Saturday, April 29, 2023

another garden report

Too wet to do anything outside on Friday, and then it rained again that evening, though I did spread some fertilizer around in various pots and under the tomatoes and around the green beans, poked 10 more green bean seeds into the ground, and dug up some of the byzantium gladiolus and took them down to my neighbor. He sent me back with two handfuls of green beans, three carrots, and a zucchini from his garden.

Here's a picture of my little spring food garden. Four tomato plants across the back, a row of green beans, and one little bell pepper plant that I acquired Thursday. In front of all that in the empty space is where I poked the new beans into the ground.

My potatoes are in a tub farther away and one of them is already making flower buds and not even either of the two biggest plants. Too soon for that. I still have about 6 or 7 inches of dirt to add.

I have another big tub which I plan to put velvet okra in since the same neighbor is going to give me a couple of his small plants.

The three spots where I put the cone flower ginger roots that Ms Moon sent me did finally sprout and so did the purple orchid tree. However, none of my big red or pink amaryllis have bloomed though plenty of foliage, none of the bearded iris I got last spring at the garden club plant sale have bloomed, and none of the red crinum lilies have bloomed but it may still be too early for them.

The daylilies are sending up lots of bloom scapes though with a few flowers already opening.

This little trailing petunia that I planted at least three years ago is covered with flowers.

More little tomatoes.

The german verbena.

I did have one multi-petaled frilly poppy volunteer.

One blue love-in-a-mist.

An anole with an intact tail, a rarity in the yard this spring with Cat around.

The first easter lily opened. I'm not getting many flowers this year because of the arctic freeze, same as last year and the year before when I didn't get any.

This flower on the pink angel trumpet opened white! It did turn pink later in the day.

Today is cool and clear with low humidity but very windy. Mostly I'm just moving bricks around, either moving the scattered piles around the yard into the barn or lining them up along the sandstone slabs I laid down along the west side of the house. I have plans to start up the gas trimmer after lunch and tackle the yard since the riding mower is currently non-functional. I have a little electric push mower but stuff is too high for it right now.

Oh, and btw, tomorrow is my birthday. 73. I could barely comprehend being 50 when I was in high school.


  1. Happy almost birthday! Sounds like a good age to be. Enjoy it!

  2. Happy birthday Ellen. Stay well. Always looking forward to reading your blog.

  3. Well, happy birthday, dear Ellen! I'd say you've managed to be a pretty good place and space for your seventies.
    Don't you love knowing your plants so well that each bloom and fruit is known to you? Or almost, at least.
    I'm so glad your pine cone lilies are coming up. Mine are too.

  4. Happy birthday, tomorrow! So The Cat is a torti. I did not realize that. She just wandered in and selected you, or she has other families round about she boards with, too? Mine has accepted the apartment as her home (Her Home), but remains uncertain about me. She doesn't know I can outwait her.

  5. Happy birthday! Enjoy your day. Will there be cake?

  6. Happy Birthday to you! I can not get over the size of your tomato plants. Mine is no where near as big.

  7. A garden is a lot of work, isn't it, and perhaps more so every year - especially when you get to 73. Happy Birthday, Ellen. I hope you received a new pair of gardening gloves!

  8. Here it is your birthday, and you shower us with gifts of your very beautiful flowering garden. Happy birthday!

  9. Hope you have a nice birthday, Ellen! Wishing you a year filled with good health and lots of fun adventures (oh, and lots of blooming flowers!)

  10. Happy birthday! I'm glad your pine cone lilies (which is what we call the cone flower ginger plants) have come up.

  11. Happy Birthday. Whatever is not blooming, a lot is! and I love the anole!

  12. Happy happy birthday!! Meanwhile, I'm thinking about pulling up some of the bee balm (there's SO MUCH OF IT) and planting a few different wildflower seeds. And that's about all I think I'll accomplish in the yard this year. Ha!

  13. 37paddington: Happy birthday! We are both Taurus! Mine is on Wednesday.

  14. It looks as though your garden has bloomed in celebration of your birthday! I hope it was a great one. I've never heard of that little trailing petunia, but I really like it. I need at least one hanging basket, and I think that might do the trick. I've seen a lot of pink evening primrose that start out nearly pure white this year; it seems that your angel trumpet decided to give it a try.

  15. I'm not at all surprised you couldn't comprehend being 50 when you were in high school. I never understood the US school system so forgive me if I ask what grade were you in at the time? How many grades to go? Hadn't you noticed that most of the kids could run faster than you? And - I imagine - most had less pocket money. Didn't drive to school in a V8 Packard. Hadn't given birth. Cheap shot, eh?


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.