Friday, September 13, 2024

harvest, dangerous rhetoric, weird dreams

It’s a good thing I took my picture of the cotton field when I did because it’s been harvested the last two days.


Now that Trump was fact checked during the debate about his untrue hateful claims that hardworking, tax paying LEGAL Haitian migrants, who were invited to come fill factory jobs, are eating neighbors’ cats and dogs and geese from the pond in the park and ridiculed soundly on social media for saying it, he and his rabid supporters have tripled down on the claims to the effect that Haitians are being targeted in the community with vandalism and verbal attacks making them fearful of even leaving their homes. Not satisfied with that, when the mayor of Springfield OH had the audacity to state unequivocally that the accusations of pet eating are completely unfounded, agitators called in a dozen or so bomb threats against various government buildings and schools. While no bombs were found it did disrupt the city and cause a lot of fear. Nice going assholes. Trump and his hate filled minions are getting more dangerous by the day and are showing us exactly what we can expect if he gets elected. 

I do feel that Harris has the popular vote but we all know that is no guarantee she will win when it is the electoral college that decides who our president will be. It is crucial that people check their voter registration frequently since republicans are throwing people off the rolls left and right and doing what they can to restrict early voting and voting by mail. Now that Kennedy has switched parties in a bid to become part of Trump’s administration if elected, he has sued 10 states, especially swing states, to remove his name from the ballot in an effort to send his potential voters to Trump. North Carolina just allowed his name to be removed 5 days after the deadline for removal causing millions of ballots already printed to be destroyed resulting in delaying the mailing of absentee ballots scheduled to be sent out the same day shortening the time allowed to receive and return ballots by mail. It’s even more crucial that Harris voters do not let these tactics prevent them from voting.


Pictures from the yard to wipe the nasty taste of republican politics away. The surprise lilies are opening,

the white philippine lilies surprised me with blooms this morning,

and the indigofera.


I enjoy having a cocktail in the evening before dinner but I have refrained a few days before and after the different procedures over the summer. For this last one, I stopped a week before and now two weeks after the procedure I have still not had a drink, thinking I would wait until my heart tissue had grown over the watchman device, a process that takes about 45 days that will be confirmed by the follow up TEE. I’ve noticed two things since I stopped having my evening cocktail. One, I’m sleeping much better, which I like, not waking up nearly every night for hours of sleeplessness. Usually I wake up about 2 AM and it’s generally 4 AM before I get back to sleep. The second thing is I have been having the weirdest fucking dreams almost every night. I mean weird crazy shit and I’m not so sure I’m liking that. 

Last night I dreamed that I went to SHARE and they had completely rearranged things so the building was empty except for tables around the perimeter and people would now have to go to each table and ask the volunteer for whatever food item that table had. I thought this was a bad idea and asked one of the volunteers to step out for a conversation in which I expressed my views and he said they were going to try it out anyway. As I walked away heading home the street became flooded, the water getting higher and higher until it was about chest level when the street turned into a sort of concrete canyon where I stepped out onto dry ground but I was surrounded by water and the only way to get home would be to fly which I did. My sister was there flying beside me when we came to a building with a window just above water level and we managed to open it and step into the bathroom of a stranger’s house. We went into the adjoining room to tell the people that everything was flooded and we came in through the window wanting them to follow us and show them. Then I left with a friend to go borrow some guy’s sailboat and we would spend the day sailing. We got to the building where the boat was and the guy was helping get it rigged but it was taking forever. I tied the line from the sail to the mast with a bowline knot which I wanted him to notice and remark on it but he never did. Then another guy showed up and it gets a little murky, something about not getting the rigging right but the first guy, the one whose boat it was, and I started flirting and I’m thinking, this is the one. My friend gets angry when I tell her he is going to go on the boat with us because this was supposed to be just the two of us. I go off the bathroom (?) to change or something and when I come back everything is still not ready and I’m getting impatient because it’s getting late and he is putting together food for three when there are four of us. It’s almost 2 PM, I tell him, he says it's fine and to help and make the sandwiches. I’m trying to figure out how to put the three sandwiches together in a way to feed four people when I wake up.

I mean really, what the fuck was that about? I may have to start drinking again.


  1. I'm amazed you could remember such details of that dream! Wow!! 😳
    Your flowers are beautiful, especially that white one! It is so brilliant white!
    It's difficult to wrap my brain around the horrid, vicious shit that the Orange Lump and his minions have stirred up in our country! They are maggots scurrying in under the cover of dark!

    1. I don't always remember in such detail, usually just images or snippets but for some reason this one stuck. Trump and Vance are refusing to stop although when told about the bomb threats his response was merely 'need law and order'. now the Proud Boys showed up and marched through.

  2. The flowers are so beautiful, thanks for showing us. And that dream was a full length magic realism

    1. I've always had long involved dreams like that. not every night but throughout my lifetime. some from my 20s that seemed prophetic at the time.

  3. There are no limits to which Trump and his gang of rabid sycophants will not descend. It defies belief.

    1. the man cares not what havoc and violence he causes to happen to people. I think he likes it actually, makes him feel powerful in his demented mind.

  4. My sister used to tell me dreams of hers like that; full length, technicolor movies, occasionally starring Clint Eastwood. If I remember anything of a dream, I forget it within the hour. Or even the minute.

    1. most dreams I have are gone entirely with my first waking conscious thought and I'm only left with some residual feelings but sometimes they stick with me.

  5. I'm laughing like crazy. When I saw your cottonfields, I thought, "Oh, good. I can get up that direction this weekend and get some photos." Maybe, maybe not. At least some of the farmers have been able to harvest. I remember one year it was so wet it was just a mess; they had to wait and wait and wait, and there was substantial crop loss. There's been harvesting going on across Clear Lake, too. NASA lets its grasses grow on its property, and then does haying when the time is right. It's such a kick to see the Space Center land covered in round hay bales!

    1. I have a sketch of an art piece I've wanted to do in glass, one element of which is cotton but I think my working in glass days are over. so now I'm thinking about doing it in watercolor. my farmer was out there in the field last night after dark doing something. I could see the lights of the machine going back and forth. already harvested so maybe he was doing the first plow under.

  6. I just watched Trump's speech about California and, if elected, refusing to send them aid in times of wildfires. That was in addition to all the hateful comments about Haitian immigrants he was going to send back to Venezuela. Dreadful human. He and Vance won't be happy until someone is hurt in Springfield.

    1. he refused to send aid to California one year during wildfires when he was president. told them they needed to rake their forests or some stupid bullshit. when told about the bomb threats as a result of his rhetoric his only response was it needs to stop, law and order, as if he isn't directly responsible for it.

  7. Your lilies are gorgeous. My own Surprise! Hurricane! Lilies are popping up everywhere.
    That dream sounds very much like the ones I have although the missing element would be that I always have a child (or two or ten) to take care of and protect during all of the bizarre goings-on. I can't fly in my dreams, however. I wish I could.
    I think Trump is definitely going off the deep end. Of course that may not matter at all to most of his cult members.

    1. I've only had a few dreams where I can fly. usually I'm in a convertible car with the top down going up a very steep slope and when I get to the top to go down it is equally steep and I start falling. I've dreamed a couple of time that I can breathe underwater.
      Trump is totally unfit mentally and emotionally and republicans know it. I think they still support him because what else are they gonna do but mostly because of Vance, that he will be the real power and implement their Project 2025 so Trump getting elected is doubly scary.

  8. That was a crazy dream, Ellen! I woke the other morning early and my brain kept me awake trying to figure out the lyrics to Wooly Bully! I had started out trying to remember the title of the song Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy from Company B and somehow that made Wooly Bully pop into my mind. Why does my brain do this when I should be sleeping?!?

    1. oh, how funny! last night during a short period of wakefulness I was trying to remember the lyrics to House Of The Rising Sun! now why the hell did that pop into my head?

  9. I dreamed about Trump all night. Every time I would wake up I would think if I'm going to dream about some random politician, why couldn't it be Tim Walz or Pete Buttigieg? Apparently HCR has a good essay about Springfield today - I'm off to check it out in a minute.

    1. oh, thank the gods that be that I don't dream about him. I did read HCR's essay.

  10. I usually have three alcohol-free nights per week, and on those nights I also notice that I sleep more soundly. (Even though I only have one or two drinks on the other nights.) Funny how even a little bit of alcohol makes a difference.

    I'm amazed at the detail with which you remember your dream. When I wake up mine are automatically gone -- POOF!

    1. right? I only have one drink but I suppose it would be considered a 'double'.
      I don't usually remember my dreams, usually they are gone with my first waking conscious thought just leaving me with weird impressions, flashes of remembrance, or residual feelings but sometimes they stick with me like this one did.

  11. Some dream! I suppose there's hidden meaning when dreaming of water and boats but what do I know.
    The white lilies are so delicate and pretty. Scent?
    I stopped drinking alcohol when I got my first autoimmune disease diagnosis in 2001 because at the time, my liver was the most affected organ and I was still at the stage in my life when I would not touch mdeications and thought I could handle this with diet and yoga and stuff - we know where that got me. I have only had the odd sip of wine at new year's and at my daughter's graduation. I've not missed it a bit but sometimes people get all worked up when I decline alcohol and I am sure there are some thinking I am a dry alcoholoc, especially when we visit Ireland.

    1. I seem to recall reading something in my 20s that water represented your sex life but I just looked it up and it has a lot of associations. pretty interesting. most of my memorable dreams include water.
      I always enjoyed my cocktail in the evenings but then I haven't really missed it either. I may or may not start again. or maybe not every night.
      and , no scent from the white flower. they only laast a day.

  12. I don't remember dreams like you do. I do know they were bad last night, but no memory of the content. Probably just as well. The Hurricane lilies are so pretty.

    1. I don't usually remember my dreams, gone with my first waking conscious thought just leaving me with residual feelings or flashes of whatever was going one but sometimes for some reason they stick with me.

  13. Just stumbled onto you blog, staying because of all the swearing.

    1. welcome. I hope you stick around. I don't swear in every post but I am proficient in profanity and don't mind using it.

  14. You have very detailed dreams! I usually remember just part of my dreams as I go about the day they come back in bits and pieces. I have been told that I scream out sometimes and I don't remember those, thank goodness. My flowers are mostly gone. The marigold and zinnia are still blooming. The mums from last year are starting to add some color. Next trip to Walmart will bring a flat or two home with me to line the driveway.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.