Wednesday, September 18, 2024

shoes and shells, mostly shoes

Some women are crazy about shoes, Imelda Marcos comes to mind. I’ve never understood the fascination, preferring to go barefoot whenever possible, shoes are utilitarian to me. While I like a pair of nice flats for the few times I dress up I don’t wear heels, haven’t since my mid-30s and back then only when dressing up, and never spike heels. Despite the shoe industry’s promotion of them in advertising, four or five inch spike heels always seemed like the American form of foot binding to me. Not quite as crippling but serving the same basic purpose; small dainty wobbly steps, me at least, and no running for your life. 

The last time I bought a new pair of shoes (and by that I mean real shoes not the cheap $14 dollar sandals I have bought every year or two at Walmart that wear out quickly) was in 2017 before our trip to Hawaii that are really worn out now.


This year I have bought 3 pairs of shoes, all sandals. Since my open toed black flats for dressier wear had worn out I went shoe shopping last spring to replace them. I ended up with some black sandals because my ingrown toenail had flared up and all the closed toed flats hurt. I think I’ve worn them twice so far. Early summer I really needed new everyday sandals, tired of the cheap Walmart versions, and shopped online and bought some Earth Origins slip-on sandals which cost more than I have generally paid at a shoe store and have worn all summer. 

I like them well enough but they only have one strap with which to tighten the fit and have stretched out a bit and my left foot has started to skew at an angle on the foot bed so I started searching for new sandals and Sunday I bought a pair from Ortho online. This is the most expensive pair of shoes I have ever bought, over $100 and that was 20% off, but they have three straps with which to tighten the fit and I like the style better than the ones I have now. I was FaceTiming with Jade and dithering about buying the shoes and how much they cost and as we were ending the call, love you, she says, and buy the shoes. So I did. 

Now I’m waiting for them to arrive and hope they fit and live up to the claims on their website.

I wear sandals as long as weather permits. I even, gasp, will wear socks with sandals, but I do have some winter shoes. I have a pair of ankle length moccasin booties that I bought probably in my 40s and have worn a hole in the sole of one of them but I just put some thick insoles in and still wear them. I have a pair of Sketchers that I like that a friend gave me probably 5 years ago because they were too small for her and some gym shoes that I bought right before I stopped going to the gym about 12 years ago that I hardly ever wear. I have some hiking boots I bought years ago when I went to Scotland in 2016, also that I’ve worn only a handful of times. And of course a pair of black cowboy boots, I am after all a Texan. There’s a few other pairs of shoes lingering in the back of my closet that I don’t wear anymore like the blue suede Cole Haan sandals I wore to a wedding two years ago that I bought at a resale shop and are really a half size too big, some worn out huaraches that I loved even though the heel was narrow and tended to twist my foot if I wasn’t careful, some dressier not sandal brown leather slides that started to hurt my feet the last several times I wore them.

I should probably buy another pair of enclosed winter shows. I like the sketchers and I’ve bought adidas in the past but here’s my main complaint about shoes with laces…they won’t stay tied. That aggravates the shit out of me. How hard is it to sell shoes with laces that stay tied. I have to tie them normally with a bow and then take the loops of the bow and tie another knot and still they will come undone. Maybe I’ll check out the kind that have elastic laces you don’t tie.

Autumn was in town and spent the day with me working on a project. She’s making decorative belts, one for her and one for a friend, from chains and seashells. Mostly I just supplied tools and an idea or two. Yesterday she glued jump rings to some of the shells Pam had collected (they didn’t all get thrown back into the Gulf) and made some from wire that she could insert into the olive shells, a loop on the end of a straight section about 3/4” long, and arranged them how she wanted. She has to wait until the adhesive cures before she can flip them over and attach them to the chains with smaller jump rings.

Later we went out to see the partial eclipse of the full moon since we had a clear night but when I asked the All Knowing Oracle what percent would be eclipsed and how long it would be, 8% at the top edge and another hour, not worth the wait so we came in.


  1. Jade is really into making! And shoes, oh dear, they don't make shoes with wide toes and narrow heels for me.

  2. Replace the (often cheap synthetic) laces with proper cotton ones.

  3. I can keep my boat shoe laces tied now, but the ones on my hiking boots sometimes come undone, partly because they're so long and I don't always take the time to wrap the excess around the top. Double tying usually works, though. I do have one pair of dress flats 'just in case,' but otherwise it's boat shoes and hiking boots -- and a pair that knee-high boots for water and fire ants. I never, ever wear sandals, because I need foot protection at work and out in the wild.

  4. To my eyes, Autumn is your Mini-Me. She is adorable. I like the belts she's making too.
    I hear you on shoes. I mostly wear flip flops, but good ones. Winter is hard for me because you can't wear flip flops with socks, dammit. I have a pair of close-toed shoes that may or may not be athletic wear. I don't know. But they're comfortable. There used to be a shoe store in St. Augustine when I was spending a lot of time over there that sold the very best Mary Jane clog type shoes that I loved. Neither the shop nor the shoe company is still in business. I have found a pair of Dansko shoes (the "Sam" model) that are very similar but not quite as comfortable. Still, when I have to dress up, I have them.
    I will admit that I used to love wearing heels when I went out in the eighties. That was a strange stage in my life. And I've always liked platforms, too.

  5. I'm with you on shoes and just have mostly practical ones for comfort and, in winter, for warmth.
    Autumn looks a lot like you! I love those pretty belts she is making...

  6. I actually wore heels to my son's wedding. Bought them on-line and to my utter delight they are comfortable and cute. Low heel that zips up in the back of the heel and simply slip on. Otherwise I wear my plastic Dawgs all the time, sometimes with socks. They are made for ortho problems and they seem to help. Just hard to climb up the drive in them! I have sketchers that slip on and am now thinking I will buy a pair with the elastic laces. Your granddaughter is just so cute, she is adorable! I am a bit jealous that she likes to spend time with you. All of my female grands are in Minnesota and I see them rarely. Not my choice.

  7. You have quite the shoe inventory! I have no luck with those elastic laced shoes; they just don't snug up enough, probably because my foot is narrower than the standard width.

  8. Shoelace tightening: ask any sailor, it's really simple, nothing will come loose.
    Check here:
    Ever since I was little, I have judged people by the shoes they wear. I have rejected potential boyfriends simply because they wore the "wrong" shoes. When I am waiting somewhere, train/bus station, waiting room, whatever, I always check what shoes people wear and come to "conclusions". I know it's terrible.
    I also wear the same shoes, more or less, for years no. In summer, it's Birkenstock, the ones where the toe is separated - easy bercause Birkenstock are manufactured not far from where we live and we go to the factory sale outlet. In winter, a specific pair of good quality Chelsea boots that I rebuy once they are worn down. Usually after about 5-7 years.
    In between and for walking especially, it's adidas Stan Smith lace-ups because they have a flat sole and fit my inlays but also because my daughter and my son-in-law and my grandchild and my man wear the exact same, we hope Stan Smith approves. I still have proper walking boots for hikes but my feet have changed and I have to figure out a way to have them widened by a shoemaker.

  9. As far as footwear is concerned, less is better in my world. Since I do a lot of walking, often on rough terrain, my principal investment is always in a good pair of hiking boots. They are worn more than any other footwear. Then I have a pair of casual shoes that I wear if I have to go into town. At home I wear slippers, and I have one pair of “good” shoes for weddings and the like. That’s it for me. The “good” shoes, seldom worn, are now approaching thirty years old, so it’s just as well fashion doesn’t change much in men’s shoes. I’d wear them anyway. One of my favourite pictures of all time is of a group of about six or eight Nobel laureates posed for a group shot and all wearing sneakers, even the guys in suits and ties. Comfort rules!

  10. I've reverted to toddler rules in my shoes. Clothing in general actually. If it doesn't feel good, it ain't staying on me.
    I always did go bare/stocking foot or in slippers inside my home, but since retirement, that's pretty much around the clock. The heels are long gone from my closet, as are some shoes that I somehow grew out of?!? Also, the last pair of shoes I bought are size 11 but I'm not sure if it's my feet changed or if it's cost cutting (using less materials) on the shoe manufacturer's part.

  11. I've bought more shoes in the last year than I had in quite a while. But mostly it was to replace ones that I've worn out. Since I work in an office I need "dressier" shoes and then I want casual ones. The most expensive ones I got were my new walking shoes - yikes! But they're really good & replaced ones that I'd had since 2017.

    Those belts are going to be amazing! I'd like to see one being modeled when they're done.


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