Sunday, September 8, 2024

first fall day, lilies, and progress

Between Friday and Saturday I’m four piles of tree debris down, two on the burn pile, two in the truck, and three more to go. I’m not done making piles but I want to get the ones I already have either burned or moved over to the burn pile first. I’m only burning one truckload at a time so that the bonfire doesn’t get too big. Fortunately this stuff is very dry despite the rain we’ve been having and it goes up fast.

This picture of the back of my property past my property line is for Sabine who asked if I could leave some of the tree debris for the bugs and what not. It’s the Wild Space I refer to that is really part of the field behind but all this wild growth has grown up from not being mowed completely when they hay the field which they’ve only done once so far this year I think. 

Saturday was a beautiful blue sky day, low humidity. When I woke up it was cooler outside than inside for the first time of the coming fall season or what passes for fall around here. I opened all three doors to air out the house. Today is just as nice. Monday it starts to cloud up again and by mid week more rain is predicted. Even though it got hot later, up to 90, and supposed to hit high 80s today, nights are down in the 60s.

Walking around the yard, admiring the oxblood lilies popping up everywhere in the front

with Cat following me around,  

I noticed these. 

Last spring I dug up a big clump of surprise lilies (what Ms Moon calls hurricane lilies) that never bloom, or just one flower once in a blue moon, and replanted them where I thought they would get more sun and were less crowded. Two of the clumps are sending up bloom stalks. The third is a no show so far so I guess they aren’t happy there but I’m going to have at least 13 blooms!

Current progress on my colored pencil drawing of the tallow leaves. I had put in the dark gray shadow that shows in the picture but it just did not read as a shadow from the curled up edge of the leaf on my drawing and I really didn’t like it so I took it out altogether. Still need to work on the stem a bit but this leaf is essentially finished.

My only task today is to torch the burn pile if it’s not too breezy as I think I overdid it yesterday. I didn’t feel like I was exerting myself all that much just dragging dead branches out of the truck and tossing them on the burn pile or walking back and forth between debris pile and the truck and the stuff isn’t heavy but I was hot and sweaty when I came in and I definitely felt it later. I’ll spend some time working on my drawing and maybe sit out on the deck and read.  


  1. A day of work followed by a slower day is not a bad idea.

  2. That's a good rhythm, work a day, rest a day. Your leaf is coming along.are you enjoying doing it?

  3. I'm glad you're finally getting some cooler weather. It was 59 on my way to church this morning! I even thought about wearing a jacket.

    Yesterday I cleaned out the inside of my car - vacuumed & everything. Felt quite accomplished. So today I'm not doin nothin!

  4. At least your dead wood will burn, that's good. The leaf looks realistic, with perspective and all of that.

  5. It's been a beautiful weekend, and I wanted to get out and wander, but I went to work both Saturday and Sunday. Were it not for the next tropical storm bearing down on us, I wouldn't have worked, but it looks like Tues-Thurs is going to be another washout. I'm hoping Francine stays far enough off the coast that the effects are minimal. At least I got the HEB run over with before the crowds realize it's time to stock up, if they already haven't. All I need to do now is top off the gas tank and fill a couple of tubs with utility water if it looks like we're going to take a hit.

  6. It's nice the seasons are set to change. This has been a tough summer.

  7. You certainly have a wild area! Thanks for the picture. Wonderful vivid colours in the lilies. Isn't nature amazing.
    As always it is a joy to follow your artwork.

  8. It’s great that you are leaving some of the brush piles for insects and other creatures. They need our help more than ever in a world that is slowly being paved over and gearing up for another 3 billion humans by 2050. And we think rabbits are compulsive breeders!

  9. I'm glad you are giving your body a chance to rest and relax. Don't want to cause more trouble as your body has been through a lot! You still accomplish way more in a week than I ever think of doing, Ellen!
    I started an Art Journal on August 1st and I am still going on it, altho, some days I can't think what to draw so I just leave words instead of pictures... I'm not an artist like you, tho, just a doodler. ;)

  10. Glad the hurricane lilies (or surprise lilies, whatever) are prospering in their new home! That wild area past your fence line is nice. It must be good to have some shady greenery there instead of plowed farmland.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.