Friday, September 27, 2024

blast from the past, burn ban, rain but not on us

This little tidbit from the NYT newsletter this morning amused me: “Crowds of people are lining up outside a suitcase shop on the Lower East Side of Manhattan to get their turn with an exciting piece of technology: an analog photo booth from the 1970s. The booth, called Old Friend, snaps four photos, which take about three minutes to develop. The throwback has resonated particularly with members of a younger generation. “It’s cool to think that this is how our parents took their photos,” one visitor told The Times.” I still have the strip of photos Marc and I took when we first started going out, falling in love.

It’s been pretty uneventful around here this week. I got two more debris piles in the truck 

and plan to dump them on the burn pile today but no burning as they did call for a burn ban but not until yesterday. Still have two more piles to go in the truck and that will be everything I’ve cut so far so next I’ll cut the rest of the canopy off the second tree. After that I’ll get the big chainsaw and start work on the bigger branches that aren’t supporting the weight of the hanging limbs.

Wednesday I had a follow-up appointment with the EP, all is well, made sure I had the follow-up TEE scheduled for next month after which he will take me off the eliquis and put me on plavix instead for 6 months so a slow weaning off the blood thinners, told me to come back in 6 months. Drove through some very hard rain coming back, going 45 in the far right lane on the highway and still could barely see the lane markers ahead of me while people in bigger vehicles sped past me on the left. Fortunately I drove out from under the downpour fairly soon. This is what the sky looked like when I got home.

Another cool front came through yesterday, even dipped below 60 last night and nice and cool this morning though it’s already warming up. It looks like a nice low humidity blue sky day out there today. Doors and windows currently open listening to birdsong.

I haven’t worked on the drawing this week so maybe I’ll make some progress this weekend. I sat down Tuesday morning to work on it but realized after the first five minutes or so my mind was not focused on it and put it aside for later. I’m trying to finish the book I’m reading since someone is on the waitlist for it and the sequel to the last Preston and Child Pendergast novel has arrived at the library and is being held for me.

Time to get out there and take advantage of the day.  

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