Tuesday, October 22, 2024

sewing and voting

Early voting started here yesterday. Marc went and voted, I voted today. 

We are both sick of the non-stop political ads on network TV, particularly the ones for Ted Cruz here in Texas who is weirdly obsessed with transitioning and is claiming in his ads that his opponent is in favor of schools transitioning little Johnny into little Joanne during lunch without parental consent. First of all, no one is performing transition surgery on children and certainly not school administrations that require a signed parental consent form to give your kid an aspirin or put on a bandaid and that are already underfunded. And second, transition is a long process involving chemical, social, and psychological steps before final surgery. That republicans are promoting that schools are whisking your kids away and performing surgery on them without parental consent is patently absurd and yet, here we are.

Two weeks left until Election Day and the mainstream media still refuses to accurately report on Trump’s worsening dementia or his plans to turn this country into an authoritarian state; his desire to round up and punish everyone who he feels is against him using the armed forces against American citizens, his so called ‘enemy within’ straight out of Hitler’s playbook; his intention to revoke the legal status of immigrants and ‘remove’ millions of legal and illegal residents which he admits will be bloody. And then there is the plan to implement the heinous policies of Project 2025. I don’t give much credence to polls because I think they are heavily influenced by who pays for them, who conducts them, and who they call but, Jesus fucking Christ, it is still unsettling that they continue to show this as a close race.

I didn’t intend this to be a political post so moving on…

Last Saturday Jade arrived around 5:30 for help making her vintage clown Halloween costume. She had the pattern and everything else necessary for us to make it. So Saturday night we laid out the pattern and got all the pieces except for the ruffle and hat cut. Sunday was a long day of pinning and sewing and altering and by 7 pm we were both tired but we had the basic costume made and the fabric for the ruffle cut out and hemmed. 

Monday morning I gathered the ruffle while Jade cut out and sewed the hat and then we sewed on the pom poms and were done.

As long as I have my sewing machine out I decided to remake the blue patterned skirt I made two years ago to wear to my great niece’s wedding. I’ve never been very happy with it because it’s too full, the material being a little over 4” wider than what I had used with my other skirts. So I’ve almost got it taken apart enough to cut out 4 1/2 inches which may not seem like all that much but I’m hoping I’ll be happier with it. 

I might even make the new skirt out of the fabric I bought over a year ago. Similar batik pattern, different colors.

Cat on the sunning platform in the old turtle pond. She thinks she’ll have a better chance at getting a leopard frog from there I guess.


  1. We're ready to vote and will be going to Monticello to do that this week, I believe.
    Meanwhile, I am astounded that all of the national and regional newspapers and journals do not have screaming headlines announcing Trump's obvious rapid descent into madness. And why does his party put up with this? So that they can get a Vance presidency out of it?
    I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
    Jade's costume looks fabulous. Jade looks fabulous. And I want a fabulous table like that.

  2. I really like that batik fabric. Great for a skirt.
    Jade's lovely!

  3. Great job on the clown costume; it turned out so pretty. On a pretty girl.
    I voted yesterday. What struck me as unusual????? I voted at the library five minutes from my house. I was shocked by the fact that there were Harris/Walz and other signs for Democrats all around the perimeter of the place. Those signs are as scarce as hens' teeth all over town. But there was not one sign for Republicans there. Is not that unusual? Or am I just so old that I don't remember? There are Trump/ Cruz signs in neighborhoods, but none there? Lines were long. Parking lot full. I drive by today, and it wasn't so busy. Sure do hope the good side wins!
    I like your skirts. Think you told us when you were making that one.

  4. That costume was a lot of work and quite successful.
    This election needs to end soon, so I can stop obsessing on YouTube accounts of the orange decline.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.