has gotten off to a rough start but things are finally starting to
emerge, and in some cases, emerge again. Still waiting to see if the
star of india, the morning glory bush, and the angel trumpet made it.
the trees have finally come out...the maple and the water oak first,
then the ginkgo followed by the crepe myrtles then the rain tree and
the other oak with the tallows and the pecans bringing up the rear.
around looking for green shoots I saw this fellow.
The blue iris and the ground orchids got decimated by the late hard freeze but
the bluebonnets, and indian paintbrush, are blooming.
are the baby blue eyes.
evening primrose are starting up
is the mock dogwood.
azaleas are blooming,
white iris
the nun's orchid.
have not put our spring food garden in yet and it may be minimal this
year. Being in the city half of every week doesn't give us much time
to deal with it. We will get one job finished this week and then
it's back to the doing full size art work. I'll be glad to have a
couple of weeks here before starting fabrication again.