Saturday, October 19, 2024

birthday party, flowers, some yard work, and speechless

Last Saturday was my great granddaughter’s pink dinosaur third birthday party. Her parents got a castle bouncy house, grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken, invited friends and family, 4 generations, the twins came in from Austin, so all of Sarah’s family was there. It was a fun day.

Jade and her mom have such a loving relationship.

And then Tuesday I went in for the TEE to check on the watchman device results of which show a very small leak well within the normal range and so I will still stop the eliquis blood thinner and go on baby aspirin and plavix for about four and a half months then just baby aspirin. But…he wants another TEE in three months to see if the leak has closed up or is stable. Damn. I told the wonderful nursing staff at the Heart Rhythm Center that they wouldn’t be seeing me again.

There’s a new car wash in town that was offering a free $25 carwash and I finally redeemed my coupon last Thursday. 

The car looks great and I even took advantage of the super powerful vacuum station and did the inside and the trunk. One of the volunteers at SHARE always ribs me about all the leaves in my trunk when he helps put the flattened cardboard in there so I can take it to the recycling container. Boy is he going to be surprised next week.

The confederate rose shrubs are starting to bloom. One opens white and turns pink and the other opens light pink and turns dark pink. Neither one is blooming all that well. So far most the buds aren’t opening fully and when they do the flowers are smaller than usual.

Today I got out and weeded the flower bed in front getting all the invasive dew berry vines out and the invasive ground cover that has taken over the yard since it flooded during Harvey and did the same in part of the long flower bed on the west side in back. I have two small purple philippine lily plants that are blooming in the front. The white reseeds readily and grows and blooms vigorously but its purple cousin is a slow grower. Of course it could be because it really doesn’t get enough sun in the front.

This morning I had a surprise visit. I was out at the back of the property when I heard a cat meowing and Lovey stuck his head out from under the Wicked Bitch of the West’s container. He came on out and while I was asking him what he was doing over here I heard another cat meow and I looked over to see Twin. Twin who is always silent. 

Looked around but didn’t see Handsome Boy anywhere. It’s a good thing neither Cat nor Minnie saw them because they would have been chased back across the street where they belong. Minnie doesn’t chase them in their territory when we go across the street to feed them because I’ve taught her not to but over here is a different story.

OMG. Marc just showed me the local bi-weekly newspaper with an article about being ready for early voting when it starts on Monday. They wrote “we have boo coo voting machines.” Boo coo. Just for the record it’s a french word and it’s spelled ‘beaucoup’. 

We’re doomed.


  1. Sometimes I smile when I'm reading blogs or such, and sometimes I laugh, but I rarely snort. "Boo coo" made me snort. Good grief.

    One of my readers who adores Confederate roses says hers are lagging, too. She doesn't have quite as many flowers, either. I know nothing about the plants, but I'd sure suspect Beryl along with all the rain we had. At least they're blooming for you.

    I finally took my car in for a wash, and I swear: if I ever find a place that can clean the windows without leaving them smudged and streaked, I'll be a customer for life. I finally went out and cleaned them myself this afternoon.

  2. Wallah, we have boocoo machines!! Yay us.

  3. It's good news to hear the heart rhythm procedure was/is a success.

  4. I pray there will be boo coo blue votes cast on those boo coo machines! The pink dinosaur party looked like big fun.

  5. Confederate roses are beautiful. They're so fluffy. Boo Coo - that is the most pathetic thing I have ever read. Lately I'm seeing "boarders" when the writer meant "borders". I guess the Koch brothers were successful in ruining public education.

  6. Ha! "Boo coo" -- I love it.

    I wonder why the confederate roses aren't doing as well this year? Too much water or not enough?

  7. Good news from your heart! And as always, your flowers are such a treat.
    More than ever before, we need to look after our grandchildren and their future - otherwise they are doomed.

  8. I am hoping that was an actual Halloween take on beaucoup. Love seeing pictures of everyone's family.

  9. Boo coo? Little wonder the demise of local newspapers continues apace.

  10. Oh my gosh! I haven't heard anyone use that phrase in a long time. I guess that the editor of that small town paper hadn't EVER heard it. Ooh boy.
    Well, at least you still have some confederate roses. Mine died. Gone. And also- can we stop calling them confederate roses? Let's call them Prom Queen Posies.
    I'm so glad that everything looked good at your appointment. I can't believe how much you've had to go through.
    Your birthday parties sound and look like ours. Barely controlled chaos with good food and happy kids. That cake is almost as pretty as your great granddaughter.

  11. Boo coo and wallah (voila) send me up the wall! Well, it's obvious French is truly a foreign language to too many! LOL

  12. ""boo coo" My God, we've become a nation of illiterates, thanks for sharing the photos of the birthday party, nice to see folks having a good time.

  13. Paisleigh has to be the most adorable toddler (and I say that even though I'm partial to my great-nephews). I like boo coo - although maybe it should be boo coup...

    Oh oh oh! My snowflakes came! Thank you! I was going to post a photo on my blog, but I felt SO unwell yesterday that I completely forgot. And anyway some of these are destined to be gifts, & this way they'll be a surprise.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.