Saturday, October 26, 2024

coincidence? and beautiful things

Wednesday night during one of my several dreams, I had to solve a word game where every other word in a phrase was missing and I had to fill in the missing words and the phrase was a lyric from a Rolling Stones song…”you can’t always get what you want”. Thursday morning when I got in the car to leave for SHARE and started the engine, that song came out of the radio starting with that exact phrase. Whoa! And the really interesting thing is that that song and the rest of the lyric…”but if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need”…has always been one of my guiding mantras or life themes.

Other song lyrics had a big impact too…”s
ometimes we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the key” from Already Gone by the Eagles; “and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make” from The End by the Beatles.

Others just from general wisdom like ‘what goes around comes around’, or from the Navaho story of Spider Woman about the importance of balance in your life and the danger of perfectionism; or from a sign in my friend Gene’s studio which said simply ‘PERSEVERE’.

But the one I probably focused on the most especially during trying times, days or years of struggle, was straight from my own head…’this is only temporary’, a distillation I suppose of ‘the only thing that stays the same is that everything changes’.

Three other things. I made cheese enchiladas with meat sauce for dinner last night. Finally getting the hang of it. This time and the previous attempt came out really good.

My night blooming cereus, queen of the night, bloomed last night for the fourth time this year. Only half as many flowers as the previous three blooms but this time I remembered and went out after 10 pm with my flashlight and breathed in the sweet scent on the air.

Sitting here this morning reading blogs, hearing Cat thumping around the door to the little bathroom, figured she had brought in an anole. Finally got up to rescue the little creature. She was in the bathroom peering between the door and the wall. I looked, and her persistence over at the old turtle pond paid off. Not an anole but a leopard frog, still alive. 

(picture off the internet)

Dammit Cat. Don’t know if she chased it into the house or carried it in through the open back door. I picked it up and it croaked, examined it for damage, didn’t find any, carried it back to the old turtle pond, put it on the edge and it leapt back into the water.



  1. Fingers crossed for the frog! Those photos of the cereus are breathtaking, as always.

  2. That night blooming cereus is beyond magnificent.
    The enchiladas look very fine.

  3. Let's hope that frog, now that you saved him, will turn into a charming prince who will occasionally help you with your burn pile and other heavy garden work.
    That cereus just blows my mind!
    As teenagers, we never knew what the lyrics were about, imagine! Our English wasn't good or even non existing. Rock music was music. Lyrics were more like poetry, not essential. I remember trying to translate "Bridge over troubled water" with the help of a basic tourist dictionary and gave up on troubled, how could water be troubled? WTF? It felt weird later to think that English native speakers could understand even the trashiest song lyrics all the time - and still enjoy the music.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.