Wednesday, October 2, 2024

another truckload, anoles and toads, I visit

Last weekend I finally got all the debris piles off the ground and in the truck ready to be dumped on the burn pile if and when we can burn again, cut the rest of the canopy and small non weight bearing branches that I could reach on the second damaged tree cut up with my baby chainsaw and also in the truck. 

Now I’m ready to get out the big boy chainsaw and go after the big fallen limbs and the bigger non weight bearing dangling limbs. Once I get that done then it will be time to get more qualified help to get the dangling limbs cut loose and on the ground. Once on the ground, I can deal with them.

Saturday while Robin and I were out walking Minnie and we got to the end of the street, my friend’s 8 year old granddaughter was out in the yard. Miss Ellen! She came running over, look what I have.

These two anoles were quietly just sitting in her palm, making no effort to escape. The day before she showed me two toads in a glass jar half full of water she had scooped out of the little pool in their front yard. I told her not to leave them in the jar as they would drown but to let them go after she was through watching them which she did.

Sunday afternoon I went out to my daughter’s place about 20 minutes from here out in the county to visit and to get some fresh eggs. 

My grandson Mikey and Audra and their daughter, my great granddaughter Paisleigh moved back here from Arkansas in August and they recently bought a 35’ travel trailer, two bedroom and 1 1/2 bath, to live in until they get more permanent living quarters built on the property. This gets them out of Sarah’s house and gives them and Sarah and Mike personal and private space. So I drove out to visit and see the new trailer. Paisleigh gave me a grand tour and then wanted me to color with her.

Later Sarah and I and Paisleigh were sitting out under the canopy when Paisleigh announced she had to go fix her hair. She ran into Sarah’s house and came out with this bow on her head and her little pick bead bracelet on. 

Then she announced she was going to fix my hair and she put the bow and bracelet on me.

After about five minutes I took it off. Oh no, Gramma, she says, you have to wear it so I dutifully put it back on.

A few miscellaneous pictures. Current progress on the drawing.

My neighbor’s Halloween display. It’s been up since mid September.

The top part of the yellow bells shrub over at the shop yard that gets full sun. It’s as tall as the banana trees next to it.