Friday, January 5, 2024

the Department of Weird Food

I do not get foods flavored as other foods.

From the Potato Chip Division:

Potato chips are the go to for chemical flavor dusting.

Not weird so much as is it really necessary after fried and baked options?

From the Make It Taste Like Chocolate Division:

From the Instant Diabetes Division:

Makes my teeth hurt just to look at it.

Not food but food related, a thick slab of himalayan salt.

Even dogs are not immune.

And finally, chickens do not have paws!


  1. Well, to be honest, the chicken paws are probably healthier than any of those other "foods". I will say though, I've never heard of such a thing.

  2. Just say no to the chocolate ones. YUCK. I would probably try some of the potato chips though. And I laughed at the chicken paws - hahaha!

  3. Yikes on all of it! My tummy is saying a very emphatic no to chocolate ketchup. I may have nightmares about it!

  4. Chocolate hummus spread seems especially disgusting. Who even thinks up these flavours? I don’t know whether I shop with blinders, but I haven’t noticed this stuff. Perhaps it’s because I shop with a list and stick to it.

  5. I think people eat anything, out of boredom, curiosity, for a laugh and some may even eat stuff like this because they're hungry. I remember years ago reading about deep fried Mars bars and thought it was meant as a joke until I found them on a pub menu one day. Travelling as a student I once was served "couilles" in France and wondered for days what kind of weird white mussel that may have been until someone showed me what part of the animal this was by putting his hand below his belt. Chocolate hummus is harmless if awful.

  6. I like original stuff. I am not a fan of all the potato chi flavors out there, or the cereal. I don't want to stick my food on a stick, batter it and fry it. Just nasty tasting!!

  7. Dear God! I sometimes amuse/horrify myself by looking at the astonishing things that lurk in the cereal aisle of the supermarket. Margaret

  8. Glad I don't go to a grocery store any more. Too many of these items plain turn my stomach. But thanks for the introduction. And I bet my bil finds himself a Himalayan salt slab for fine meat cooking.

  9. A big wow for all of these! I sure don't have any interest in trying them! But they are sure curiosities! I do have a bag of sweet potato chips...just made from sweet potatoes. I wonder if they will be sweet and salty, which is a fun taste treat. My grandson makes wonderful cookies, like salted white chocolate macadamia nut. But he has made so many recipes that he can tweak them a bit here and there.

  10. Those all look gross to me so I wouldn't be tempted by any of them!

  11. On Facebook, I have been seeing an ad for "chocolate bone broth" ... that also sounds so disgusting🤢, so I add it to your list!
    However, the Pink Himalayan Salt is the only thing vaguely healthy on that list! I have some I found at Dollar Tree! It is better for you then regular salt! I did a search for the benefits of that stuff!

    1. I agree with you on the himalayan salt. it's what I use in our grinder. I just thought that 1 1/2" thick slab for cooking your meat on was weird. I guess you're supposed to use it on your grill but how do you know when it's hot enough?

    2. If it's been on the grill for awhile, it's probably hot! I guess if you slapped a hunk of steak 🥩 on the salt slab and the meat sizzled ... It's hot!🔥
      I would Google that, but I have no reason to!

  12. Yikes! That really is a lot of weird food flavor combinations. Makes me wonder why food has wandered off in such a strange direction of flavors. (NewRobin13)

  13. Dave and I had chicken feet when we were in China. Not a dining experience I'd recommend.

    Many of these are cringe-worthy but chocolate ketchup takes it a step further. BLECCCH!

    1. OK -- after a brief Internet search I've learned that choctchup is not real. WHEW!

    2. I must have come across the picture online but I took all the others.

  14. Why? Why are these things produced at all? Cereal has gotten so weird. We're back to Cheerios because of the low salt and sugar content. People just eat garbage in the morning.

    1. and people wonder why they are fat, diabetic, and unhealthy. the only cereal I eat is muesli (which I have to buy online) on Thursdays as I have to leave early but otherwise I cook oatmeal (no instant).

  15. Potato Chips flavors have gone totally Weird, there are many things I don't want my Potato Chips to taste like, and I do wonder, who are they catering to with these bizarre flavor profiles? Chicken 'Paws'... LMAO.

  16. Go figure ... You can get chicken paws at Walmart! I have seen them!

    1. That's where these came from. I'll have to check the other grocery store and see what they call them.

  17. Those chocolate concoctions are ghastly. I tried for a minute to visualize who would buy them, but gave up. I have tried vinegar and black pepper potato chips, and they were quite good, but anything that's dusted with chemical flavorings is off my chart, thank you very much!


I opened my big mouth, now it's your turn.