Friday, September 6, 2024

sore muscles, rainbow, and other miscellania

I was really feeling achy for a couple of days, a little discomfort in my chest and back, and so Tuesday morning I called the doctor’s office and spoke with the nurse just to make sure that this was either normal or something to be concerned about or just from lack of any exercise for months which I had been used to doing. She spoke with the doctor, should not be experiencing any discomfort from the procedure, did I try any pain relief and if it continued to call back and they would schedule a stress test. So I took ibuprofen during the day which helped and by the evening felt fine so I decided it was option #3 and did a slow and modified version of my yoga routine before bed. I slept all night, waking only once to go to the bathroom and felt fine the next day. The discomfort has not returned but by end of the day Wednesday my arms and other parts of my body were so sore! Regardless, I did my routine again Wednesday night before bed and went to class last night. Just three days in a row of yoga and I already feel better, still have sore muscles after a long period of disuse but even that makes me feel better.

We’ve been getting rain nearly every day since Monday for which I’m glad because we really needed it, a little over 2 1/2” so far this week. It’s been much less hot if not exactly cooler but that is about to change as we are getting a first real cool front this weekend and will have lows in the 60s all next week, highs in the 80s. It was drizzling/sprinkling a little when I left yoga class last night and saw this on the way home. At first I stopped and pulled into a side street and took a picture through my windshield afraid it would fade before I got home, but it was still there when I turned into my street so I stopped again and got out and took this picture over the cotton field. It was a double rainbow, the one on top very faint but you can see it in the upper right corner. The color bands don’t really show up that well in my picture but they were very evident looking at it.

I haven’t worked much on my new drawing. The ink came and I got my print. Here’s my progress so far on one leaf which still needs a lot of work.

I guess I’m going to get out there today and load up the truck again even though I haven’t taken the accumulated metal to the recyclers yet. I’m more interested in getting rid of two more piles of broken tree debris. I took these pictures yesterday of one of the ‘legs’ holding up the hanging limb on one of the trees.

And last, walking around the yard earlier yesterday I spied this tiny just hatched anole.


  1. 37paddington:
    Good on you for getting back to the yoga. I should take a page from your book.

    1. you should Rosemarie. Even just a gentle stretching class would benefit you and you might even really enjoy it. most people, I find, don't want to start because they feel like they can't keep up with others in the class who have been doing it for a while but the thing is, people mind their own mat, they aren't looking around and judging beginners.

  2. It must be baby-hatching time for those little guys. I've been seeing them too and there is no way to overstate their cuteness.
    I wonder if your pain could be simply from the long list of medical insults your body's taken this summer. Just a draining of the stress of it all. Who knows? Not me. You are wise to pay attention. Don't overwork it.
    I think you have a stick creature there.

    1. yeah, probably. I'm just hyper aware of every little twinge right now. that's what I thought, some sort of creature with a long snout.

  3. It can take a while to get the confidence back - that feeling that our bodies are just fine and we don't need to be so careful and aware of them all the time - when you had the stuffing knocked out of yourself like you did. You'll get there, one step after the other.

    Would you consider leaving some of the tree debris as a shelter/home for insects and whatever? Or is this too risky in Texas?

    1. Yes, I'll be glad when I'm far enough from all these procedures and tests that I don't question every little twinge.

      The areas I'm cleaning up are all close to the house but we have a half acre and the back half is edged by completely wild and overgrown trees and grapevine and brush so there's plenty of living space for bugs and other stuff. plus we have a dead tree in the back of the property which we have not cut down because, one it's big, and two if and when it falls it will fall into open space.

  4. I think you're right, it's being less active than you're used to. I'm glad you found a solution. I love anoles, and baby ones especially.

    1. physical activity is essential for well being, at least for me.

  5. I miss having a rain gauge. I think it has rained a sufficient amount this summer, but I understand we remain in drought.

    1. we were on the verge of a burn ban when this band of rain came through. of course now, all the debris is wet and won't burn.

  6. I saw a double rainbow yesterday morning about 7 or so. Then, the clouds and rain moved in again, and that was the end of that. I'm grateful the rain has come, and that it's so widespread, but not being able to work for days upon days is concerning -- especially since we have more rain in the forecast for next week, and it's making it hard to finish my current job. I'll be working tomorrow (Saturday), but on Sunday you can bet I'm going to find a few hours to get out and enjoy our brief taste of fall!

    I saw a tallow leaf just the color of yours this week. There aren't many falling yet, but that will come.

    1. you get more rain than we do even though we aren't that far apart. we really needed it, were on the verge of a burn ban. today is gorgeous though. cool temp (so far) blue sky, low humidity. I've got the doors open airing out the house.

  7. Nice rainbow, especially over the cotton field! I didn't realize anyone in the USA still grew cotton. I thought most American farmers switched to soybeans or alfalfa and the cotton all came from overseas nowadays.

    Glad your discomfort turned out to be nothing. I can imagine it feels good to exercise again.

    1. oh yes, my whole agricultural county is primarily corn and cotton.

  8. I think rainbows are always uplifting in their own special way. Add yoga to the mix and you have a formula for well being. Keep it up!

    1. full arc rainbows are wonderful and I'm lucky to live in a place where I could see the whole thing.

  9. Here's my fun rainbow fact which I just learned recently (but I don't remember where & if you were the one who shared it - oops!): the second rainbow of a double rainbow is in reverse color order. I had never noticed that - but maybe everyone else knew it already.

    1. I did not know that! but I looked closely at my picture and you are right. funny how I never noticed that.

    2. I never knew that either! I love rainbows and will look more closely next time I see a double one! ;)


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