Monday, September 2, 2024

being a good girl, flowers, another harbinger

You might remember I wrote about getting rid of a few pieces of Pam’s furniture including the old cash register chest that she used for jewelry of which my sister had a lot. The day I published that post I got an email from a reader who lives in the city that wanted to purchase it. We struck a deal and she’s coming out today to pick it up.

The weather has continued to stay out of the 90s, overcast today with rain predicted off and on the first part of the week, with lows in the 60s and next weekend two nights maybe even in the 50s! So says the weather app but we know how quickly the forecast can change. Such a contrast to last summer which was brutally hot and dry and lasted for months, even into October. Another sign the season is changing…

The yard is liking these less hot temperatures and a few things are blooming…the plumbago, the morning glory bush, a few double orange day lilies are have a resurgence, a white rain lily popped up.

A few scattered cosmos blooms but they haven’t put on their full bloom yet. They are taking over the flower bed they’re in and so I’m going to have to get aggressive when they finish blooming and pulling up next year’s volunteers to keep them in their end of the bed. 

I’m still being a good girl and not doing anything so we’ve been streaming From on Prime. It’s from the same people that did Lost and is similar in many ways while being completely different. The first season was due to stop being available yesterday and having started it before my procedure we powered through the rest of the 10 episodes and are now into season 2. The premise is a nightmarish town surrounded by a forest where the residents are trapped, any attempt to leave circles them right back to the town, where they try to survive from creatures that come out at night and other spooky things while trying to find a way out. The residents have come from all over the US who are out traveling when they encounter a fallen tree across the road. When they turn around the road leads them to the town.

Today and two more days of basically sitting on my butt and then I go volunteer at SHARE on Thursday. And yoga Thursday night and then Monday I begin to start back to my normal life. I should avoid strenuous exercise for several weeks the All Knowing Oracle tells me. I looked up strenuous exercise...running, jogging, swimming, dancing vigorously, aerobics, biking, jumping rope, basketball, tennis, etc, none of which I do. Some forms of yoga can fall into that category but not what I do so I think I'm safe starting back up. 


  1. I'm glad that piece from Pam is going to a good home.

  2. Excellent news about the cash register chest.
    I know you're panting at the door to be let out. Just promise us that you'll listen to your body and not push it to the outer limits? Okay? Thank you.

  3. That's good news all around, also great flowers. Just stay put a few more days, it's probably just a precaution but also for your own good. There are times we need to be more and do less.

  4. Oh I sure know how it feels to be home-bound a bit. And I don't even have an interesting garden to look upon. My chronic cough has been so bad I couldn't even go to the grocery store today, thinking I'd have to wear a mask if I did. So I am so glad you're going to yoga. I did my little chair yoga on Friday, and saw a few friends at the Senior Lunch site, but it's been a very sickie long weekend. Shucks, I should just not make another complaint, because it's going to get better, then worse like a roller coaster...and it doesn't really help me when I complain (and surely folks who don't know me don't really care!) Anyway, I do enjoy keeping up with your blog, and I hope we all have some fall-ish weather soon!

  5. Yoga is therapeutic at any time and I suspect it will be even more so now as you ease back into normalcy.

  6. Good the cash register drawer found a new home. It's an unusual piece, I think. The weather here has turned surprisingly cold.

  7. The gurus are sticking with their first front of the fall forecast. I saw another natural sign of the change yesterday. When I gave my 'pet' squirrel his shelled pecan, he didn't eat it; he ran off and buried it. That's the end of shelled pecans for a while! I've noticed they're finally getting after the cypress balls, too; those shells are starting to show up on the ground. I found four native rain lilies yesterday. I suspect in a few days there will be more.

    So good that you're coming to the end of your 'confinement.' Having it coincide with decent weather is a big plus.

  8. Pretty flowers! Glad you found a home for that piece from Pam's house. And glad you are being a good girl!

  9. "From" sounds interesting! I wonder if we can get that here? We're still watching "Manifest" and we started "Blacklist" not too long ago -- both entertaining if you can overlook the silliness of it all. Glad you found a buyer for the cash register drawers! The flowers are looking good. Our daylilies are long gone.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.