Sunday, March 31, 2024

more spring yard work and don't they ever get tired of being outraged?

According to the pecan trees, no more freezes until next winter. I usually notice when their buds start to swell and certainly when they start breaking open. I notice because I watch for it. Only this year it all happened while I wasn’t looking. Walking the dog the other day I saw that the neighborhood pecan trees were looking a little green. Checked mine when I got home and not only did they bud out, they’re blooming. How sneaky. I guess my summer shade canopy in the big backyard won’t be far behind. 

So, busy days in the yard. Potted up the fire spike and yellow angel trumpet cuttings since they all had well developed roots, added more dirt to the potato tubs (and I swear they grew even more overnight), 

checked on the zinnia seeds which are sprouting, planted more green beans which are pushing their way out of the ground, picked up and hauled to the burn pile about a third of the dead stalks in the ditch and abandoned the rest for a later effort but Robin’s boyfriend Evan cleared all the rest of them for me, pruned out all the dead branches of the mock dogwood and the dead canes of the climbing rose that I could reach and hauled it all to the burn pile, fertilized and mulched the azaleas and the camellia, moved most the potted plumerias to their summer locations and planted the big one back in the ground, cut back the rock roses about halfway. I think that’s all. Weeding and trimming on the agenda for today.

The maroon japanese iris is blooming.

Oh, and of course, today is Easter, a high holy day for Christians, another pagan celebration co-opted by the fledgling religion to get converts. Not being christian (or any religion) it’s just a good day in spring to get outside but the far right wingnut outrage machine is in full gear because, gasp, today is also Transgender Visibility Day and they are all over social media castigating President Biden for declaring Easter!!! to be Trans Visibility Day, even going so far as to call him a demon. What an egregious slap in the face to all Christians! The governor of Mississippi called it “an intentional attempt to insult and mock Christians across America.” Except President Biden did no such thing. He simply recognized it just as he recognized Cesar Chavez Day since they both fall on March 31st. March 31st has been Trans Visibility Day since 2009 and Biden had nothing to do with it. Easter moves around and just happened to fall on March 31st this year. I suppose they think that Biden should not have recognized Trans Visibility Day this year because religious bigotry and hate should take preference.

Because one fake outrage against Biden on Easter isn’t enough, they're also blaming him for the rule by the American Egg Board that’s been in place for 47 years banning religious themed designs from the egg art contest. The American Egg Board sponsors the White House egg art contest as a promotion for America’s egg farmers. Once again Biden has nothing to do with the rule, which btw was also in effect during Trump’s White House days and no one blinked an eye then, but that didn’t stop Senator Tuberville saying the ban was because Democrats are “a Satanic cult”.

Sheesh people, get a grip.


  1. Don't they get tired of being angry all the time? Their cortisol levels have got to be through the roof.

  2. So great to see your blooms already happening, and spring is there in full force. I copied someone's Trans flag, need to post it on FB now. Didn't know about it till a blogger shared. I'd be missing so much without these sources of info.

  3. I like your pecan tree's no-more-freeze knowledge. And your amaryllis!!! I celebrated Easter appropriately with washing the garden umbrella and hanging out the laundry for the first time this year.

  4. We are all pretty tired of the insane-ites, the Magas, the long tie wearers...Not even shocked anymore - nor are we outraged - we have lives to live. The only thing we can do is vote and keep our fingers crossed.
    You grow the prettiest stuff!

  5. The sprouting seeds! Mine aren't going in for a while yet.
    Next year Easter falls on Hitler's birthday. Hmmm.what will the Nazis say about that, I wonder.

  6. I thought of you this afternoon while driving Alt 90 down around Eagle Lake. I'd mentioned that I hadn't seen many crinum lilies this year -- well! The ditches were full of them! I didn't pause to photograph them, partly because the traffic was so heavy and fast, but there they were.

  7. Don’t you appreciate these ongoing manifestations of love and humility from these gentle Christians? Better go out and buy a God Bless America bible from their high priest, and while you’re at it get a lesson or two on your beginning journey to Retribution 101, and be sure to take a look at the image of President Biden tied up in the back of a pickup truck. It’s so inspirational. Yours in fascism - David

  8. My pecans are leafing out too. That time of year for sure. And that maroon Japanese iris is a stunner!
    Ellen, we are in a time of mass insanity. That's all there is to it. We are fucked and we are fucked up.

  9. I have no religion anymore but the Christians I know want nothing to do with Trump. It's gotten silly really and none of those being quoted can really believe that their Jesus would approve of Trump. It's just become a crazy reality show to them and I hope their show is canceled soon.

  10. I saw that whole kerfuffle about Trans Visibility Day. Honestly, these evangelicals try so hard to be offended. What if they put all that energy toward something positive, like, I don't know, housing the homeless?

  11. That false outrage over Easter and Trans day is just that, false outrage. And don't get me started on that moron Tuberville, the dumbest man in Congress. And with that I'll leave this little snippet on how the date of Easter is determined. "The simple standard definition of Easter is that it is the first Sunday after the full Moon that occurs on or after the spring equinox. If the full Moon falls on a Sunday then Easter is the next Sunday."

  12. "Sheesh people, get a grip."

    Inflammatory nonsense is a way for Fox to sell ads and for Republican politicians to win votes and get contributions by preying upon the largely gullible, bigoted, and ignorant Republican voting bloc. Still, Biden could have foreseen--and avoided--the furor his words caused , words that might have hurt him with independent voters.

  13. One of the accounts I follow (Under the Desk News) put this on threads yesterday - made me laugh: I CAN NOT believe the audacity of the Christians moving Easter to March 31 and diminishing the longstanding tradition of National Tater Tot, National Clams on the Half Shell, National Bunson Burner, National Crayon, & National Trans Day of Visibility. Last year Easter was April 9, year before it was April 17. You can’t just… change the date Easter was assigned at birth.

  14. Trump regularly uses "left-wing" and "commie" as terms of abuse when lashing out at what he conceives to be his enemies. Yet has, in the past, cosied up to Vladimir Putin and appears willing to continue doing so. But what sort of regime does he imagine Putin is running over there in Russia? Strictly speaking Putin's Russia is a well-controlled dictatorship but the embalmed body of Lenin (who had a more than brushing acquaintance with Marxism) is still on display in the Red Square tomb and is regarded as a tourist attraction. Perhaps Trump will get to pay Ol' Waxy Cheeks a visit some day but - given Trump's age - should be careful when descending the "steep set of mausoleum steps" to view this treat. When the tomb was re-opened in 2020 visitors also reported "a pungent smell of cleaning solution" but probably Trump would think the tomb employees drink the stuff to keep the blues away.


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.