probably never publicly say anything because Bible Belt and crushing my close relatives. They're already worried about my immortal soul because I'm such a liberal. ALSO, my current church is as liberal as I am & takes the mandate of taking care of "the least of these" seriously.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.